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   Damian and Raven tried to talk hold of the situation as people were busy running for their lives and parts of rubble came crushing down on them.

       The assassin's were coming off strong. It was problematic just facing two at a time but the dark dou took on four, too occupied to help the other. While Raven was holding them up with her magic and Damian with his katana.

       Beating the assassin's weren't  easy as they were more skilled and in sinc unlike Damian and Raven who fought like brainless strangers on the battle field, still finding it hard to work as a team, the two birds flew solo, which was the dumbest thing they could do in this situation.

    While trying not to get his ass handed down to him, Damian decided to take the opportunity to get some information, they were his assassin's or at least they were part of his leauge and maybe they'd listen to him since he was next in line to the Ra's.

    "Who sent you here"
        "I am the son of Talia Algoul, grandson of Ra's Algoul, I order you to answer me..."

       The assassin's stopped for a brief moment as if deciding something within themselves, then coming to a silent agreement they continued to fight Damian, attacking him at full force, quickly Damian used his katana to block both their swords. In perfect since they spoke "there can only be one Ra's", and with a great force Damian was pushed down.

     Damian had braced himself for the impact as the swords were about to descend on him, already accepting his fate after trying to calculate ways to block the attack but only coming out to be ineffective.

    Closing his eyes he waited, but nothing happened, as he reopened his eyes he looked up shocked at the purple force field that had come to surround him.

    He turned his neck to face Raven, who not only tried desprately to save him but was holding her own against the two assassin's.

    Internally cursing, Damian decided to put their silly war aside and work dutifully as a team. It was obvious to him that they were getting nowhere with the single battle strategy they had put up, so picking his sword that had fell down, he broke the forcefield and lunged towards the assassin's he was currently fighting, catching them off guard making them to temporarily loose balance and fall. Taking advantage of that time, Damian moved forward to help his teammate, striking one of the assassin's down too help Raven regain her proper footing.

    Finally free from that torment, Raven internally rolled her eyes at the game the boy wonder was playing, though she didn't mind tagging along, things were finally starting to get interesting and Raven wasn't a kill joy.

   Turning her head to face Damian, they both nodded as if understanding the others thoughts, to make things more fair, Raven broke down a bit of her mind bearer so she could telepathically communicate with Damian.

     'Damian can you hear me'
       'Good. Are you ready'
'Tch like you even needed too ask'
       'alright then, baby bats first'
'No i believe it's demon princesses first'

Rolling her eyes. They both took a battle stance and at the same time they lunged forward.

    Starfire and Dick didn't have it easy at their side as well. Even working as a team proceed to useless among them.

   Dick who had been flunged to the wall, wiped the blood of the side of his face cursing. "Do these guys run on batteries or something, at this rate were not getting anywhere"

  Starfire who was tackling two assassin and throwing fire beams at the rest tried to encourage her boyfriend.

    "Don't worry babe. On the bright side this tells us how lacking we are in training, there was always time to improve"

  Correcting his dislocated jaw he responded with a "babe that's not helping"

   "It not supposed to help, what I'm trying to say is get your ass down here and help"

   "Oooo babe language or I might think you want something else with my ass"

"Dick Grayson...

"Alright alright I'm coming"

Returning to his mad girlfriend side, he suddenly had an idea.

  "I wonder why I didn't think of this before, but then again it's usually a last resort kind of thing "

  Starfire who was at her limit, with squeezed brow's asked her boyfriend
  "What are you mumbling about if you have something then use it"

   "Okay babe"
Bringing out something that looked like a plastic ball, he threw it at the assassin's, taking his girlfriend out of the picture.

  Within seconds they broke leaking out poisonous gas, one that wouldn't kill but paralyze it's prey. Night Wing wondered why he hadn't brought it out sooner, but then the timing needs to be right for him to use it.

Back at the Bat cave Barbra Gorden expressed her worry

     "They've been gone for a long time now, do you think they need help"
    Her question was directed at no one in particular but someone took it upon himself to answer.

   Standing up Bruce scanned the room to see a group of worried faces. Bruce Wayne couldn't say he was worried, disturbed, yes, because he too wondered why his sons weren't back yet, choosing not to intervene not because he had faith but knew just how capable them and their partners are, he just needed to be patient.

   Making his way upstairs, he looked down at the small team that had assembled from different sides, taking in each and everyone of their movements silently.

   "Non of yo are going anywhere"
"But Bruce", it was Gar that spoke, only to receive a glare from the senior bat

  "That's Mr Wayne to you", he eyed him a glare making sure he understood. Gar gave a quick nervous nod, turning to a mouse which increased his vulnerability.

   "I'm not going to repeat myself again, you all know how capable those for are...

    "Yes but their dealing with eight high technic assassin's, four each and there's only two of them" cut in Jason who didn't look a bit anxious as he felt. Deep down he was worried about his shitty brother, he knew Dick was capable but Damian on the other hand. The guy was a ticking time bomb, if he lost his cool for just a second, he could go on a killing spree, he knew this because he was just like him.

  "Bruce", Tim spoke up "we're not saying they can't handle themselves, they might just need some help, that's all we're saying, and you know more than anyone how ruthless trained Algouls assassin's can be..

"My decision is final, everyone stays here, you should at least have more faith in your teammates and their capabilities instead of saying how they could get beat up from the assassin's, even if they did it would be a good thing, they'll learn from it and grow stronger which is exactly what you should be hoping for!"

  After that the room remained silent, there was not much to say, Batman took that as his cue to leave, the rest stayed behind feeling guilty and anxiously awaiting the arrival of their teammates.


    Raven was at the verge of letting hell reign loose, right now she was so angry. Angry at the assassin's who wanted nothing more than to kill her, angry at Damian who still remained cocky and stubborn even though they had agreed to work together. And worst of all, she was extremely mad at her dad who didn't stop cursing at her in the back of her head.

   You useless piece of......
Oh that's it

  Her pupils turned black and so did the rest of her eye, mummuring some dark chantra,a black Raven emerged from her back and loomed over the assassin's, it looked angry and hungry, with a loud screech it gubbled up the assassin's one by one, till they were no more, giving out a satisfied beldge, the dark Raven went back to fuse with the energy of it's master.

  Turning back to normal, Raven turned her back only to look at a horrified Damian staring at her



Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now