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     "Don't be absurd Damian, of course I didn't eat them, I'm a half demon not an animal!?"

"I sent them to the trash whole, so they could spread their stink whenever they wanted, they should be frolicking in some garbage garden by now", she smiled at that

     "Let's go back"
Sure, but let me clean this place".

  With a few chants, Raven returned the hall too it's former glory.

   A bit exhausted from their previous battle, Raven mustered up the little strength she had to send her and Damian home.

  On arriving at the bat cave, Raven collapsed on the floor. Worried Damian picked her up and held her firmly. The Titans rushed over to check up on her.

   Suddenly feeling suffocated due to all the attention, Raven held her hand up to stop them from moving forward

    "Don't worry I'm perfectly fine, drained but fine"

    That was a complete lie, she felt sore all over, she felt dizzy and weak, her aching stomach kept stretching filling her insides with pain and her father certainly wasn't making matters better with all his annoying taunt's and shouts.she needed peace and quiet, some food and a long, long, nap.

  Damian feeling every need to wrap his arms around her restrained himself as Raven pushed him aside to get some space.

    Suddenly loosing hold on her balance, Raven fell down again only to be caught Midway by Damian.
    Having no strength to refute him this time, Raven just leaned over weakly as he held her like a sleeping child.

    Now this was a sight to behold, thought most of the people. Such a scene was truly hard to come by, the Titans however didn't think much into it because it was a usual occurrence between the two teens as they liked to associate themselves with each other.

    Bringing her closer to his chest so she could properly rest her head, Damian noted how light Raven had become, he felt more like carrying an empty save than a person. He'll have to make sure Alfred would make some more heavy and nutritional dishes that nourishes the body and build up strength.

     Unlike him who was a strict vegetarian, Raven was fine in eating meat, Soo it shouldn't be too hard too help her gain some strength faster.

   On his way to Ravens room, he ran into the butter he was just thinking about. Calling for his attention, Damian relayed his message and let.

      Her room was neat and well kept as expected the only thing that seemed out of order were as few books littered on her bed, it hadn't even been whole day but Raven had made her place feel like home.

      After arranging the books on her small shelf, Damian carefully later her down on the bed.

      Making sure she was placed in a comfortable position and properly tucked in, Damian was about to leave but then he felt some slight movements and his arm was instantly grabbed by familiar person.

   Turning around the boy wonder was shocked to see Raven who was shaking all over, her face was goaty white paper than her usual complexion and so when her hands. Her body was filled with perspiration and the group on his hand only tightened, the red get on her forehead glued glowed indicating who was causing trouble, Damian turned from worry to anger than back to worry when he saw Raven shivering.

    Going to her closet to obtain a thicker blanket, Damian wrapped her body with it, then getting a towel and a bucket full of cold water, he began to wipe her body with it. Although he couldn't take off her clothes to do a better job, some parts of her body were exposed to his view so he decided to end things there.

  After his act of care, Damian checked on Raven one last time before he left.

   As soon as the door closed shut a pair of amatheyst eyes opened to reveal mixed emotions.


        Raven woke up with a start, she felt much better than she did before, getting up to take a shower, she took off her clothes and proceeded to enter the bathroom.

      A light fall of cool water came upon her making her tense body relaxed.

     Coming out of the shower covered in nothing but a short towel, Raven felt so relieved but still Soo exhausted, she didn't even take note of the person sitting on her bed. Coughing twice Damian alerted her of his presence.

      Due to the shock, Raven took a step back causing her leg to slip on the wet tiles.  She would have found herself on the floor if Damian didn't have such fast reflexes, but that wasn't the worst part. As she tripped her towel went down with her.

        Raven Roths face turned ghastly pale as realization dawned on her. There she stood bare in all her glory in front of Damian Wayne. She wanted to die that instant.

     Silent tears escaped her eyes, they haven't even made up and yet this happens.

     Damian being the gentleman he is crotched down to pick up h her towel, handing it to her while keeping his gaze away from her body his face tainted pink.

    Raven although embarrassed took the towel he gave her and wrapped herself with it as tight as she could manage.

  Sure she was covered, Damian pointed towards the small stool near her bedside "I brought you food"

    Raven looked towered the tray filled with delicious delicacies and Alfred's famous cookies. Her stomach growled in response and once again she wanted to dig a hole and die.

     It took all her strength to muster a thanks  and with that Damian took his leave.


          Beast boy layed in a daze, a certain blonde filled his mind. So much had happened in the past month, who knew he'd end up getting his heart broken and Tangled in a relationship he wasn't sure he wanted.

    The guy who never thought to think of the consequences of his actions was reviewing a whole lot of it now.

      Picking up the crest he had safely kept in his side drawer, his hand traced the black arrow that was well displayed on it, mummuring to himself.

    Logan knew he couldn't escape his predicament, what had happened had happened and the was no changing it. It's high time he took to responsibility.

     Picking up a pen and paper he began to write

            Dear Alice,


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now