Day 2 to the mission

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    "Are you sure we're taking the right course of action?.

      "Of course we are, I thought I already explained everything to you"

     "You did but I'm still not convinced"

   "Is there anything to doubt?"

"YES! Everything is doubtful, and risky, what if we fall into a trap like the others"

     "Relax Star that won't happen"

"And how do you know that", she asked accusingly

   "Because I'm going to be there. And I won't let anything bad happen to you", he reassured her

    "You don't get it Dick, it's not about me but the team. With Blue bettle and super boy gone we need all the team power we can get"

        "Your forgetting we have a shape shifter, a wonder woman, a powerful witch/demon, a power hungry assassin and two hot leader's"

    "Yes that much I know but have you seen them lately, Damian's training like a horse, Raven keeps going to deep mantras and is to engrossed in her spell book to pay attention, Garfield isn't in the mood to crack jokes anymore and Donna keeps herself locked in her room feeling guilty for Conner's capture and we're busy sneaking of into the night without anyone's notice", she breathed her voice getting higher with each passing word.

  "First of all we're not sneaking of into the night, it's Daytime, secondly the Titans can take care of themselves, can't you see their all just self reflecting and trying to improve, they'll get over it soon enough though I think Damian is enjoying himself"

     "Whatever let's just go already", she sighed"we might as well head out now before it's to late, but that doesn't mean I like lying to my team at a time like this"

    "Star your to pure hearted for this world and don't think of it as a lie since nobody knows anything anyway", he explained

    "Let's just go"

               "As you wish my precious lady"

........  ..........

  "I can't believe we're back here again ", Raven sighed as she looked at the beautiful building that was much more chaotic in the inside

     "Remind me why we're here again"

"To see Zatana and her sorry excuse for a husband", said Damian checking the time on his communicator

   "Their not married Damian"

"They might as well be"

       "So this is your great plan"

"Yes, it's simple really all we have to do is get in, get the answers and then get out"

    "Right, then I suppose....

"And there she is", he closed his communicator "right on time, and even more good news the idiot wasn't accompanying her"


     Zatana treated her guests to tea and snacks. Raven not wanting to burden their host. Damian who felt entitled to such courtesy, helped himself with no shame and motioned Raven to do the same. Raven reluctantly took the tea and a single biscuit.

     "So what brings you here, did you finally tie the knot and decide to break the good news"

  Almost simultaneously the word 'NO' echoed through the room. Zatana was stunned. It seemed the two birds had made no progress since their last visit or they had but are denying it. How disappointing and she was so looking forward to hearing some good news that morning.

     "If you didn't come to express your obvious love for each other can you tell me why you're here"

   "We came about these", Damian raised his dagger and Raven her book simultaneously.

    "So, what about it"

"The old man who gave this to me said there was something special about it. It's supposed to be magical but all I can see is an ordinary dagger"

    "And how about you Raven. What's your problem", she asked

   "My spellbook. I can barely understand it. I don't know why that is"
  Zatana brought out her hand "let me see". Raven handed her the spell book. Taking it she took a good look at it then flipped through the pages and read through the content

    "Everything is in order and perfect condition so what's the problem"

   Raven sighed slightly depressed as she answered "I can't read it", Zatana looked at her questionably.

   "Well it's not that I can't read it, it's just that I don't understand some of the words. The language used in some of the pages is one I've never come across of"


"And I tried to decipher it but was unsuccessful"

    "I see, hmm.. and how about you ", she turned to Damian"what's wrong with your dagger"

   "It feels like a regular dagger"

"And that's a problem because.."

      "It isn't supposed to be"

"Really and why do you think so"

     "Like I said, the old man who gave it to me said it was magical"

    "If he says it's magical, then it's magical. I doubt that man would tell a lie"

   "And how would you know", Damian was doubtful

    "Oh it's just a hunch"

"A hunch?

     "Don't worry Damian Zatanas hunches are never wrong"

     "That still doesn't explain things"

Zatana was calm "who's helping who here"

     "Fine I'll drop it", he said reluctantly

    Zatana sighed "like I was saying, the man wasn't lying, it's magical", she took a good look at the dagger "as to how your to activate it, you should already know how to"

      Damian swallowed a curse threatening to escape his lips"except I don't, so could you tell me how"

   "That's easy", said zatana "just ask her"

  Damian followed her hand to the direction she was pointing


"Me!?", She stuttered "what would I know"

   "It's the same place with that book. In order to find out you have to go back"

   "Go back where?"

"To the place where you were born"

    It was Damian's turn to speak "what you mean hell?"

      Zatana shook her head "No, I mean..."

     Raven finished it "Azarath"

"I thought that place was destroyed" said Damian

Zatana sighed "That's not exactly true, now is it Raven"

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now