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    'Mmm' that was delicious'.
Connor almost fell out of his socks, this was the very first time Raven seemed so girly it was both cute and scary. As Connor was trying to think of the possible reason that made Raven act the way she did he felt a sudden chill at his back

And then he knew.

     "Look isn't that the witch girl with Clark's son, what's her name again, Rebecca"

    "It's Raven"

Damian glanced at the people she was pointing at. Damian recognized them at once. They seemed close. A little too close to be exact. Connor took the initiative but Raven didn't shoo him away. Damian wasn't too happy about that.

      In a second their gazes crossed. He blinked then she was no longer looking. She was angry he noted but didn't know the reason why. Unless super boy did something out of line, but he felt like her was projected at himself.

             Emiko felt Damian's mood go sour. Her sixth sense was telling her it's because of that witch girl. So she decided to add more fuel to the fire. Wouldn't it be great if Damian despised her even more.

      "Honestly Dani, I think does two look like a great couple"

         He didn't respond but his mood got darker, he was still watching them.

     "We should go over and say hi"
"Why not we could even go on a double date, I just happen to have four movie tickets at my disposal"

      "Who told you........."
Damian growled, and a flicker of red could be seen in his eyes. A wave of possessiveness overtook him as he watched Raven take a bite of ice cream off Connor's hand. (Clearly an indirect kiss😏).

    Without even caring about the other person, Damian grabbed Emiko's hand and dragged her to where Raven and Connor were standing.

    Emiko had to swallow her cries as Damian painfully gripped her hand and forcefully dragged her across the hallway. Upon meeting Raven let's just say a mutual hate was passed between them.

    Taking this opportunity to flaunt her love she grabbed Damian's arm and leaned in so close that there was barely any space between them.

        "It's so nice to see you again"
Raven just stared at her blankly suppressing series of curses that threatened to come out if the girl didn't shut up. With the same fake smile the latter displayed Raven could only say "I'm sorry but have we met"

         All the color in Emiko's face instantly drained. She gritted her teeth restraining her bubbling anger.

     "You must be joking I'm ....
Emiko tried to save herself some face, sadly Raven didn't let her

          "Do I know you? because if I did I would surely remember such a person but sadly I don't even recall your name"

    Emiko was boiling in rage before she's certainly dying of anger now"

      "Oh wait now I remember, your that girl I saw on TV, the one with the yacht", Emiko smiled at the recognition even though she knew that the witch girl had met with her quite a few times already at Wayne Manor. Still her prestige wasn't something to be taken likely, she thought the witch girl had realized that before she said

     "Oh wait now that I think about it that girl is much more prettier and definitely blonde, I think her name was...", Raven held her chin up as if in deep thought "...Isabella Cork?", Then she nodded as if sure "yes I'm sure it was definitely her"

     Emiko was holding on to her last thread of peace, she was so close to losing her cool, which would not be a good thing as it would ruin the perfect image she had in front of Damian. If it was just Raven and her, then fine, she didn't mind releasing her claws.

      To be honest Emiko was a bit stunned when Raven spoke, the girl sure had a way with words and new how to hit the right places were it hurt the most. Everyone who knew Emiko was aware of the strong beef she had with the daughter of the Cork family. The two were compared among the socialite for every little thing making them natural enemies. Emiko had to admit the Cork girl was no easy threat but when it comes to wealth and status, Emiko's family are slightly above. There was also the mutual like they had for a certain young man. But Emiko had the upper hand in that as well. The question is how did the witch girl find out about it.

   Raven was in a mood to cause trouble, she looked at the guy Emiko was clinging to and her eye shun with untold anger.

        "Mister Wayne is she your acquaintance"

    Damian who had been busy glaring at Connor up to now was a bit stunned when he was called.

     'Mr Wayne did he hear right'

"Sorry what"

       "I was asking you Mr Wayne if this girl was an acquaintance to you"

     So he did hear correctly. Damian wondered when their relationship turned so bad that she was using last names to address him now. His mood turned sour and to Ravens horror and Emiko's delight. Damian dragged Emiko to him increasing their proximity "yes, more than that actually, this beautiful young girl is my dear beloved".

    One could easily tell he said this forcefully, but Raven was so filled with spite she could only see red, but her reaction was quicker than expected.

    She wrapped her arms around Connor bringing his head to rest on her chest, they looked especially intimate. Then she said "my boyfriend and I were just eating ice cream care to join"

    Damian's nerves were twitching, if he didn't die from anger he might have died from stroke.

    Emiko who has been enjoying how the tables turned to her favor made a suggestion "I'm afraid we can't, me and Dani have a movie to attend, we do happen to have extra two tickets if you care to join"

     Raven noted how sweetly she called Damian's name. With a smile of her own she said "of course me and Connie would love to join you"

          Emiko forced another smile "great then let's go together, I bring my date, you bring yours"

Then they shook hands as if to seal the deal.

    Super boy was left stunned and confused. He couldn't help but cry out in his mind

    Can somebody tell me what the fudge just happened here!!?!?

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now