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     Damian gritted his teeth and clutched his fist in anger. He was annoyed, not just at her but at himself as well.

  Damian's pov

   I wonder why, anytime I want to talk to Raven, it goes up in flame's. When did things get so bad between us, and why does it hurt so much.

  I felt a light tug at my chest, subconsciously my hand moved up and settled at my heart, but the pain only grew stronger and I couldn't help but squeeze my chest in both pain and frustration.

I don't know why but I suddenly felt like talking to Raven all of a sudden, as desperate as that sounded to myself all I want is to clear the misunderstanding between us.

As I was about to head up in chase, an unwanted hand held me back, turning around to give a punch to who I thought was Todd looking for trouble, I was a bit surprised to see Emiko there, smiling at me like a Christmas tree lit in April. Holding my punch because she was indeed a weak girl as well as my father's business partner daughter, so I knew my limits, but the question is what does she want and why now.

Emikos pic
      Oh Damian, my sweet love, you never learn do you, it's been 3 year's and you still don't know how to treat a girl, but don't worry I'll help you. I saw what you did and I agree, you shouldn't waste much time on people like her, infact I heard she was half demon, even more troublesome and a witch too, so I'm sure she put one kind of spell to blind your feelings for me, but don't worry my love I'll save you, then you and I can be together.          

       You were mad just now, but one look at me and you calmed down, oh can't you see Damian, we truly are ment to be. Don't worry Dami I'll keep her Faraway that way you won't feel pain anymore and look at me, I'll comfort you, I'll be the only one you can rely on

           "Is there something you need Emiko"

    "Oh no, I just wanted to call you, everyone's done and facing desert, you should try some, it's chocolate your favourite"

  "No thanks I've got something important to do"

   No I can't let you

"Bruce really wants you to be there, he felt a little off when you left"

"Don't make me laugh, you must have read wrong"

  "No!, I'm being serious, he really was enjoying your company", coming a bit closer I caressed his chhek softly, hitting his weak point "he really does miss you, after all it's been sooo long, how would you feel if you're only blood son left for so long"

   I watched as his resolve broke down, he's still the same boy who obsesses over his father's approval. All I need to do is play my cards well and everything will be fine, as for the witch girl, I'll deal with her later.

Raven pov
      "Achoo!" is someone speaking Ill about me. That was weird, I felt some evil intent just now but it's all gone, could my dad be messing with me again. Yes that must be it.

But my body couldn't help but shiver, and as I closed my eyes, his image kept appearing.

  Stupid Algoul, you hunt me even when I meditate.

Back at the dinner table

        Damian was hoping to see what Emiko had described as a sad maybe longing face, but he remained disappointed yet again. He guessed it, Emiko must have read wrong or maybe he was too blind to see it, that and maybe the bats expression is just to hard to read. The dinning hall seemed less noisy, as everyone was busy rapt up in silent discussions, even Damian and Bruce Wayne chipped in certain topics every once in a while.

   Although he got in on the conversations, Damian's thoughts remained filled with glowing purple eyes of jet black Raven that just happened to be above him.

   The others were to busy to notice it or maybe they were not as observant but Bruce wouldn't be able to call himself the number one detective if he couldn't see through his own son, plus it would be an inside to the title he holds as a father. His son Damian was lost in thought to which he never was or at least not as much as he did now. It seemed like him and Damian needed to have a talk.

     Now Bruce wasn't the one to talk to someone one on one and especially not to his own son, but there were times like this that he just had to own up to being a good father.

  After desert and everyone was about to leave,Emiko wanted Damian to walk her of, but Bruce called him back telling him to meet him at the study, Donna was in full support as she dragged Emiko away.

   Making his way into the study, Damian closed the door behind him, only for it to shut with a loud bang

   Bruce was sitting calmly on his chair his two hands clappsed together below his chin, giving out his most cold and intimidating stare, if it was someone else who wasn't used to Bruce's glares they'd be shaking, but this was Damian his son, who wasn't even afraid of him when he was a child, when is an ex assassin scared of anything, Damian returned the stare with twice the intensity.

   They both stared at each other holding their gazes, it was as if they were having a silent competition of who could have the most intimidating gaze. At the last second, Bruce blinked and dropped his gaze, Damian smirked in victory. Bruce gave a small smile and Damian almost any blind, but Bruce was quick to remove it.

   "Right I called you here for a reason, I wanted to ask if..."

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now