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       The Titans were greeted with an annoying robber dressed in trunks and an apron which belonged to a certain one of the Titans who was already seeping mad. If Robin wasn't still unconscious he would have thrown this pest already. Yes the prideful yet annoying Constantine stood in that silvery blue apron unaware of the glares that where thrown his way. His attention on the dish he was preparing for himself.

        Kori especially found Constantines behavior to be especially rude. After all what kind of so called friend barges his way into someone's home and starts cooking with their apron on without notice. The leader of the Titans was already in a bad mood to begin with so her feelings weren't that full with hatred just a large form of displeasure.

     Raven read the room with much more composure compared to the rest . Although Constantine had a few loose screws in the head he wouldn't just come into their home for no good reason, he was stupid yes but not jobless.
      Looking at the unconscious Robin and beast boy Raven decided to ignore his presence for a moment and signaled Donna to help carry the boys over to the Infirmary.

     After tending to their wounds and making sure they had nothing else but a mild concussion she returned to the living room where Constantine and the leader of the Titans resided. There was something going on and she needed to be there.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .

       "Raven how far gone are you with that book"

    "I'm halfway through why"

"Just read and master as much spells as possible, your going to need it"

     It was kori's turn to speak
"You still haven't told us why you're here"

     "There's no need to be in haste luv, I'm coming to that", he turned to Raven "I recommend you use the dagger "

   Dick and Kori stared at Raven wondering what he meant but she looked as puzzled as they were. It took her a moment to realize what Constantine was talking about. She nodded in response indicating she understood what he meant. Though she wasn't too happy about the idea. It meant talking to her new found enemy and Raven wasn't all to fond about that.

   "Well love now that I'm done with my business, it's time for me to leave"

    Kori being the polite person she was offered some words of gratitude she even said he was welcome to come by anytime.

  Constantine smiled "no need to be so  polite love, I know no one would care to host my presence if they could help it, this is bye for now and Raven, don't forget okay"

    Raven left him with a simple 'fine' and then he vanished in smoke.

      The moment he was gone, Nightwing and Starfire each gave Raven a look. Too tired to explain she just shrugged her shoulders and went to her room.

   Knowing they weren't going to get any answers from her. Dick and Kori decided to retire to their condo as well.

   In meditation Raven thought about everything and how it related to her father. Trying to link the missing pieces. Her father wasn't helping matters by being a nuisance in her head. Feeling wary she got up and laid down. Her body gave into exhaustion even though her mind was still wide awake. She still had much more to think about and contemplate. But before she knew it, she lost herself to the land of her dreams.
    In an enclosed dark  room .Two beautiful violet eyes awoke and shone brightly in the dark. The moment she blinked the room brightened to an extent. On the walls were two lit torches.

     Coming to realize she was afloat, she immediately came down to the ground. The floor was cold and wet, the wind chilling. Picking up a torch she decided to move around. The silence was killing, her body shivered. Right before her eyes a small metal door appeared covered with chains.

     Crouching down she looked through the keyhole and saw blood. Faint sounds and screams could be heard. She flinched back unsure and half frightened, but seeing that that was the only door that lead to just about anything she had no choice but to enter it.

     Whisking away the chains with her magic, the girl slowly pushed open the door.

    The blood was real, and not just a figment of her imagination as she had hoped, there were different shades of it, some old and some new. Dry bones with decaying flesh laid littered on the floor. She walked forward careful not to step on them.

   There was a pause in her movements followed by a silent scream that was swallowed in pain, there before her was a young boy barely eight strapped in chains from his arms to his legs. Fresh blood slowly trickled down from his back that has just been whipped. His nose broken indicating he had been punched and his eyes that looked like soul less dark orbes stared blankly at her, his skin clinged to his bones, his lips cut and dry.

    Looking at him she wanted to cry. Losing herself she took a step back, cracking a bone in the process. The boy as if awake from his slumber rolled his already woken eyes up, flashing a hint of green. This time he stared right at her and said in a hoarse voice "mother are you back"

   And what he said next almost broke her .


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now