The Tower

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     What did she mean by that.
                    ' It's over'

Damian didn't quite understand the term 'it's over',  at that moment but reality soon hit him hard and something tore in his chest.

    Was Raven going to forget him. No he couldn't accept that reality. But what exactly did she mean. Damian thought it was pointless to let his thoughts swallow him with no results. If he wanted to find the truth he had to go to the sorts.

    Running like a madman to the direction she went to, Damian finally spotted her standing alone, isolated in the mall. He almost smiled looking at her dejected face. I knew it.

    Before he could catch up to her. Connor appeared next to her in a second. Without thinking Damian hid himself in the closest place he could find and quietly watched their interaction from a distance.

    He was angry when Connor gave her a drink, he was upset when she said he meant nothing to her, happy that she turned Connor down.

    Satisfied with the outcome Damian was about to leave, but something happened that made him stop in his tracks.

   No, no, no he couldn't believe it, how could she, what right did he have, why didn't she push him away, why wasn't it him, do I mean nothing to you. Damian asked himself these questions over and over again in his head but couldn't find a logic answer.

    At that moment, Damian felt bitter and smiled mockingly to himself. He felt like a fool, he thought Raven valued the relationship they had, maybe she didn't, why else would she so easily rub faces with others. It seems that Satan's daughter was so loose she couldn't control herself.

    If Raven had known what he was thinking she would have given him a tight slap for calling her loose, but Damian was way past reasonable, he thought of anything that came to his mind filtered or not.

   To him the Raven he knew was no more than a player, who had powerful men at a fingertips. When she was done using him, she moved on to her next target and that was how he operated.

   Damian had never felt so cheated. What was it exactly about him that she didn't like. He was tall, handsome, mixed, wealthy and good with knives. So why couldn't he compare to a second generation superhero in tights.

   He looked at them as much as it pained him. They were still at it and his body seethed pain.

    His phone beeped alerting his gaze away. It was from Dick, it read:

          Pack your things
           We're going back

Looking at Raven, then his phone. Damian clenched his fist and decided that other things were more important.

    Dragging his feet Damian left, and something tore within him.

Wayne Manor

          It was safe to say that everyone was more than glad to be leaving the Wayne house hold. The moment the teens came back from a their mall outing, they each went to their rooms respectively, ignoring the other intentionally. It was best that way. The most quiet of the two were Damian and Raven, Connor soon warmed up to the crowd due to his bright personality. Damian and Raven remained melancholic.

    After everything was done the bat family sent them off with cake and cookies. Kori thanked them excessively for their food and hospitality. Damian nodded at his father to show a sign of respect. Bruce nodded back and that was the end of their farewell. Dick tried to get the two to show more emotions, but his efforts were fruitless.

    The father and son duo were like a block of wood who found such pleasantries unnecessary, plus Damian wasn't in the mood for anything.

     Raven opted to use her portal, but was denied because Kori wanted us to engage in a team bonding exercise before we got to the tower. Even Damian couldn't get off.

   Heading to the van, Raven sat at the very back and put on her ear piece. She planned to drown the sounds around her through music, that and completely ignore Damian. She originally wanted to read a book, but that wasn't an option because she discovered anytime she did, she'd have motion sickness.

   The rest of the Titans got in and as faith would have it, Damian ended up sitting next to Raven, with Donna at his other side.

    The air was tense, even Donna and Connor who was usually chatty stayed quiet. Raven chose to ignore the atmosphere, while Damian chose to embrace it, his mood was set and there was no changing it.

    it didn't go five minutes before he began to speak. Invading her mind and soul.

   Closing her eyes, Raven sighed.
Finding herself in the depth of her mind, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

       Her eyes opened and then she spoke. Hello father

       Did my useless daughter finally realize I'm her father

      It's kinda hard to forget since you keep constantly reminding me.

        Why don't you release me first, I promise I'll stop disturbing you. We'll go our separate ways just like you've always wanted.

    wow, are you sure you're alright dad? Your reasoning has seriously been damaged. Maybe your brain is fried from all the torture

       You forget daughter I am a god

  You're a devil and stop thinking otherwise, tell me why you called or I will shut you up.

     Quiet!!, You have no right to speak to me that way.

   Raven raised an eyebrow. You want to bet on that.

    I heard that you got into a fight with the Al ghoul boy. Should I get rid of him. He has always been a liability.

   Ravens eye's dimmed  if you dare to touch a single strand of hair on his head, I aware I'll kill you.
    Ravens whole body flared up, taking her demon form Raven was beyond angry, he nails elongated and so did her teeth. Her threat still remained. But Trigon being the devil he is decided fan the flames.

    Why are you defending him. He dumped you and for a lovely girl at that. Don't you feel angry Raven.

   Hearing no response Trigon thought he was doing a good job of trying to rile his daughter up.

  You don't need him. I can get you someone better, more powerful and handsome.

    And in exchange you'll use me as a tool

  I'm only trying to help

  Save it, I don't need your help, where were you when I really needed you. Goodbye dad.


Raven breathed out a month of air. Her eyes opened and she was surrounded by light. Connor tapped her on the shoulder.

      "We're here"


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now