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This chapter is dedicated to DC_lover 07. Thanks for being one of the first to read my chapters 😘

 Starfire stared worryingly at her phone. She had just received Wonder girls message. If things kept on going on like this everyone's safety would be put into jeopardy. As the leader of the TITANS Starfire wouldn't just stand buy and watch her teammate's get captured. As much as she would like to send her enemies into oblivion, ensuring her teammates safety came first. So taking a deep breath she sent an alarm....... It was time to abort the mission.

  It wasn't long before Nightwing perceived another scent. But it wasn't at all like the pungent odor from blood he had smelt earlier. This one smelled more like liquid Nitrogen and burnt coal. It wasn't pleasant all the same. His nose twitched clearly in annoyance

     Looking through the net hole in the vent. Robin was able to take a small peak at what lay hidden below him. There was a huge pot filled with some kind of pinkish liquid, he had no knowledge of. There where people below him too, all in deep white coats with masks. He counted twenty of them. They were clearly outnumbered. Robin carefully pulled out a long black wire from his pocket and attached it to a long tube. Making sure his enemies were not aware of his movements he carefully lowered the tube from the vent hole to the lab below them. Nightwing watched from the side quietly observing.

    On reaching the pink liquid Robin lowered his rope and successfully took in some of the serum in the tube. He then slowly pulled the tube up. When he was just halfway up. A loud bell rang swinging warning signs all over the place followed by another. It took Robin two seconds to register what happened in his brain. 1. That wasn't an enemies alarm 2. He and Nightwings bell just went of 3. We failed to put our communicator on silent 4. We're halfway way through the mission 5. We just got exposed.

   Completely horrified at his own stupidity. Robin immediately tried to salvage the situation knowing they had been discovered. Hurriedly pulling up the rest of the tube, he handed it over to Nightwing who immediately sealed it and kept it. Then they made their escaped.

    They were no longer as quiet as they were before as they rushed through the vents making so much noise it was almost unbearable. Nightwing being bigger was much more uncomfortable moving at such a slow pace. Robin was slowly growing more impatient but given the situation he just had to keep calm. Like Nightwing he slowed down his own pace creating less noise much to his delight. But his joy felt short once they landed.

     As expected in all action movies, our beloved vigilantes found themselves fully surrounded by dark cloaked ninjas. More upset that his plan being in disarray than the goons he considered as idiots in front of him. Robin charged straight ahead sparing no one in his way his urge to kill intensifying with every strike. But he couldn't kill at least not yet and definitely not in front of Nightwing.

      Nightwing felt that the more goons he threw down ten times more got up. It's like they had a limitless supply of energy. That wasn't good especially when he was loosing his. He looked to Robin who looked as if he was participating in a brawl and winning. Still there was something very unnatural about his movements. He moved as swiftly as lightening almost as fast as flash but the astonishing part was that he was only using his fists. He was causing so much damage to his opponents who where equiled with weapons using only his fists.

     No there's definitely something wrong Damirea doesn't look like himself anymore. If this goes on he might actually kill someone. I have to stop him.

    Nightwing abandoned his new found friends and rushed to restrain Damian. As he held his half brother close he threw three bombs. Two at the goons and one at the wall. They had to get out of there and fast.

  ,.....,.....,.........  ............. ......,.......
     The loud explosion shook the roof Gar that was traveling like a monkey lost his balance and almost fell "what was that"

     Raven felt her head "that was the others", her eyes flew to the west wing "the explosion came from there, we need to hurry I'll alert Kori using the GPS. That way she'd no where we are"

     Transforming into a gorilla beast boy beat his chest and charged forward. But before he could reach the door another explosion broke out and beast boy caught in the flame was thrown backwards. Raven rushed forward to help him but her eyes remained on the door that had just been blown to smithereens. Her body tensed.

       Two people emerged from the smoke. Raven got up in a battle stance flowing dark energy rushed through her, beast boy lay unconscious on the ground.

    A hand was raised and Raven put down all her defenses relieved.
    "It's you"
"Yap now let's get out of here"

   Calming her tense shoulders Raven absorbed all of them in her dark magic till there was no one left and just like a switch they were gone.


      While flying around the building. Wonder girl ran into Star fire.  Thanking her stars that she had finally united with one of her teammates, she immediately explained the situation and talked about how Connor had been captured. Star fire listened attentively, nodding and shaking her head from time to time. At the end of the report she patted Wonder girls shoulders "you did well don't be discouraged, we will find him, I promise you"

     "I know you will you're our amazing team leader after all"

  Starfire smiled and thought to herself, if she really was amazing Blue Beatle wouldn't have disappeared under her watch.

    "That's nice to hear but we need to find the others. Raven  turned on her GPS signal not to long ago so we need to find her..."

   "That wouldn't be necessary since I'm already here"

   Both Starfire and Wonder girl turned to see Raven and Nightwing in good shape and the rest of their teammates who where unconscious.

    Not able to control her excitement Starfire ran into Nightwings arms exclaiming "babe you're okay"

   "Of course I am"

Donna wanting to do the same was immediately stopped halfway by Raven who's face screamed Don't even think about it from a mile away. Feeling defeated she looked towards her unconscious teammates and asked "what happened to them"

   "Explosion, I'll explain later"

Walking towards the love birds Raven tapped on their shoulders ", I'm sorry to interrupt this touching moment, but I sense about 50 people coming this way and I think we should leave"

   "Right", coughing they both let go of the other. Rolling her eyes Raven opened a portal and they were all transported back to their home, looking totally exhausted and hopeless.

Priority:Abort the mission

Was a Success.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now