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  "I've made a recent discovery concerning the book, your dagger and the sofarian gun".

     Damian perked up his ears, glad they were going to a more serious topic, not that the missap that happened before wasn't serious, but Damian gave Raven he's full attention.

    After the raid with those goons, the strange assemble of all the vilians that we know, to our whole journey to retrieve the plant and down to the discussion we had with, Zatana coupled with a few of, Nightwings  research,  and black Fires reincarnation, I couldn't help but notice that the two of us are tied to all of this.."

   Damian nodded, that much was obvious if you looked at it from certain angles, they were indeed part of the chess game but they didn't know their piece or what role they played in.

     "so what do you propose we do"
Asked Damian

         "Honestly I don't know, but I'm this close to figuring out how to use the book Zatana gave me, but in the mean time I think we need too check up on our captive's".       "I agree"

   Without thinking Damian held her hand then pulled her up, realizing his mistake, he quickly let go of her "sorry"

      Raven coughed "no it's okay I don't mind", to prove it she brought her hand forward and held his wrist. The sudden contact made her blush, but all this wasn't important to Raven. After making a silent decision to forgive, she also came to the conclusion of her feelings for Damian, so forgetting the past she decided to take the first step to help them move forward, their teammates, they need to work together if they were going to figure things out. Both the training and their feelings.

     At the Bat cave. The dark Knight was getting real frustrated, he tried every less painful method he could, but the assassin's weren't budging. He thought about using more brutal force, but deciding against it, in case he lost control.

    "There can only be one Ra's". That same line, the assassin's have been repeating that for the past two hours. Batman wondered what it meant, what do they mean  by 'there can only be one....'

   Batman's thought shifted to another direction but he immediately dismissed it, he didn't think it was possible, or rather he didn't want to believe it.

    Just then two teens walked in, hand in hand with the girl leading, Dick chocked on his water, and Bruce nearly fell off his chair.

        'Is the world ending?'

Damian feeling his father's judging gaze let go of Ravens hand.
    Behaving like nothing ever happened, the son walked up to his father

     "Did you find anything"


.   "So we have no lead"

"I wouldn't say that". It was Dick who spoke up

     "They keep repeating There Can Only Be one Ra's, do you any idea of what it means"

   Damian looked perplexed, the pieces were slowly coming together. With much difficulty he said "what if mother is alive"

      This was indirectly directed to Bruce, the thought of his crazy obsessed mate being alive was a bit scary.

    "Do you mean Talia?" Raven came forward " I thought she was dead ?"

     Damian decided to answer this one
"We indeed saw the plane explode but there was no corpse, believe me we've searched, but her body still isn't found"

  Damian turned to look at Batman "do you think she is alive"

       "I sure hope not"




Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now