Operation Damian 2

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Raven was having trouble breathing but Damian refused to let her go, he continued to vigorously attack her lips using his teeth to bite it as he wished causing blood to spill out.  Raven to much in a daze to move did nothing as Damian continually assaulted her, her lips were already numb and swollen, Damian had made a wound she could feel it. Slowly she was loosing her consciousness, her body was on the verge of collapsing and only then did Damian let go of her.

   Looking at the lost Raven Damian opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything Raven kept mumbling something, he couldn't make out what it was she was saying so he leaned closer  and that's when Raven screamed "GET OUT!! ",

     Damian moved back so suddenly he almost fell down.

    "I said Get Out!"

"but Raven.... "

"don't but Raven me, there's the door", she pointed to the exit "now leave"

Damian winced at her harsh tone and with a hurt look he stood up and quietly left closing the door behind him.

When she heard the door close and didn't feel his presence close by,  she crouched down and broke into sobs holding her mouth so she wouldn't make much noise, the prideful bird didn't want anyone seeing her cry and especially not him.

Damian Wayne made his way to his room, his heart felt pain and worried as hell but it wasn't long before anger took over.

His head was spiraling, his heart was pounding heavily in his chest. The pain was unbearable, he wanted to punch something, his demon was trying to take over.  And then.... He lost it.


Starfire was pacing in her room,  her mind deep in thought. Just what exactly is  going on here, and just when I thought things couldn't get more complicated

Starfire sighed and sat back down on her bed.  She looked around, NightWing wasn't back yet.  He was still busy trying to get a lead on the case,  working himself stiff this past few nights.  Starfire thought it would be best for Damian to tag along but Dick disproved. If Damian was the one taking over he would have found something by now. Star wasn't trying to belittle her boyfriend but was just stating true facts. She couldn't comprehend the reason for shutting Damian out of everything but now she knew. Damian had his own problems to solve and this might affect his working progress. No doubt since Damian was getting more in touch with his feelings.

Starfire couldn't help but think if his teenage hormones where finally kicking in.  It was possible Damian is sixteen and is reaching the adolescent age, so such things seemed natural for a human. Raven on the other hand has alot of pent up emotions she's incapable of realising for fear of losing control.

   Starfire couldn't help but think back to when Raven lost control of her powers when battling Alice, to the point that she almost swallowed half of the team whole. If Damian didn't intervene Raven would have gone berserk and probably released hell on earth. This brought up another thought in the Tamaranians mind.

That Damian and Raven are really meant to be together.

    In the depth of night a dark figure walked towards a discreet alley,  his body from head to toe draped in a cloak, his face remained unclear. He exhibited a powerful aura as he walked, dark energy trailing behind. He paused, his feet planted on the ground, his body stayed in one position, he didn't move,  he looked like a @.

   Less than a minute another figure appeared from the end of the alley, the dark gave him cover as he faced the young man in the cloak. F@@@@or  a split second they stood sizing  each other before one of them spoke.  The man hidden in the dark was the first to break the silence " do you have it"

  The hooded man grinned under his hood "as requested"

     "hand it over"

"not so fast, what about my prize"

"don't worry, you'll get the girl but first"

Out of thin air a bag full of somewhat crystalline stones appeared besides the hooded man.  He picked up the bag and threw it to the man in the dark. He caught it swiftly, then opened it to check the contents inside. He smiled in satisfaction, then nodded to the hooded boy.

    He took off the hood revealing his handsome face,  white long hair and sparkling blue eyes.

       The man in the dark clutched the bag to his side and turned. "now come young witch we have much to discuss"


Back at the island, Alice was thinking of ways to get Damians attention and Raven out of the picture. she had to use all her charms if she was going to snag Damian,  because everybody knew Damian was no easy fish to catch, but he was one in a million so she couldn't afford to let him go. 

  If Damian ever once decided to come back to the league and rule as king,  Alice wanted to make sure she ruled as queen, and even if he were to leave the league for good there was still Gotham and Damian would have to take ownership of Wayne's enterprises when Bruce decides to retire. Alice was sure no matter what he did her life with him would be nothing more but fruitful and extravagant, and knowing Damian she was 100% sure he would treat his woman like a goddess, she just had to be that goddess. Alice smiled wickedly as she stared at her reflection, she moved around like a seductress. Tonight Damian Wayne would be hers.

Damian tried so hard to control himself, but his demons didn't let him. He struggled but couldn't keep it at bay.  He needed to let loose but he couldn't do it here. He took out a pitch black costume, tainted with blood red, grabbing his katana, he leapt out of his window and disappeared into the night.

My viewers please forgive me for not updating soon and being slow in the process. I have been busy with alot of schoolwork and besides I'm not allowed to use my phone during the term. I'm only allowed to use it during long holidays so please don't hate me 😥


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now