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      Damian slammed the door quickly feeling his face burning up, the image of Ravens bare body still fresh in his mind, causing his two ears to turn a shade darker.

    Honestly he didn't mean to look and he only took a glimpse so he barely saw much, but he couldn't deny that he saw 'it', as an ex assassin he had strong visuals a second is enough for him to imprint  things in his memory, even if it was just a small glimpse he'd still see everything, that was the undeniable truth, not to mention the fact that his body reacted to it and was still infact reacting. Turning red at the thought, Damian headed to his room for a cold shower. He would be needing it if he was going to get a good night's sleep without any interruptions and weird dreams.

    Truth be told Damian has seen a lot of women naked. It was part of his mother's training of the mind and body during his childhood, even as Wayne, women threw themselves at him, trying to climb his bed in hope to allure his attention, but he ignored all of them without even blinking.

   The number of girls he had threw out from trying to enter his bed was equivalent to the number of vilians he had taken out up to this point, and it wasn't a small number.

     Even with all that facts Damian couldn't explain why he reacted to Raven like that, it was soo strange that he couldn't explain it properly, his guess was that his reaction was due to the fact that she was his teammate who he had known for years and not just a random girl.

      Damian convinced himself of this reason as he stepped forward into the bathroom, making sure the water was at it's lowest temperature do no source of heat would stimulate his high senses.


     Everyone arose from bed at the sound of Damian's pet rooster crowing followed by the moo's of the bat cow that layed in the shed at the backyard of the mansion. Damian who's love for animals knew no bounds, was yet to raise a farm, he had a dog, a cat, a cow, and a rooster, just throw in some sheep's and goats to get a full barn.

     Some woke up at the wake up call Damian's pet were giving whole others just decided to stay in bed, Damian which was one of them, which was very unusual for an early bird like, usually the guy was up before 3:am, everyone wondered the reason for the sudden change today.

       Raven however was more than glad of the absence of her teammate, she had spent all night thinking of ways to avoid him without causing suspicion, she was happy she didn't need too, but still felt embarrassed, as she rolled over the events of the night before, she really wanted to crawl into a whole and die.

      Who on Earth said staying in Wayne mansion is a good idea, and who told me to faint!?

     Chewing on her sandwich with force, Donna sensed her displeasure.

    "Raven fo you not like it", Donna spoke to her friends in hushed whispers so as to not attract attention,  but people with deeper hearing like Connor could still pick up what they were saying, not that he wanted to easedrop on their conversation, but since it involved Raven so he was a bit intrigued.

    Yes. Wonder boy still had lingering feelings for the dark sorceresses. No surprise there, if only Damian knew he probably wouldn't be avoiding Raven right about now.

   Straining his ears a little, Connor was slowly eating his way into their conservation, like Superman the boy knew not to mind his business.

    "I just have alot on my mind, with the whole mission and everything"

      "Wanna talk about it"
"Sigh, no I ....."

"Say Donna, if a guy you know happened to accident saw you in your birthday suite how would you feel"

    "That depends, I'm sixteen already, Sofia like this in my understand is pretty normal especially for teens your age, but the real question is not hope I feel about the situation but hope I feel about the guy in the scenario,  if I feel angry then he's a scumbag, if I feel embarrassed he's a close enough friend, but if I just feel shy and giddy, embarrassed as well but in a good way then I like him"

    "Thanks Donna"
"No problem, I learned a lot from my guardian "
   "Yap, you wouldn't believe the number of men she's dated till now, more than half of them are from the Justice league"

   Raven suppressed her laughter at the thought, she knew wonder woman was a babe magnet but she had no idea that she was great at fishing men as well

    Feeling much better about her predicament, Raven thought back to last night, trying to decipher the mood she was in when everything took place.



     After daydreaming for hours and blushing for two, Damian decided to distract himself work, he still had a lot of work to do, picking up his note book, Damian began to look over the case again trying to piece the puzzles together. The answer was right in front of him and he was soo close to have a breakthrough, the sofarian gun, the magical dagger, Trigon, the Al goul, black Fires reincarnation, the vilians banding together, himself and Raven, he couldn't help but feel all this was connected somehow, but the question was how?.

    If Damian could just pick out one match, the rest would come running into place.

Sighing Damian decided to take a break, his mind drifting off to the fight he had had with the assassin's, his mind replaying the course of events. Damian remembered that one of the assassin's mentioned "there can only be one Ra's"

    Just what exactly did he mean by that Damian wondered, was there something he was missing, just who exactly were they talking about, he was the only one left with the Ra's Algoul bloodline, both his grandfather and mother were dead, slade was no threat and Damian was sure there was no distant relative lingering as around as his mother had eliminated all possible threats to his heritage when he was younger.

   Could there be someone new in command that he knew nothing about,  lady Shiva perhaps. A ridiculous thought, lady Shiva was more than loyal.

   Closing his eyes, Damian rbbed his temples.   Then who then?

Just as he was about to think further,  soft knocks played drums on his door.

    Damian gulped. He knew who owned those knocks.......

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now