Christmas special

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          Damian remained unmoved as the rest of the Titans scurried to get things done. He watched as they hung up decorations in the air, placing misle toes here and there which was probably Dick and Garfield's idea. There was one person though like him that remained silent and dormant in the bustling atmosphere.

       Raven didn't even look up from were she was. She sat in place book in hand and looked as lost as ever, he hair packed up into a cute bun, he fingers long and slender as she held the book, her posture as straight as a board, her eyes busy as they scanned through the pages, the gem on her forehead glowed, making her look even more alluring. To make matters worse she was dressed in black a color that made her look sensual as well as mysterious. Damian silently watched her, his heart unsettled

    He was so close to her yet she didn't even notice him. He felt bitter that his most beloved comrade found reading more interesting than him. He wanted to throw the book away and say something, anything.

    Raven giggled. Now that surprised him. Raven never giggled. He found this new side of her strange, cute and endearing.

   She giggled again. This time he couldn't help but ask "what's so funny"

   Raven turned to face him, looking flirtatious "you, or should I say your emotions"

    "Are you in my head again"
"Hold on, before you accuse me of something didn't obviously do let me clerify something here. Do you really think I'm cute"


"Just now you said I looked cute and endearing. Is all of that true"

  "I never said that"

"But you thought about it. Face it Wayne you can't lie to an empathy"


"So you really think I'm cute and endearing"

"You forgot strange".

"Damian that's not the point"

"Yes, Fine okay, I think you're cute, strange and endearing"

"What else"

"Funny, smart, eccentric"

"Wow only me"

"Of course your strong, reliable, as sexy as fuck"

"Say that again ", her eyes looked deep as she looked over him. The Titans were long gone

"Strong, relia....

"No the last part"

"Oh I said your as sexy as fuc.."

  Before he could finish his sentence Raven was already on top of him

"Well I think you're as handsome as hell and I wouldn't mind fucking you either if it wasn't such a bad time"

   Damian who was completely flustered and pinned to the couch asked with an inviting smirk

       "Why is it such a bad time"
"Because I need to get on the nice list this year"

    "Raven you don't actually believe in.."

"Of course I don't"

"Then why the list"

"I'm he'll bent on pissing my dad of this year"

  "Are you sure you don't want to eat coals with me"

This time Raven laughed "I'm sure, but I am still waiting though"

   "Waiting for what"

Raven pointed at the clock I don't get it. Rolling her eyes she held his face to hers then pointed up. Damian gazed up only to see a mistletoe hanging above them. He looked back down and met Ravens stare.

    Raven glanced at the clock and smiled "hey Damian"


"It's twelve o clock"

"And you no the rules"


Raven stole the rest of his words in a fiery kiss. After 15 minutes they parted.

   Panting heavily Damian pushed himself forward and placed their forehead's together

   Breathing heavily he said "Raven"


"Merry Christmas"

"You too Damian"

They kissed again this time it was slow and loving. What a wonderful way to start the holiday 😘

    Hi my lovely fans. It's twelve am where I'm at and I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas. 😙😘😍🥳

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now