Forced To Share

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Oh Azar !
I seriously wanted to die just now as I heard those words from Dick, me and Damian share a room has the world suddenly gone mad is this a dream. While I was still shocked for words I was also surprised at how cool and calm Damian was, I mean did he not hear what Dick said, is he okay with this. No no I think not, if I know Damian Wayne he was a man with privacy, he didn't like sharing.  I was right though because as soon as he finished whatever business he was doing on his tablet, he argued with Dick.

So right now me,  Kori, Dick and Damian were at the sidelines trying to sort through this matter. "You can't expect me to share a room with her did you hit your head on the wall Grayson! or are you showing us how senile you really are",  OUCH! Hate to be Dick right now Damian was going all out and people could hear him from across the room . "calm down Damian", "Calm down, your in no position to tell me to calm down Grayson ", okay now he was pointing fingers. Before things could get ugly I decided to step in as a wall blocking each other from reaching the other side, I looked at Kori the most reasonable one here "can't I just stay with you and Donna"

"sorry Raven but our rooms way to small and I'm a sleep fighter",
         "Never mind ", I shuddered at the thought
Looks like sleeping with Damian seemed like the only choice at the moment I guess I would have to make due, for some reason my cheeks turned pink at the thought.

Damian on the other hand, hadn't given up yet "Grayson you and I know,  a male and female who's not married or in a relationship sleeping in the same room is very inappropriate "

"oh believe me I know, but I also know you wouldn't do anything and neither will Raven, riiiight Raven ", he turned to me with a stupid grin on his face I nodded

He looked back at Damian "see Rachel agrees "

I do

But Damian was persistent on making sure we didn't end up together.  I couldn't help but frown did he really despise my company so much,  am I a terrible person to be with, well guess what Damian Wayne I'm not happy about living with you either, so just suck it up.

In the end me and Damian ended up together there was no debating what Kori deemed final. I heard Damian curse under his breath I couldn't help but groan again, I'm not that bad right .

Fuck Grayson

Why did he have to pair me up with Raven, I've been trying so hard to avoid her and forget what happened, but now that we're sharing a room I'll get to see every day heck I would even wake up with her every morning, and some part of me really liked that aspect.  Keep cool Damian Emotions are weaknesses Remember, I scolded myself.

No matter how hard I tried the deal had been set I was to stay with Raven.  Why do I have a feeling Kori and Dick intentionally did this and are up to so much mischief.
I glared at Dick before finding my way to my room, Raven tailed closely behind me. As I opened the door, Fuck!,  Grayson you are so dead just you wait.

My eyes widened as I saw our room, it looked more like a romantic sweet than a normal bedroomm, it was in that moment I realized that Dick set us up,Note TO SELF:I need to banish him to another dimension later. I wasn't happy and neither was Damian, I could tell he wanted to kill Dick too. He cursed and entered the room a deep frown was plastered on his face he was definitely dissatisfied so was I but you didn't see me complaining like a spoilt rich kid oh I forgot Damian is a spoilt rich kid like I even need to say it . I went in after not saying a single word, I don't think Damian was in a mood for conversation and besides I was still mad at him for what he said to Dick, I'm not so repulsive

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now