It's Over

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  "What was that all about",
              "Excuse me!"
"You know what I'm talking about"
      Raven squinted her eyes at Damian wondering if the latter got mad. Seeing he was being serious she took a wild guess about what he was trying to convey. Figuring it out Raven replied in a sarcastic tone "I don't, please, explain it to me"

     Damian rolled his eyes in annoyance, Raven obviously knew what he was referring to but decided to play dumb on purpose just to upset him.

        "I'm talking about what you did to Emiko"
       "Please be specific I did a lot of things to Emiko"

     "Raven that's not how you treat people"

      "And this is coming from you",she said scoffing with amusement

    Damian was in no mood to argue so he just went straight to the point.

    "I need you to stop bothering her, do you understand"

      "Sorry but I don't know what your getting at, bothering?, if anything she's the one bugging me, don't pretend like you didn't notice"

     "Well to be fair I didn't expect you to act so childishly, even if she was at fault you should have ignored her. Showing such strong emotions for trivial things is beneath you"

     "And how do you know what's beneath and exceptive of me, you have no idea"

      "I know you more than you think"

  "No, you don't"
With that Raven pushed him aside and stormed out. On her way going she bumped into someone.

   "Hey watch it"

Raven couldn't believe her luck. It was the dumb rich brat again. Could her luck get any worse.

   Emiko who had been suppressing her rage all this time immediately burst out seeing no one was around

"Yeah me", Raven said provokingly

       "Why is it always you"
"I'm not happy bumping into a bimbo like you either, but here I am"

       "Can't you watch where you're walking you little ingrate"

     "Ingrate, do you even know the meaning!?, With that pipe sized brain of yours, what are you hoping to achieve"

        "With your backward bent personally how do you hope to socialize and obtain popularity"

      "Sorry but I don't need people chasing me like pig's, plus it sounds like work Soo hard pass"

     Emiko was just about to retort but something went past her eye causing her to smile instead, she said immediately changed her tone into a sweet one.  "How could you insult my friends and follows, I could Sue you for defamation, apologise right now". Raven wondered if the girl had gone made and immediately wanted to deny her request but felt that something wasn't right, it didn't help that Emiko did nothing but smile sweetly.                                                                         
          Ravens skin crawled at that smile wondering what exactly the girl was up to.

   Turning, Raven followed her trail of sight, her eyes dimmed as she realized why Emiko was smiling.

     Damian stood behind her his arms folded on his chest, he wore an unreadable expression, Raven knew she was in trouble, but why on earth did Damian look at her in a way that she must have done something wrong.

     Deciding to break the silence first, Raven was about to explain the whole situation, but was interrupted by Emiko's abrupt outburst. The girl wailed and ran headfirst into Damian's arm's acting like she was the victim in a play. As if that wasn't enough the girl kept saying bad things about Raven, even conjuring up a few lies to make her story look more believe.

     Raven wanted to kill that girl. Now who's defaming who. Sure she had to admit that some of the things Emiko lied about was within her character, she did whoever refuse to take the fall for doing something such as physically assaulting her because if she did she would be more than proud to admit plus Emiko wouldn't even have the strength to talk.

Raven knew that Damian was aware of these key details, but why did he keep holding on to the rich or rather why wasn't he saying anything, the guy was so unreadable.

      Feeling her act was enough and knowing that overdoing it would make her look fake. Emiko relunctantly let go of Damian's body, but soon held his arm right after. She was the pure definition of a rich spoilt girl.

     Not saying a word Raven glared at Damian silently, waiting for his response.

     Finally the guy spoke "apologise"

Smiling to herself, Raven gloated at Emiko in victory. There was just no way that Damian wouldn't take her side, that much was obvious right?

      But Damian's next words put Raven on a standstill

     "Well Rachel, apologise"

Raven cringed looking at Damian in utter shock wondering if she heard correctly.

     "I'm sorry, what?"
"I said apologise"

   "Damian I'm not going to apologise"

"You should"

   "Why should I I'm not the one in the wrong"

     "But you intentionally bumped into her, and took a chance too mock her right"

    "Is that what she told you or is this what you think of me",


    While the pair looked ready to rip the other in half, Emiko was silently celebrating, she never knew that things would take an unexpected turn. To be honest, she thought Damian would choose the goth girl, since they seemed so close, but it appeared to be the opposite, and she was more than happy with the results.

     Trying to fan the flames Emiko got on her toes and reached for his lips.

          Time stood still....

Raven's eyes blazed. Walking up to Damian she spoke, her voice barely audible but there was this bone chilling coldness you could detect.

    "Look Wayne, I don't know what we had before or what we have now but whatever it is, it's over",

  Then taking a step back, Raven turned then walked away, her footsteps light, yet sooo heavy it could break bones.

   Damian was still confused himself but he knew at that moment he had lost something that was Soo precious that it would take a number of years to get back. His old wound's re opened, his scars cursed, his eyes turned black. No light, no hope, just darkness.


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now