Operation Damian 3

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    After having his fill of blood, Damian returned back to the island just in time for Alice birthday. With a  sigh he put on his tux and headed for the party. After leaving his room, while walking in the hallway he bumped into someone. He raised his slightly bumped head to see two glowing read orbs staring right at him.
   For a moment he stood stunned. The dark stotic girl before him looked elegant and beautiful. She wore a deep dark purple dress with series of layers at the bottom, her hands were laced with black lace,  the light makeup she wore made her   normally pale face glow. At the same time she managed to maintain her calm cool look.
     Yes she looked similar to that of a Goth Queen coming from the depths of darkness, but boy was she HOT!.
     Damian just stared at her in a daze, he wanted to say something, anything, he wanted to complement her choice of wardrobe even, but all the words seemed stock. Damian had never felt such before. He found his own course of action or non-action irritating.
  Raven felt her heart palpitating when she caught eyes with Damian. He looks soooo good in that tux

Raven kept a brave expression  but inside she was practically screaming her head of like a total fangirl. Due to the series of temptation Raven was rather eager to rush to Damian's side, but then remembering what Damian did a few hours ago she decided to suppress that feeling and continue to scold him in her heart.

    While the two lovebirds were secretly admiring one another, two angry figures watched from the sidelines, their veins about to pop out of their head. Having enough both of them stepped out of the dark revealing themselves to be young.

   Heads turned Raven almost gagged as Garfield hooked his hand on her waist. Damian almost lost it when Alice hugged his arm leaning closer to admire her lover boy. The lovebirds from before exchanged a look before looking back at their esteemed dates.

    Seeing Alice hugging so close to Damian made her want to gorge her eyes out , it also made her want to end Damian for allowing such close contact. Her previous anger was brought out as a result. 
     Damian couldn't express the detestable uncomfort he was feeling at that moment , it was bad enough that Alice was clinging on to him like a koala to a tree 🐨, but now Ravens glaring at him like she's ready to take him straight to hell,  but the worst part is the way Logan was all over Raven. Seeing her waist being groped like that made him even more angry.  Hands off she's mine Logan, touch her again and your dead Damian was being serious and Logan being Logan decided to be a dick held Ravens waist tighter.

   Alice sensing Damians change of mood looked at the fake couple opposite them and her eyes immediately darkened. She looked back at Damian and as if summoning the courage leaned in to kiss him

     On the cheek. She quickly retreated like a thief caught in the act,  her face a bright red.  Damian was so shocked he couldn't move a muscle. Raven was so angry that all her muscles raptures.

   She flashed a smile at Raven that said 'that's right he's mine now so back off girlfriend '

   Damian wanted to beat her into a pulp.  He looked at Raven anxiously. Seeing her indifferent expression he felt a pang in his heart.

   Raven who was ready to send Alice and Damian to hell thought of a more excruciating means of torture especially for her wonder boy. 

  Smiling like the wicked witch she was she grabbed Garfield by the collar and pulled him close for what seemed like a long lingering kiss.  During this course of action Raven took the time to take in Damians expression as her eyes never left his.

   Her piercing gaze leaving him a deep message. That was her silent form of revenge and boy was it painful. She slammed her lips harder towards green as beast boy completely took over not caring about the fact that he was being used but more interested on how good Raven tasted.  Damian forced to watch this scene felt to hurt inside, although his calm cool usual expression hid his true feelings it didn't fully escape the demoness.

  Finally had enough and feeling slightly disgusted with herself, she let go of the clinging beast and stood opposite the other couple.

    She tilted her head slightly giving of a charming smile "so now that we got that out of our system,  shall we head to the party".

       This was a bad idea.
Raven began to regret her choice of action, had she known she would have never had made out with Garfield or come to the party.

  She was pissed off and sad beyond repair.  Alice was a total LEECH, she clung to Damian like super glue, not letting him go unless he wanted to use the restroom. She kept hugging and squeezing and kissing and touching and...... Ugh!

  She was driving Raven crazy, Damian didn't push her or found her actions gross, he just let her do whatever she wanted to do to him. And this was pushing Raven past her limit.

  She couldn't just sit and watch the guy she likes treating the girl she hates like a queen. It was all to much and she was reading of jealousy. Not wanting her emotions to get the best of her she decided to leave.

    As she stood ready to head back in,   she felt a warm palm hold her rest.  She turned to see who was ruining her plans. Oh it was just Garfield, she had practically forgotten him and felt kinda bad for ignoring him though the event but this weren't times for apologies she needed to leave now.

    "I'm sorry gar but I really have to go, sorry ", then she yanked her hand out of his hold and ran off.

~♥~~♥~~♥~~♥~~♥~~♥~~♥~~♥~( ̄3 ̄)~♥~
    Damian who was busy dancing with Alice felt depressed a bit, his heart felt unsettled and his eyes subconsciously searched the crowd for  his special person. Not seeing her his mood got sour and his heart weighed over heavily.

   He looked at Alice, a fake smile imprinted on his face though no one could tell if it was fake or real

    "Alice dear if you would please excuse me can I

    "of course you are free Dami just don't take to long you wouldn't want to miss my special announcement now would you", she poked his nose in a flattery manner but he replied indifferently

  "of course "
As Damian left her side. Alice eyes turned cold and her smile dropped down. She watched Damian's retreating figure with a complicated gaze.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now