Another journey

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In the distance the engine of a motorcycle could be heard far away.
     "We're you taking me", said the girl as she hung on to the bikers torso tightly. He was impeccably muscular for a sixteen year old, she kept reminding herself. The boy turned back to the girl who was strapped around him, giving his signature smirk that was hidden behind his helmet he faced the road again increasing in speed as he went.

  The bike came to a halt. The rider placed his long leg on the ground for support, for both his leaning bike and the passenger behind him.
      The girl came down taking in her surroundings they were in a forest like landscape from what she could tell, it was also dark she noted, she felt like she knew this place but any reoccurring memory of it fell shut as she tried to raise it up in her mind.
     She jumped in shock forgetting all her thoughts as she felt a large warm palm hold hers. She turned to look at the boy flabbergasted her face a little flushed.

    Not being able to see her clearly but felt her distress he quickly explained the cause of his actions. " as you have so clearly observed it's quite dark so I thought in order for us to lose each other we should....... "
       "Hold hands", she finished for him
               " yes", he coughed slightly "but if you feel uncomfortable you don't have too...."
        "No no no" she was quick to stop him from going further, a part of her liking his warm hands that didn't fit well with it's owner personality but all the same felt nice" I'm fine there's no need let's just continue ", Raven knew that the physical contact was on necessary and that she could easily find him using her powers, but a certain lust in her mind told her not to let the opportunity go by. Her eyes shimmered with a tint of pink coloring, she grasped Damian's hind tighter determined to keep a hold at him for as long as she could.
    Damian glanced at his female companion he could barely see in the dark before giving a short 'okay' as a reply and moved forward dragging the young sorceress behind him, going deeper into the darkness.

In a small house not to far away two people watched the couple as they walked into the forest. The two girls watched their figures closely till they disappeared into the dark.
  The tall fair older girl with dyed blonde hair and average bony features spoke first.
      "I see the young mage can't seem to stop causing trouble", she sneered" a formidable habit that would cost us all our lives"
     "Hush Sandra it's not her fault", the younger more beautiful girl with lesser height, long hair and face like a super model  tried to silence her partner but to no avail.
  Sandra stirred her cup of tea with a great amount of speed and force skilfully, no liquid touched the table.
     " I guess you're right it's not her fault it's her hell of a dads the crazy demon responsible for creating corruption itself, the sorry bitch that killed all those people, the ignorant fool who....."
Sandra looked up from her tea and stared at the young teen before, her compressed lips turned into a thin smile, mischief shown in her eyes "and why should I Samantha after all I speak is the truth"
      "Just stop"
"Wait don't tell me you still have feelings for that bastard, you..."
   "That's enough Sandra you know he's my.."
A waiter came in asking for her order before she could complete her sentence. She smiled at the waiter and he took down her order, giving a small bow before going back  to get her food.
When he was gone, her smile turned into a frown as she faced her partner. Sandra ignored her change of face and picked up a french fry from her plate. She took a big bite from it almost swallowing the thing whole. Samantha rolled her eyes and looked out the window towards the direction Raven and the guy she saw go through and sighed.

Back at the two love bird's
  "Were exactly are we going"
"You'll see once we get there"
    "Why do I feel that your leading me to a trap"
    "You say that as if I'm capable"
"You are capable"
     Damian stopped moving and turned to the sorceress "okay now I'm offended", he said before moving again
     " are you now?
The witch new exactly what she was doing, she was having a bit of fun, on a regular day she would have never been able to taunt the  Prince of assassin on a daily basis she had to admit it was quite enjoyable, she now understood why Jason taunted him the most and his unconditional smile as he did so. She decided to 'offend' Damian some more to test her theory.
         "The boy wonder", she stretched the name mockingly "you never answered my question"
        "And what would that be he raised an eyebrow towards his demonic friend
        " the one I just asked or did you already forget?, her voice teasing
       "You ask a lot of questions, I'm afraid I don't know which one you're talking about"'Damian knew what she was doing so he decided to play along having some fun it
   Raven made an exaggerated gasp " oh don't tell me", she continued "that the great Damian Wayne is incapable of remembering the simplest things", she paused " I'm truly shocked". Damian chuckled and Raven broke into small laughs "I have to say I'm truly surprised with your behavior dear Raven"
    She gave a sly smile "what can I say I'm a woman of many talents, you're not the only one who's got a trick up their sleeves Damian after all I am a witch"
    "But have you ever thought of being an actress?"
   "I'm afraid I already have a job that takes all my time"
       "Being a super hero?"
"No dealing with all of you"
       "Well you have a hell of a work to do especially with Logan"
     "Ugh don't remind me" she rolled her eyes" he's as troublesome as my father "
        "Yes he is quite the work load"
    "But fun all the same"
              "That indeed".

They passed a few more trees before they met a clearing that led to a cliff. He took her to the edge, Raven looked at him puzzled" are we actually here, is this the special place you dragged me too a cliff?"
         "No", was his simple reply " we're one jump away"
       Her eyes dilated "wait you mean..."
  Damian didn't wait for her to finish as he started undressing. His muscled toned body was revealed to the demons eyes the moon reflected on his body giving him that dreamy look. She continued to stare at him like her was a breathtaking sculpture built to capture one's eye. Her mouth hung open. Damian followed her line of sight and smirked, he held his hands over his body "like what you see"g
   Raven coughed her cheeks flushed. She set her mind on the task at hand "you are delusional if you think I'm going to jump down this cliff you're crazy"
       "If you think this is crazy wait till I push you off this cliff"
      "You wouldn't dare!"
He moved closer danger obvious in his eyes "try me"
Raven looked down the cliff then at Damian "you're crazy"
      "Say what you want but you have two options, one you take off your clothes and jump in with me....."
         "Or..", she gulped
" or...", Damian smiled devilishly at the thought "I force you"
     Raven swallowed a hip of saliva before closing her eyes then sighing mentally contemplating the two choices with an obvious answer. "Okay fine, but turn around"
   Damian rolled his eyes but obeyed her all the same, a part of him sad that he would miss a good show, the thought of Raven undressing harboured in his mind, which sent an electric pull through his body.
     "Okay you can look now"
As Damian turned to looked at his partner he stopped breathing completely, the world came to a stop and his throat became dry, thirsty for something other than waiter, his body grew hard and he felt a slight budge at his lower area.
     Raven blushed refusing to meet his eye, which made her more attractive to the young assassin. She was wearing all black with a hint of lace making her look sexy. It was clear to say Damian couldn't keep his eyes away from her. He slowly stepped closer breaking any far proximity they had, his hand slowly traced her neck then moved to tuck a strand of hair that had gotten misplaced behind her ear, causing her body to shake sending shivers down her spine. He leaned in and whispered in a husky voice "are you ready"
      Raven could only nod cause no words would form in her mouth
  "Okay on the count of three.....1..2.."


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now