Operation Get Damian 1

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   Raven stayed firmly shocked in her place, she couldn't comprehend what was happening or what was wrong with her.  The great round of applause and cheers that followed the short brief of silence before that statement snapped her outside of her thoughts, and before she knew it she was marching out of there with fresh tears in her eyes. Not wanting anybody see her cry she opened a portal to her room and then collapsed.

Damian from the start had his eyes on her and it pained him when he saw the brief splash of tears in her eyes then silently watched her walk away before opening a portal and then disappearing into it.  He never wanted this, for this to happen, but he had no choice and his face remained unreadable.

Alice was silently gloating when she watched Raven leave. Knowing she had gone gave her a great sense of satisfaction and she looked to Damian who's face remained as blank as a board.

'Oh Damians don't worry I'll free you from that witch, and by the time I'm done with you I'll be the only one you'll ever think about . It's all going according to plan'

Alice smiled evilly as she thought
          Raven your as good as dead

After the introduction Damian found an excuse to leave. Loosing up his tie,  Damian hurried down the hall, he didn't know why but he had the biggest urge to get to Raven. He arrived at her room door and just burst in without knocking. The sight he saw completely shocked him.

Raven was kneeling down beside her bed, her face buried within the cushions, with silent sobs that could be heard. Her hair was scattered around the bed,  steaks of it tangled together.  Her clothes creased and rumpled. She looked like a mess.  A strikingly hot mess. Even when she was in a bad state Damian still found her to be intoxicating.

   "r.. Raven", his voice came out no more than a whisper but still she heard him.

She lifted her head slowly and Damian felt a huge pang in his heart,  he hated this feeling. Two slightly big (due to the tears) red puffy eyes stared right back at him. They stared at each other for what seemed like a minute before Raven turned her head breaking eye contact.

       "what do you want, shouldn't you be with Alice, don't want to make the birthday girl sad now do you", her voice came outside as a quick sneer with a hint of sarcasm to her tone.  That was expected by the boy wonder but still his feet remained implanted on the ground, non moving.

This made Raven annoyed. She clearly wanted him to leave so she could cry in peace, but he still wasn't moving. She could still feel his presence in the room. It was a bit unsettling and comforting at the same time. Raven couldn't keep it all in. Her emotions were spiraling out of control and she didn't want anyone close to her just in case she might loose control of her senses and let her inner demon take over. She especially didn't want Damian since he was at the center of all this, she just wanted some space. She prayed silently that Damian would give it to her.

      "can't you take a hint Wayne, I said get LOST!"
Damian stood his ground "I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me"

Raven cursed inwardly "you want to talk then let's talk"

   She stood up from her position, her legs were still shaky since she stayed in the same spot for some time. She was quickly able to hold herself walking towards Damian with every form of grace and aggression her eyes glowing red.

Damian gulped cause even though she was in a vulnerable state, she still looked as sexy as hell.

When she was close enough, she stared at him right in the eye and asked "so what do you want to talk about Wayne",

     "I.... Uh..... I... Oh Fuck!"

Damian forcefully grabbed her by the waist and pinned her to the wall. While his other hand pinned her two hands.

Raven was too shocked by the turn of events to do anything but before she could comprehend what was happening Damians lips had already jammed hers in a passionate furry kiss.

    Alice was busy thinking on how to execute her plans while monitoring her brother who was dealing with the decorations for her party.

   As soon as Zack finished making the announcement, Damian slipped through her hand like melting ice on a table. Although she had a hunch were he might be but chose to ignore it.

       There's no way he would had headed out  to see that bitch when I was standing next to him. Yes he must have gone to do something else like....  Training.

  Alice knew Damian had a fetish of training which in truth she doesn't mind that much.

     After all my future king should be strong and well built.  I expect nothing less of him.

Alice continued to idolize Damian in her mind oblivious to the green insect that was creeping up to her seat.

She almost jumped when she heard someone whisper in her ear the words "hay mama".

   Only for her to see a grinning green haired freek standing beside her.  He was smiling at her expectantly and she had no interest in engaging in a conversation with him. She wanted to go back to dreaming about Damian.

"who let the dogs in "

     He just smiled and said "don't you mean who let the dogs out, my name is Garfield by the way. Alice rolled her eyes. Like she didn't already know that. She made sure to do a good background check on all Titans when they arrived.

He extended his hand and she refused to take it. So he just dropped it thinking she was an OCD like Damian

Garfield not noticing the hint she had been sending from the beginning sat down right next to her.   

"what do you want fur brain", she asked with disdain, disgusted with his very presence.

  "soon you and Damian huh"

She raised an eyebrow "what about him"

     "are you guys a thing"

"yes, isn't it obvious"

He gave a sigh of relief, his tense shoulders relaxed
      "and here I thought he was together with Raven"

    Alice almost choked on her saliva. She glared angrily at Gar "that little bird doesn't stand a chance against me, I'm the only one who can stand by Damians side you hear me!!!!", Alice didn't realize due to her sudden outburst that she had stood up, hands firmly placed on the table, her hair disheveled, face squished. She was panting heavily, she looked like a warlord ready to bring hell on earth. Everyone stopped working and just stared even Zack looked terrified.

    Noticing their stares,  Alice quickly fixed her hair and sat back down "what never seen a hot chick have a hissy fit", and just like that they came outside of their daze and continued working.  Garfield just smiled stood up and said "that's great news, don't give up on him", and left.

Alice just looked at him like he was one crazy piece of specimen.

      What a weirdo.


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now