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      Taking  weak steps to the door, the knocks got louder. Damian realized how silly he was being, so what if the person was knocking at his door got in anyway, it's not like he was a coward, besides avoiding such problems was unbecoming of a royal assassin. Just when did he become sooo weak, the Titans weren't helping him control his anger but making him softer.  Damian decided that he'd have to visit the leauge or head back to the cold mountains to live with the monks.

      Taking a deep breath, Damian calmed himself, maintaining his usual nonchalant expression he opened the door.......

    "Damian we need to talk"


  "Dick I need a situation report"

"I'm afraid it's not going well"

        "What's the problem, are those assassin's too hardcore or are your skills just lacking"

     "Real funny Bruce",
"It's not supposed to be funny"

    "You of all people should know how tight liped these people are, as you've undergone similar training, or far worse since you were 'his', favorite"

     "Your wrong I'm not like them",
"Are you sure about that Bruce", Dick raised an eyebrow and Batman threw a glare

Walking past his first son, Bruce headed over to the interrogation room.

    'If you want something done you do it yourself'

    Looking through the full length one way mirror, Batman gained back his resolve. Putting on his monotonous face he looked over at the skilled assassin's, bound by iron chains, that was glued to the ground due to the magnetic force coming from beneath the floor to ensure that no one could move. 

     It would take Superman to be able to escape unscathed, but these weak little assassin's, no he didn't t think so. Still he'll have to thank Damian for the useful suggestion.

    To say Batman had a chilling aura can be considered as an understatement. Just one look and all ones defense come crushing. The assassin's though skilled could still feel his pressing aura even though they could not seat him.

    Yes having such a deadly stare came with its perks but this doesn't work on everyone, let's say like Damian,Raven, wonderwoman, zatanna, Jason Todd and of course after much year's of adapting Dick Grayson

    Facing his prey's and knowing their weaknesses, Batman knew he had to take the slow approach.

"Can I come in"
         Damian gave a swift nod
"You know why I'm here right"
         "If it's about what happened that night I... "

    "No need to explain, I've come to a conclusion that it wasn't your fault and although you didn't intend it, it did happen, I have however come to you for more pressing matters, I think you'd like to hear this"

     After they had both made themselves comfortable the data began to roll forward.

   It could be considered that what was said was based on pure speculation, unclear facts and meer guesses, but as Damian listened the more everything began to make sense and fit in, with this information if true, the baby bat only needed a few more keys to solve this case, hopefully soon.

Speaking through the fixed mic attached to the small hidden speakers in the opposite room, Bruce kept his voice low and husk in other to not raise suspicion. Although he was not sure he had an inkling feeling that these assassin's had an idea on his real identity.

    To do that they must have been spying on him for weeks without him knowing which he felt was highly unlikely as he considered himself to be both vigilant and cautious 24/7, the latter being someone tipped them off which was more feasible.

     Batman decided to believe in the latter, but the only question which would be a serious key factor in this investigation if answered was who was feeding them information about him. Bruce added that to the list of interrogation questions to be asked or tortured out of if needed.

   With a tap on the mic, he began.


  Raven was a bit skeptical knocking at Damian's door, and the fact when he wasn't answering when he was clearly there wasn't helping.

   Deep down she knew their relationship couldn't go back to the way it was before, there were too many loose strings and    misunderstandings to count. Let's not forget the'incident' that happened last night, and left her with a horny dream and practically sleepless night, she could not explain.

    If things got weird then she'll have no choice but to bring out her last resort, which is erasing his mind of all events that happened that day.

  Raven was hoping things won't come to that because of the many side effects that came with that spell, and of course there was a slight chance that Damian could all off his present memories, reducing his mental state to that of a child. Like she said slightly.

   With a click the door opened. Taking a look at the boy wonder with a blank look on his face, Raven was seething in anger, wondering how on Earth he could remain so calm while she was an internal wreck when facing him.

        That said, Damian was always good at hiding his emotions, building a wall around his thoughts and feelings that even magicians like herself found it tenacious to break.

    "Damian we need to talk", yes after that a lot was said, she didn't want to go into the embarrassing details about last night, so she immediately dismissed him it when he brought it up, that wasn't why I am here. No. It was much more pressing than that.

    Raven felt weird beign in his room, it was no surprise though since they weren't speaking to each other as often as before, or maybe it was the fact that his room at Wayne manor was completely different than the one in Titans tower.

      At least he had posters and a few books there, but here his room was completely bare, he just had a bed and a table, a few of his old weopons where lying around which was understandable since Damian had a strict rule on preparation being a prerequisite for victory thing going on.

     The atmosphere around them was very tensed, it remained like that for a while. Raven having enough of the strange atmosphere decided to put an end to it, it was then she spoke.....

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now