The New Recruit

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Garfields pov
Once I left the training room I  couldn't help but contemplate on what I just saw, heck if I didn't know any better I would say they were about to smack their lips together. I tried to Imaging something like that happening, the thought was strange "NEH there's just no way ", I concluded, I probably saw a mere accident that looked like an almost kiss.

Damians pov

I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened between Raven and i if Garfield hadn't interruptmked, due to the fact of how close our faces were and the position we were in, it almost looked like we were about to make physical contact with our lips but then that would mean kissing , but that would mean we have an attraction towards one another, impossible, feelings are elements in one's life that make you weaker, when I was growing up with the assassins I was thought that all feeling are irrelevant and weaknesses to the body, I wasn't allowed to feel anything except anger, the only type of feeling that was suppressed as strength and not weakness, it was the only thing I was allowed to feel growing up as a child.
Yet anytime I find myself near her I feel drawn to her sparkling amathyst eyes, her soft pale skin, her dark short  wavy hair, her well curved lips and her simple,yet warming smile ,and most of all her mysterious aura.

  All this things makes her attractive. What am I thinking, I must be loosing my mind, yes that's it I'm probably sick or something. 'Feelings are a bridge to weakness ' I kept telling myself as I reached outside were the other titans were gathered.

Kori pov
After everyone had as settled outside I began the announcement "first of I'd like to thank you all, you've been working very hard and are improving  every day "

"just get to the point ", I heard Damian  scream. I sent him a death glare, sometimes that boy can be so infuriating his attitude is just like my sisters both annoying and inconsiderate, I watched as Raven nudged on his shoulder, he then looked at her rolled his eyes and said "sorry please continue "

  "thank you Damian ","now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we have a knew recruit "

"Is it a boy or girl "asked Donna in a cheerful tone as always .

  "I'm not sure , the justice league didn't say "

"so the guy is from The justice league ",asked Jamie

"not exactly, he is the son of one of the main members ", I explained

Donna pov:p

I couldn't help but wonder who offspring it could be ,I know for a fact it's not Batman he's still figuring things out with Damian, can't be flash he can't even score a date properly, obviously not Wonder Woman she has me, Green Lantern no way, super man, I don't think so, well who ever it might be, I hope he or she is I hope their nice .

A black car pulled up snapping me out of my thoughts. Who's ever in there must be the new recruit ,I just can't wait to see who's in there.

The car pulled up and the door snapped open and two people stepped out.

OMG I couldn't believe it, right in front of me was superman and right beside him was a kid my age but he looked a little younger a bit, he had the super man logo on his shirt .

"Kori "
      "Super man "
They said as they shook hands . I saw Super man motion the kid next to him to introduce himself.
The guy smiled then flew over to where we were standing "hi I'm Conner ", he stretched out his hand and I took it "hi I'm Donna and wow you have a strong grip "
  "you too,  super strength " he flexed his muscles and smiled, I knew were going to get along just fine

Jamie  pov

"hey man the names blue beetle but you can call me Jamie ",

"nice to meet you Jamie, Connor ",we shook hands.

Garfield pov
"he dude my names beast boy but you can call me Gar"

"Connor and can I just say I'm a fan of your blog" we shook hands and I smirked, "see that told you guys my blog was famous, and you said it was a waste of time ",I said pointing at Damian

"it is a waste of time ", scuffed Damian

"ignore him bro personally I think it's awesome ", Connor said

"I like you already ",I said giving him a friendly pat on the back

"good to hear man".

Connor pov
I moved on to the girl in black "hi I'm Conner you must be Raven "

"yes I am how did you.... "

"I've heard about you "
"lots of people, Zatana , batman, super man, Damian".

Ravens pov
I looked at Damian, he avoided my gaze ,I looked back at Connor who was still smiling at me

"good things I hope "

"a few ", he winked at me and went on to Damian

"well if it isn't the boy wonder how have you been man ", Connor gave him a light pat on the shoulder and I could see Damian murmuring something under his breath, probably cursing
"you two know each other "I asked

"unfortunately we do "exclaimed Damian in a blank tone

"yeah me and boy wonder go way back "Connor smirked

"no we don't and stop calling me that"

"still as stiff as always I see "

Damian scowled and took Connors arm of his back and glared at him, honestly if looks could kill Connor would be dead by now

"alright see you later Kori, and  Connor ",said superman

"Yes dad"

"please behave "

" I make no promises ", he quipped

"that what I'm afraid of ", sighed superman. He got into his car and drove off.
"okay then welcome to the team", said Kori

"thanks it good to be here "Connor gave her a  big smile.

I watched as everyone gathered Connor and asked him questions, but Damian just frowned and went inside,  I decided to check on him.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now