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            The Tower wasn't the same       anymore. The Titans gazed astonished at their new once old home, only a few of them didn't show much excitement. The two leaders who were already aware of the changes, and the two birds who never seemed to show any emotion.

Still the new tower was a sight to behold, it was more bigger and brighter, the glass as thin and clear as diamonds yet no one could see through it.

   The inside was even more magnificent. There was so much more space and the living room was huge. The furniture was a complete set down to the dining. Raven appreciated the orderliness. Turning into an elephant Garfield casually sat on the couch feeling it's softness.  If he wanted to he could sleep right there and there, and he did, making loud snoring noises. Damian rolled his eyes at his childish antics, he bore no interest. The only thing he wanted to see was his room. He had already told Nightwing his specifications, handing him a certain design he should copy while offering to pay for the whole thing.

    Leaving all the other Titans behind Damian headed for his room with slight curiosity and impatience. Raven watched him as he spade away.

    Honestly speaking Raven couldn't care less how her room looked she would be glad so long as Kori didn't coat it in pink. That would be truly a nightmare, the couch would look more suitable in that case.

      Much to her surprise her room was clean, neat, simple and coated in dark purple, a color that suited her tastes. There was a big shelf at the side of her room filled with all her precious books. Raven was thankful to Kori and Dick for being Soo attentive. After showing her appreciation to her leaders Raven immediately began meditating. She needed to keep her father on a stronger leash before she could rest.

    Damian was satisfied with everything. His room was grey and white soothing to his raging nerves. A small straight bed with a strong hard mattress. Perfect for straightening and strengthening his back. The incense he ordered burned from his desk giving of the smell of dry wood. Damian breathed in that scent, it reminded him of home. It brought him to the past.   Putting his things down Damian walked towards the rack he would be keeping his swords. There was enough space for him to indulge in some indoor training. He preferred it that way.

   Done with packing he headed to the training room and met Connor and Gar there. It was unusual. Strange even. Damian would never had thought that there would be a day were he'd see those two in the training room before him.

   The three teens acknowledged the presence of the other and gave a silent greeting then carried on with their own agenda. The training equipment had been given an upgrade as well. The room was also split into three sections so that more than one could train at a time. Damian chose the middle section opting for an intense battle. Choosing the holographic sequence, Damian picked his level and scene.

Location: The jungle
Player: Robin
Level: Hard................

   Before he knew it, he was surrounded in a jungle full of top level assassin's. Damian cracked his neck and smiled to himself 'this is going to be fun'


      Coming out of the shower with nothing but a bathrobe she posed herself at the door hoping to get some attention. She stood there for some time now but that person was still unmoving. Deciding to take the first step. She walked slowly towards him like a panther. Coming from behind she hugged him but felt no reaction. Frustrated she began to pout.

   The man to whom she was trying to seduce was focused on his laptop oblivious to what was happening.

   Finally angered by his cold rejection, she presented her killing move. Biting a piece of his ear she whispered so sensually "Di..ck"

His laptop fell on the floor, his concentration destroyed. His mind in array. For a minute he was lost, till he found his voice. He turned to face her only to be more confused.

   A beautiful alien princess with fiery red hair and glowing green eyes stood before him in nothing but a loose bathrobe that fell off her shoulders and exposed a little cleavage.

    Dicks nose ran steam like a train pipe. He couldn't deny how tempted he was and she wasn't making it easy for him either.

    Grabbing her future by the neck, she lay down so her love could be on top, exposing more of herself in the process. At this point Dick was practically sweating. He was in a very tough decision. Taking a deep breath Dick decided he would do what any man would do in a situation like this. Mustering up his courage he leaned in "Ko..ri, you look...."

      Before Kori could process what he meant, she found herself wrapped around like a ball in a thick blanket with her love back on his computer.

   About to pounce on him with different emotions, more of hate than love this time. Dick immediately explained himself.

   "Now babe, you know I want to but I can't right now, I need more information on this case, so I can't leave my work unattended to before I loose my lead"

     "But I "
"I promise I'll make it up to you tonight, okay babe "

   Reluctantly Kori agreed knowing she couldn't win. But since she's suffering she just had to take a reward, so with no shame what's so ever Kori said "Fine but tonight I'm in charge okay "

    "Yes honey your the boss". Dick wanted to cry, only he knew how hard it is to please a Tamaranian  princess especially one in heat.

    5 minutes later.....

   A fully dressed Kori ready for business walked up to her boyfriend to ask for details.

    "So what have you found"

Dick looked at Kori with a serious expression you couldn't find a single emotion on his face "It's another raid and this time it's in an abandoned ware house"

   "I'll go gather up the Titans, it's time for another mission"


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now