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   "Mother are you back?"

"Is it time for my next punishment"

      " "
"I'm sorry I'll never be nice to the prisoners again, I already killed him per your desires. I know that isn't enough to wash away my sin but I had hoped you'd at least say something to me"

    ". "

"Mother I really did kill him this time I did it just the way you taught me to, he was too weak to run as expected for a child, I took his family away just before I plugged his heart out. He was crying while holding his dead sister. Pathetic isn't it. "

   ". "

"Won't you say something?, Are you still angry"

   ". "

"I have been confined in here for two weeks, I have been flogged and denied any form of food as per your request mother, grandfather even came a few times to test out his new dagger. I have been so close to tasting death and I have surpassed my limits so would you please.....

   Before he could say anymore he felt a ball of warmth engulf him. There was a woman hugging him and crying. The boy didn't know why but he felt a deep pain in his chest and buried his head on the lady's shoulder, he didn't have enough strength to push her away.

    Even then he felt that he was about to get assassinated and closed his eyes preparing for the worst. But the pain never came. Instead the lady hugged him tighter crying while repeating the word's sorry.

    He didn't know who the lady was or why she was apologizing, all he new was that he wanted to hug her back with the same ferocity and wipe her tears.

   A little hoarse voice was heard "please stop crying"

   Hearing this, the girl immediately pulled away wiping her tears. The boy stared at her face. Her violet eyes looked so enchanting around the bloody atmosphere.

   "Have you come here to kill me" his voice was soft and innocent yet still hoarse enough to know it's dry.


Her answer was sudden. It echoed through the whole room and the boy stared at her wide eyed.

   In attempt to save herself from her sudden outburst she immediately said "I didn't come here to kill you"

   "Do you tend to torture me first, it's fine if you are, I didn't expect my death to be easy but I doubt I'll hold out so it would just be best if you kill me straight. It's fine if you still want to prolong the process"

   The girl couldn't believe her ears "do you wish to die so badly"

  "Not really, mother always trained me so I could withstand anything and grandfather has so many plans for my future but it was always made clear to me that I could be disposed of when necessary. Maybe it's my time. Mother must be sick"

  "Well you're wrong I'm sure your mother must love you"

  "That's because I look like my father whom she's very fond of, she talks a lot about him but I've never seen him personally"

"Well I can tell you he's a reasonable guy"

  "Have you met him before?"


"Does he ask about me"

The question left her speechless without a reply

The boys eyes grew bigger, shining like emeralds. She honestly didn't know if she should tell the truth.

  "He does"

The boy blinked shutting his two eyes "I see so he doesn't as of me"


"You're a terrible liar, and such a talkative for a killer"

"Well you're not exactly pleasant to talk to and I told you I'm not a killer"

The boy peered at her "an assassin then"


"Then what are you"

"A mage"

"You mean like jokers magic"

"No I am a real mage with real magic"

"So you're a witch"

     "I'm afraid so"

"Can you cast a spell"

"Of course I can"

"Well cast one I'm waiting"

The young mage sent purple waves around the boy and before he knew it his chains had disappeared.

   "So you really are a witch"

"Was there ever a doubt"

"Alright witch girl get me a glass of water"

  "I'm not your maid young man, if you want something you have to ask politely"

"And how do I do that"

   "By saying the word please"

"But I don't want to "

" If you don't I won't get you any water"

      Thinking for a minute the little boy decided to give in even though he felt the word was foreign.

   "Alright would you please get me some water"

"Sure "

   Lifting her hand she presented a cup of water and gave it to the young boy. The boy took it and drank it in relish. The girl looked at him and smiled.

   "Now say thank you"

"Thank you "


    "You have pretty eyes"

She was taken aback by his confession. Her face flushed.

   "Thank you, you have pretty eyes as well"

    "I got them from my mom so you should thank her instead"

   "That may be true, but yours are more deep and elegant, like jewels".

  "I won't let you put on my eyes as jewelry you witch without a fight"

  "Oh relax, I'm not that kind of witch besides I like looking at your eyes, they remind me of the forest"

  "Really I like looking at yours too they remind me of the stars, they're are unique"

  "Thank you"

As if to spoil their moment the ground shook and a dark whole was brought up from the ground. The girl was slowly being sucked in.

   The boy pulled at her hand trying to get her out but it was no use.

  "Wait, please don't go"

"I need to leave"

"But I have so many questions and I don't even know your name yet"

"My name is Raven and we're going to meet again okay, but before I forget"

Raven summoned a pool of dark energy to surround the boy. In the blink of an eye all his injuries were gone and he was covered in a new set of clothes

"Thank you and my name is Damian", but it was too late she was already gone. The friend he had just made vanished as quick as sh came. It was almost like she was never there because he soon forgot. But whether he liked it or not their fates were tied so he'd definitely meet her again.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now