We're Moving

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     As soon as the words left his mouth, Dick subconsciously looked at Damian, he had long been prepared to be turned down, practically everyone related and unrelated to Batman and Bruce Wayne knew how stretched his relationship is with Robin and his son it didn't matter which role he played, it was still the same.

    The news of their movement as well as their situation had already reached the ears of the league part with it caused by Connor and Donna. Even if he had to drag Damian to Wayne Manor, he was willing, but seeing Damian's calm and unmoved face gave him quite a shock, he was even more surprised when Damian said

  "When do we leave?, Speak so that I can make required preparations",

"Oh umm", Dick swallowed his saliva "tommorow"

        "Okay" came the young bats reply, and then he just left, to get ready.

   Dick couldn't help but wonder
Am I seeing things or has he learnt to take better control of his emotions

Not that he was lacking before, the old Damian at least would show his anger or displeasement in such cases, but this Damian showed neither.

  Has the baby bat finally grown his wings?! Or am I just being silly?

   The Titans awoke to the sound of a moving vehicle, they had all spent the night in the living room, huddled up with each other, it wasn't all that bad, a few found it quite enjoyable, others prefared their solitude.

  Hearing a loud horn sound, they looked out to see the bus before them, their ride was here. Some of them groaned wanting to get back to sleep, but the horn blew louder, and everyone had no choice but to get up.

    "Alright everyone let's go" screamed Kori who was all dressed up.

  Reluctantly, they all got their things and went out.

   Donna was secretly excited, she planned to spend most of her time knowing more about Damian and hopefully getting close to him.

   She had already strategized how she's going to end up sitting next to him for this trip, it was then she realized, he was no where to be found.

  While the other Titans were busy loading their luggage, Donna ran to Kori asking about Damian

  " He already left"
"He left hour's ago, he said he hates public transportation, claiming with you all it would be suffocating and he wouldn't be able to deal with it, so he decided to have an early start, he left on his motorcycle six hours ago"

  Donna suddenly felt all her dreams crashing down, everything she had planned had just gone to waste, she sighed in frustration, it was becoming more and more difficult to get close to Damian Wayne. She had to act fast.

Raven who stood not far behind, heard everything that went on between the two girls.

     Damian... He'd rather travel miles on his own than stay one second with me

Raven couldn't help but feel distressed and slightly uncomfortable, but why should she, the guy didn't even bother to say a word before he left, no messages, calls, text, nothing. It was extremely frustrating, and the emotions she was feeding of Donna didn't help either.

  That wanting, sadness, need, she didn't like it one bit, what gives her the right to think of Damian in that way, she wasn't worthy, I'm sure Damian would take no heed to her anyway, not that it's any of my business, but it might be best for tell Donna of before she gets her heart shattered.

  Raven had this thought in her mind as she stepped into the boss.

Dick called out of from the drivers seat

  "Everyone in",
"Then let's move, Damian just texted me that he's close, if we hurry we might still beat him"

Raven was having a hard time believing how can we beat...
But before she could finish her train of thought, the bus roared, and in lightning speed we moved forward.

I need a disposable air bag

Note to self: don't ever underestimate Dick, and looks can be deceiving

  She was even more surprised as they slowly Rose to the sky, she wasn't the only one though

Dick smiled to them at the back "Got this from Cyborg, last year, he lost a bet, you guys like"

They nodded to surprised to speak.

Well Gotham here we come, who knows maybe they'll be able to beat Damian after all.

While Dick and Kori were caught up in their love play, Garfield was staring dazed at the sky, Jamie started a conversation with Connor and Donna was busy wishing Damian was here.

Raven sighed, bringing out her mp3 player, she plunged her earpiece on, closing her eyes, she let the music carry her away, away to bliss...

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now