Captured 3

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The vents weren't so roomy. There was barely enough air for one to breathe. Robin didn't mind it. Growing up he climbed various mountains, so he was used to surviving in places with thin air. His main focus was on the mission he refused to think of anything else. Being a bit smaller he was able to slip through the vents with ease. Nightwing on the other hand wasn't as lucky, sure he had a flexible body throwing stunts like summersaults and balancing one hand on a thin rip was easy. He could bend backwards and curl if he wanted too but given the fact he has large muscles that was proving to be difficult.

    Still Nightwing managed to get in his large body taking up all the space in the vent. Irked that Robin had left him behind and was now far ahead Nightwing forced himself to move wondering why he even agreed to go through the vents with Robin. He should have just taken another route but that wouldn't have been a teammate thing to do. Try as he may Nightwing really wanted to teach Robin how to be an exceptional teammate and he couldn't do that if he wasn't one himself.

    Robin had indeed grown over the years he wasn't as cold as he was before but he still kept a bit of distance around everyone. The only people he let close was Alfred and Raven.

    His own father wasn't even included which didn't fail to surprise anyone in the least as both parties are epitome of loneliness. Bruce more so than Damian.
   Nightwing gazed at the brother he wished he never had. His eyes barely containing enough love. Sure they weren't blood related and Nightwing could leave any time he wanted. The only thing stopping him was Batman.
        Looking back to all those years ago Nightwing wondered why he was so he'll bent on joining the big Bat by becoming his lackey. The eyes that had once gazed up at his mentor with admiration back then had died. Batman was never really one to impact joy in ones heart  just emptiness and grievance, basically he and Damian are no different.    
          Bruce's inability to care was something Nightwing had realized back then. The man who he once was so proud of looked so old, lonely and heartless. Like father like son.

Gar picked up his Titan communicator. Seven words spelled out on the screen. Blue Beatle has gone missing Find him. He looked at Raven. She saw it too. "Any ideas?"

   "None but I can't help but feel that this whole thing is just one big trap. If we're not careful we might need back up"

   "I think the most logical thing to do at this moment is to regroup. What do you think"

   "I think that's a splendid idea"
"Better than Nightwings and Robin"

  "Well at least Nightwing, you're still behind where Robin is concerned"

   "There's no use talking to you about it. You're going to end up defending him anyway. I'll inform the other Titans to fall back. Looking for Blue might just lead us into more trouble. Hopefully they'll take the advice"

    Raven was feeling worse by the second she could only hope that the rest of her teammates were okay.

   Wonder girl breathed in a sigh of relief as the two men turned around to leave. Her and her teammate had been lurking around the two for over an hour. considering how strong their opponent is it was a miracle that they weren't caught. Turning of her recorder, she looked at Super boy who was still seething in anger.

    Patting him on the shoulder she signaled him to fall back. They had gotten some information they needed, so Wonder girl felt they had no reason to stay and decided to regroup with the others.

   "Super boy can you check out the situation?, This place is starting to give me the creeps"

   Super boy nodded and checked his Titan communicator. He had two messages. One from Raven and the other from Starfire. He clicked on them and read all there was, his expression turning grave with each message.

      Wonder girl sensing his mood looked over at his communicator

      I smell danger ahead let's abort the mission

     Blue Beatle has gone missing.
Find him.

    Wonder girl tapped on the message Starfire sent. "How long has it been"

  "It was sent to me roughly over ten minutes ago but if I have to guess he's been gone longer than that. At least for 20 minutes"

   Wonder girl pulled her hand back looking shaking up " is.bad"

   While she was still thinking of how grave the situation was Connor suddenly yelled  "LOOK OUT!!"

   In a split second Wonder girl found herself on the floor and at the same time a had reached out to grab Connor by the neck.

      She immediately got up ready for battle, but Super boy knowing they were far from numbered didn't want Wonder girl to get captured as well. No matter what one of them had to leave. As a last desperate attempt to get her out Super boy used his strength to land a blow to the figure behind him and pushed Wonder girl away from him

     "GO!, We can't win!"
"But I just can't leave you here"

  Two figures came out of the dark and tried to restrain Connor

   "Listen we're outnumbered, we can't win, so please just go. Find the others tell them to leave"

    Super boy struggled as they pinned him down to the ground. Flashing Wonder girl a goofy smile he said "don't worry about me I'm the amazing super boy remember now go"

    With tears in her eyes Wonder girl flew up into the sky swearing in her heart that she'd gat back at those guys.

    Seeing as she left Super boy sighed in relief, all he had to do was fight out these guys, but just as he was about to make a move, a green light flashed in his eyes and then he fainted. Only one word lingered in his fading mind 'kryptonite'
       Then they faded into the darkness.

Wonder girl looked back at the scene. Having no sight of her teammate, she wiped her eyes and typed on her communicator

      "Super boy's been taken. Everyone fall back".


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