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   Who is that?
Ravens eyes had been following their movements since they came in, and for some reason her tea turned bitter.

   Taking in the expressions from the bat family, it seemed like this girl was no stranger, though most of them looked shocked. She guessed they all shared a relationship with them or at least Damian did from the looks of things.

   What seemed to irk Raven the most, was the interwined fingers they shared all the way, even as they say down, their hands were still locked together. Raven guessed it was the girls doing.

  Noting her appearance, it was then she realized how beautiful the other girl really was.
     She had:
Long black curly hair, mesmerizing blue eyes, pink rosy lips, long sensual lashes and bright fair skin, which overshadowed Ravens pale white one's

   Raven didn't know what suddenly overcame her but she felt like comparing herself with the other girl in everything.  But the queen of pride wasn't about to admit defeat, Miss pretty may have an edge in beauty, but what about everything else

   Donna who sat opposite Damian and his possible new lover was fueling in anger, but didn't show it, that doesn't mean she could stand them being together.
  Donna eyed the girl up and down, she had to admit she was pretty but Donna knew she'd beat her in beauty any day, plus she had more assets, so that was an additional advantage.

   As Donna stared at the two the more she wanted to rip the girl apart, but the worst thing was that Damian wasn't really doing anything or stopping the girls advances. If she had done that, Damian would have pushed her away by now 😡

  Wanting to get some answers, Donna made her move.

    " So Damian who is this"
As if sensing the radiating anger and jealousy coming from Donna Emiko smirked and held onto Damian even more.

  "How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself", reluctantly letting go of Damian, she stood up and smiled, Raven didn't like that smile and neither did Donna.

  "To those of you who don't know me", she was referring to the Teen Titans in particular "my name is Emiko    second richest heir in Gotham, all time superhero, partner to Damian and alot more",

There was  an obvious hidden meaning to that last sentence, Damian sensed it the girls sensed it, heck the whole bat family sensed.

  Trouble was brewing and Todd intended to brew it faster. An evil glint appeared in his eye and both Batman and Robin sent him death glares, making him all the more intent on passing on the information.

  Sitting down, Emiko took hold off Damian once again without intending to let go.

    Jason was smiling ear to ear "show time"

   "Emiko it has been a while, say you missed me"

    "Sorry I can't say I have", Everyone laughed at this, even Damian gave a small smile, seeing this Emiko was beaming with joy, happy that she was able to make Damian have such a reaction. Raven was beaming with jealousy,. angry because she thought she was the only one who could get Damian to make such an expression and Donna felt sooo gloomy because she knew she could never get that expression from Damian. Three girls yet so much raw emotions.

    Jason didn't mind the taunt's but took it as an act for him to continue,

"I find that hard to believe, but I'll let it slide because this time I believe you're telling the truth after all with your mind full of the one you love, how can you do easily think of others"

        "Todd, you talk as if you're experienced, let me guess you loved her but she didn't love you, it must be hard for you right being the unlovable guy you are"

     ' Silence'

Damian's reply was so sharp and stung so deep that Todd didn't know what to say. It was true he had someone in his heart, but she had eyes for another man.

  No one in the entire bat family knew that Todd actually possessed feelings for anyone, Damian just said that out of impulse just to make Todd shut up, but it was clear with the guys behavior that he had actually managed to struck a nerve, to the point that Damian felt a pang of guilt and was a little sorry for his choice of words, but how was he supposed to know that Todd actually liked a girl, he spends time with numerous women, if anyone deserved the title for most richest Playboy, it should be him, not Damian not even Bruce.

   Yes the now semi--peaceful dinner had been completely ruined. The more eerie thing about the whole scenario was that Bruce had remained quiet, this made more than half of the table raise eyebrows, even Jason tagged along after cooling down a bit.

   They watched as the big old bat calmly ate his food without paying much heed to what they were doing, nor scolding them in anyway for the numerous rules as well as table manners they broke.

    Um am I missing something
Was the question the bat family asked themselves, it was only, Damian who seemed to know exactly what his father was getting at. It wouldn't be long before the big bat springs into action. A move that only Damian and maybe Raven due her high detection of emotions anticipated, expected more like.

Before things would get out of hand, and because of the slightly annoying air buzzing around her and her father's taunting insults, Raven decided to rest in early.

  So excusing herself from the table, she took her plate to the kitchen, intending to wash it, but the butler stopped her halfway.

"There's no need for that Miss Roth"

"It alright, Sir I can wash it myself, it's not much and I'm only returning the favor for the delicious food you prepared and I'd rather you call me Raven, Miss Roth sounds so big"

     Alfred smiled "such a polite sweet thing, a big contrast to your demon"

    "My Father's ashamed"

They shared s brief laugh before Raven began to finish up the washing. Done with everything as she was about to leave Alfred stopped her from going "Miss..... I mean Raven, I would prefer if you'd call me Alfred, Sir sounds a bit old".

  "Alright, goodnight Alfred".

Smiling to herself she turned to leave she met Damian at the door step and her smile faltered

   "You didn't have to do that, Alfred is more than capable...."

  "Well not everyone is as stuck up as you Damian"

   "Oh please what are you trying to do, I can see through your act, a demon princess is unheard-of, stop trying to play nice, people won't be decieved, I know how wicked you really are"

And that was the last straw, she grabbed his collar forcefully and whispered angrily to his ear

   "I'm sorry, but I don't remember ever asking for your opinion. Secondly I'm not some Ill mannered rich kid that can't do chores, you know I wouldn't have believed it until now, but you really are some stuck up two-timing billionaire, so why don't you go back and entertain your million dollar girlfriend, if you can't do it find another one".

Letting go of his shirt, she did something that seemed so surreal Damian thought he had gone blind.

She eyed him up and down, and flipped her hair at him, then she huffed like most rich girls did and stormed upstairs. Damian was left stunned on the kitchen door

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now