Going Back

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      After a full five minutes of transferring saliva raven and Damian finally pulled apart. Breathing heavily Ravens eyes dilated "wooow, now I know how star feels like", "and now I know how Dick feels like" commented Damian, moving closer "the feeling is not that bad", Raven blushed crimson her face a light shade of pink, she quickly got up from the ground, dusted the sand that stuck to her then jumped in the pool. Damian followed suit.

      After like half an hour Raven used her magic to dry them off,  also conjuring up some clothes for them as well and the latter became awkward. They looked away from each other hoping they could avoid direct eye contact while awkwardly rubbing the back of their heads. Their faces crimson

Damian glanced at her "soooo"
        "how about that water"
She wanted to slap herself for saying something stupid
     Damian turned to look at her,  seeing her all flustered made her look more cute which strangely enough turned hin on.
       "uh Raven about the um....  The..... Uh...", he was really difficult to say
         "the what", Raven pretended to be oblivious "oh do you mean the water race we did,  you know Damian it's fine if you lost I...
         "The KISS! "
Raven suddenly fell back her face flushed "oh that.  Don't worry about it okay it's nothing a total freak accident"
        For some weird reason to Raven Damian looked mad when she said that. His face turned blank and cold.
      "how can you call a totally passionate response to both parties a mistake"
            "no I uh....
"No it's okay I get it, I disgust you don't i", she remained silent "I can see it on your face everytime we...... Tell me something do I scare you", he moved closer and she move back "do I make you feel nervous whenever you're around me huh", he moved closer and she trembled moving back avoiding his gaze
         Damian stepped back and sighed, his head bowed down, Raven looked at him strangely, uncertainly "l knew it, you don't like me do you", his hands curled up to fists "since the very first day I came to the tower, at least every one else tried to accept or pretended to care but you didn't give a shit", he was trembling now all his bottled up emotions burst out "i bet you wish I was dead just like everyone else"
        "NO!!, you're wrong" Ravens sudden outburst left him off guard, making him look up.  Her gorgeous purple eyes turned glassy as tiny tears trickled down her face "the truth is I do like you but I'm scared"
         "scared?, scared of what...... Me? "
"no I'm scared of myself. My inner demon, my father losing you and the others, my emotions are spiraling and. .."
       Before she could continue. Damian grabbed her by her hand and head pressing her on him. 
         "it's okay", his voice came out like a soothing soft whisper and Raven stopped crying instead sinking her head deeper into his chest. He rubbed her back in round circular motion, giving her comfort as well as electrical shock waves.
          "we'll figure everything out.....together, but first let's get back to the island , I'm sure Dick is at his breaking point". Raven giggled "Kori too"
She got up relunctatly with a sigh and conjured up a portal "all right let's go boy wonder it's way past our bedtime"
            "sure thing witch girl", and they entered the portal together.

    Upon the arrival of Damian and Raven, the titans broke into celebration. Kori welcomed them with a tight embrace  so did the rest of the team except NightWing who just stood and smiled welcoming them back with nothing but verbal communication. To their surprise Raven and Damian did not refute them but took in the hug with less enthusiasm. They had only been gone for a day.  They felt that this was unnecessary.

    The titans bombarded the two birds with questions.
         "what happened? "
"where have you been? "
                       "are you alright"
   "Cyborg came"
            "we have pizza"

The two titans managed to answer their questions,  both deciding to pass on the pizza and headed for their rooms to get some rest.
     Kori allowed it and they were bothered no further.

       Damian and Raven were glad to escape their teammates. Raven retired to her room for a meditating section wishing Damian good night.  Damian did the same and headed for the training room where he met Zack,  currently having fun with the press up bar.  Damian headed for the punching bag.

       "welcome back Dame"
      "what do you want"

,"so straight forward, no beating around the bush with you Dami"
          "just state your business then leave"

"so rude, are you forgetting this is my house "
          Damian raised an eyebrow "do you want me to kick you out of your house. I'd be more than happy to"
          "happy, you, not your typical form of emotion "
       "I can make an exception just for today"

"you and that sorceress must have really made it out huh"
      "don't spout nonsense unless you want that mouth of yours to be detached from your face"

    "w... O.... O.. W harsh much, you must really like this girl"

"Anyway I just wanted to remind you of our deal of course,  Alice is waiting and as you know her birthday is tomorrow "

       "wish I could forget"
"and we both know that the only thing she wants is a new boyfriend that happens to be rich tall dark skinned famous assassin whose name begins with the letter D"

   Damian stopped punching his full attention on the boy now beside him.

     "that's never going to happen"

Zack placed his hand on Damians shoulder "we both know how dangerous Alice can be and how destructive she gets when deprived of something she wants and this would be terrible for your teammates wouldn't it and something tells me that girlfriend of yours would be first on the list,  so I sincerely tell you my old friend do what you think is most practical".

      Zack then left leaving Damian with alot to think about


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now