Jealous Much!

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No I must be hearing things, but then again it is possible......... you know what I'll look into his mind once we all get back to the tower.

Damians pov
I really wanted to pass my sword through Connors throat as we got home. Everyone being as cherry as they are didn't stop praising him for carying out a plan that I made where's my credit, if it weren't for me we'd all be stuck there by now, not even a simple thank you Damian for getting us out there. The only person who did that was korianda but she's no exception because she compliments everyone for everything, just last week she congratulated Garfield for successfully annoying everyone (no joke).

I headed for the training room to let off some steam doing push ups, fighting with the simulators and ending the punching bag .Someone was watching me I could feel the dark energy from behind, the energy belonging to a certain witch girl I know. Without turning around I said "hello Raven looking for something "

Ravens pov
Sensing Damians sour mood when we got home, I decided to follow him, he went straight to the training room. Classic Damian. Only him would go train after a tiring mission either that or he's flexing his anger on the punching bag.

When I got to the training room Damian was flexing his anger. The poor punching bag I was to late Damian had already beat it senseless. I could tell Damian new I was here because he immediately stopped punching, he didn't turn around to look at me but said "hello Raven looking for something "
I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic tone but still answered "yes actually I was looking for you "
"I just wanted to see if you were alright is that so wrong "

"shouldn't you be feeding Connor right now ", he said still not facing me

"Damian don't be absurd "

"I'm not being absurd you like him don't you so go be with him "

"Damian you know I don't like him at least not that way"

"seemed like it "

"I just met the guy ", I stepped in front of him, standing as a bridge between him and the already deflated punch bag


He glared at me but I wasn't budging, right now he was acting like a three year old girl with really big anger issues.
I quickly thought of an idea, I smirked "your not jealous are you "
"what... no of course not how could you even say that "
My smirk increased to a smile "you are jealous aren't you ", I used my index finger to poke his chest making him to move back, I didn't stop till him and the wall were pressed together. Gotcha now Damian no were to run.
"I can't believe it the great rich Damian Wayne air to the throne to Wayne's enterprises and the league of assassins is jealous of a flying twelve year old clone "

He was shaking now my hand still on his chest "I'm not jealous of anybody "

"oh really ", still not satisfied I decided to press further. I leaned in to his ear.

Damian pov
Oh dammit I'm being interrogated by a sorceress and loosing. My entire body shook as she leaned in to my ear she was to close for comfort my personal space has being invaded and I was doing nothing about. I felt like a helpless paralyzed patient being injected. Dammit this woman was breaking me piece by piece and there's nothing I can do about it. I was at a loss for words as she leaned closer, I could feel her hot breath on my ear as I tried to grasp my own breath. Then she whispered "are you sure ", her voice was sweet, clear and low, almost intoxicating, she was driving me crazy, my heart couldn't take it, I blocked all form of reasoning and grabbed her, pinning her to the wall then without thinking, I crashed my lips to hers, they were so soft she tasted like rain and fruit at the same time, a strange but wonderful mix, the kiss wasn't hard but it wasn't short either. Due to the need of oxygen I reluctantly let her go. As soon as I did confused like she couldn't understand what just happened, I couldn't blame I didn't either, but I surely wasn't expecting what happened next.

Raven pov
I didn't know what to think after that kiss, my brain was totally fried I could barely think, right now he was regretting what he just did but I didn't want him to regret. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, breaking the gap between us, I kissed him, our lips intertwined perfectly, a deep fire grew in, electricity flowed through me like a circuit I was enjoying every single moment of this and just when it was about to go deeper he let go of me ,probably wondered why we we were making out in the training room, I was wondering the same thing. My actions surprised me more than his, my face turned red am I mad what did I just do. This whole seen was to weird I think Damian felt the same because his face was also red, redder than mine even. We were both embarrassed, I looked at Damian he was so flushed it made me want to laugh.
"uh Damian"

"yeah "

. "let's just pretend this never happened okay "

"okay "
Just as I was about to leave, I turned back to face him my face pink now I bit my lip and said "you know Connor can't be compared to you, after all you are the most smartest, talented, sophisticated, quite charming guy I've ever met ",

Before he could say anything I had already opened up a portal and left. I landed on my bed, my face stuck on my pillow I was still blushing.

Damian pov
I closed my room door and dropped on my bed like a heavy log I felt like a heavy log. It's official I'm stupid, I facepalmed myself, dammit I threw my katana on the floor, I really messed things up, I don't think things will be normal between us know. Gush I'm an idiot.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now