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Damian hasn't spoken for the past three days, he's been doing nothing but training, eating and more training.
I haven't been able to see him as often as I used too. I think the thought of his mother struck a chord deep in his mind. The worst part is, I can't tell how he's feeling, even with my powers, which are a bit useless at the moment because the walls he had built isn't that easy to break.

Besides I don't think Damian would appreciate it if I messed with his mind. I already learnt that lesson years ago.

Soon we'd be going back to the tower so at least that's good news. On the other hand Connor has been taking full advantage of me during Damian's absence. His presence was not appreciated. He was more than annoying, but I didn't totally disregard his company, because Damian was totally avoiding.

Yes there was a part of me that wanted him to show some emotion, mainly jealousy towards Connor, but as the days went by he showed nothing and that part of me died along with the feelings of him that had begun to bloom in my heart. I got worse when 'SHE' started coming.

Nightwings pov
Bruce wasn't doing as well as I thought he would, I was used to the dark bats quite demeanor but this silence was just too eerie for me to digest.

It was really hard to find something that made Batman question himself, but most of these topics involved the women that had come close to his life. Bruce doesn't just think about any woman as he had practically slept with more than half of the Gotham's female population, no the guy had certain females that made an impact in his life, one of them being Talia.

Talia was a no go area for the man, and I knew why, the woman was a crazy-badass-possessive- perfectionist- freak, a hot one too. Probably why Bruce got 'attracted'.

Anyway it was obvious to Dick that the old bat could seriously be thinking of the possibility, but he himself wasn't so convinced after all there was still so many dots he had to connect. Hopefully soon.

Emiko strolled in Wayne Manor like she owned. Her red kitten hills clicked. Raven was repulsed. How could she not be, the girl had appeared three times on each day as it passed, her destination, Damian's room.

Yes the young mage wasn't too happy about it, but her pride wouldn't let her settle. If Damian wanted to mess around with the pretty rich girl then she was going to be just fine with it. It's not like they were dating, besides she has been starting to enjoy Conners company.

The guy wasn't all bad when you got to Know him, he kind of reminded Raven of Constance. Yes Connor was just as full of himself but a little less shameless.

Damian walked out his expression neutral 'well that was an improvement' thought Raven as she took in his whole profile.

He was dressed in an all black attire which consisted of simple jeans and a t-shirt, his hair was a mess, he seemed almost too lazy to notice. Raven out of good will was about to great him, but swallowed her words as Emiko came trotting behind, a big plastered smile on her dolled up face. The girl didn't waste any time to claim ownership as she immediately wrapped her arms around Damian. Seeing as Damian didn't protest Raven got the message.

Seeing as her presence wasn't wanted, Raven got up with her head held high. That was the last time she would feel anything for this Wayne.

Emiko dragged Damian to the biggest mall in Gotham, he wasn't entirely pleased with the location of outing but since he signed up for it, he was going to follow through.

Of course Damian was no gentleman, he simply made Emiko carry all her bags which weighed up to an iron plank, while he just strolled with a small bag, that contained a charger for the new I phone he bought recently.

Emiko didn't seem to mind Damian's cold look she was already used to it. Damian was a tough shell she was going to crack.

Emiko didn't believe there was a man on earth who could resist her charms, so upon meeting Damian Wayne who seemed indifferent, her drive to conquer arose then swearing to herself to make Damian hers.

Emiko wasn't worried about the latter, who was hovering over her man, they might be teammates and spent a few years together but their not childhood sweethearts like her and Damian, so she wasn't worried at all.

Looking at the guy who was clearly ignoring her, Emiko was counting down the seconds till Damian becomes hers.


"Come on Raven"
"Not even one"

Raven rolled her eyes at Connor who was trying to spoon feed her ice cream.

The super hero, was trying to show her around since he knew Gotham quite well. Raven only agreed to tag along because she was bored.

She wanted to invite Donna but was rejected because she felt like she would be a third wheel even though Raven assured her that that was not the case and there was nothing going on.

So here she was in a large mall standing near the food court with Connor stuffing her face with popcorn. They had just finished a very boring movie about super man which Raven seemed to detest and Connor seemed to love.

Connor was still trying to get her to taste his cake ice cream when she spotted someone at the corner of her eye. As the person turned to face her direction. Raven immediately took a bite of the ice cream Connor brought out.

Hey guys I'd like to apologise for my slow updates, I know that's not fair to you and I'll try to finish this before this year ends I've just been so busy running the school as president, studying for my external exams, doing chores at home etc.

I know I know I'm practically making this book boring for you'll to read, but thank you anyway for taking your time to read and tell me your honest views. I just faxed some serious criticism that opened my eyes and I'll try to do better. I promise my writing skills will increase as I go on, so don't forget about me please

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