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As soon as the fight ended everyone dispersed more confused than ever. Garfield and Alice were left in each other's embrace. Raven stared at them for a little while later before she left.

Zack returned to his room feeling depleted, he was so angry that he started smashing his things seeign that he could no longer find anything more to destroy, he calmed down and began to meditate. After all Zack had a big issue to solve and probably a big wedding to plan even though he was very unwilling.

Damian couldn't really be bothered with the scene that played out earlier, he had his own worries, one more troublesome than the others with a certain bird he couldn't understand clouding his mind as he trained.

Dick however, served as no help as his mouth moved more than the rest of his body, and today to Damian's horror he was being extra chatty.

"So what did you think of that"

No response from Damian

"I wonder what deep shit Gar got himself into"

No response from Damian

"Do you think it was anything serious like that"

No response from Damian

"And don't you think it was weird with the way Alice was....."



"Shut up"

Well what can you do, Dick wasn't ready to shut up and Damian wasn't in the mood, so you can pretty much guess how this went down, but to put it short

"Zack mentioned something about breaking a forbidden rule, do you know anything about that?"

"How would I know Grayson"

"Because your an assassin and it was an assassin code he broke sooo....."

"We're are not from the same clan our rules differ that's what makes each clan unique"

But before our poor Dick could process that information, are young demon sent him flying

"Look here Grayson, I didn't come here to feed information to a gossip hungry drama queen, I came here to spar, but instead of taking it seriously your trying to pry into somebody else's business, so tell me what's more important our training or Garfield's personal matter"

He grabbed a towel heading for the door, but before he went
"Oh right, I do know the answer to your questions, but you should question yourself for being too stupid to not realize the obvious"

He walked out not bothering to give his annoying brother a glance, but he couldn't help but smirk at the way he told him off. With his mind still filled with the dark bird, he headed for his room ready to take a shower and have a short nap.

Damian who had just finished bathing and was covered in water from head to toe stepped out of the bathroom only to find a dark figure lingering in his room, without bothering to dry himself, Damian ignored the dark figure and headed to his drawer to get his clothes. His towel hung loosely from his waist showing his thin waist at the same time highlighting his long thick back, Raven took her time admiring the view in front of her. Irises slightly changing color, slightly.

Just when he was about to take off his towel, he finally took notice of the figure behind him
"Care to see me change Raven"
"I think your demon would disagree"
"Don't make assumptions Wayne"
Where things so bad that they could only regard each other on a last name basis.

"I'm sorry miss Roth, I thought you'd be interested in things like this since you like to play around with..."

"Tch, save it, it's not like I'm lying anyway"

"Is that what you think of me, am I just a cheap useless slut to you"

"Fine then, then I must bet Mr Wayne that a two time playing jerks pride like yours must hurt right, after all not only did you fail to have your way with me, you also lost your lover to your rival, wow the great Damian al ghoul destined for greatness", she mocked "is nothing but a cheap, loser at love"

"Miss Roth if you don't have something ethical to say then please leave"

She left slamming the door loud enough to bring down the roof.

Sure she was gone, Damian collapsed on the floor, his entire body quivering
What have I done.

Garfield wasn't having much luck with his love life either. He was left with two choices, and a big decision to make, and everyone knew that Garfield should never be left with the task of making a decision, but he had no choice, he had to choose now. His choices were simple enough, he either

Leaves with the promise of exile during any close encounter with an assassin of this clan
Give up on the team and marry Alice

Garfield didn't know what to do, he had to uphold his responsibility as a man to Alice and at the same time he didn't want to part with his beloved teamed that has raised and nurtured him.

He was at a loss
Two options but only one answer, Garfield couldn't help but feel torn

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now