Is He An Alien?!

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    The meal was absolutely silent. To test the waters Raven tried to strike up a conversation, but Damian not wanting to talk, just nodded or ignored her questions completely no.
     Left with no other option Raven decided to keep her mouth shut, feeling more stupid and uncomfortable as ever. She decided to dedicate that time to finishing the food she had on her plate so that she could get away quickly. She had no intention of staying with him any longer.

    Taking the last spoon of her dish Raven got up hurriedly wanting to leave. Rushing into the kitchen and getting her plate cleaned and stacked she headed straight for the door.


............... She paused. Her hand three centimeters away from the door.

   "You forgot something", without moving Damian pointed to the couch Raven had stayed on earlier. She had forgotten her spell book. That was awfully careless of her,  an action she was not familiar with.

   Embarrassed she quietly marched to the couch avoiding Damian's eye completely. Picking up her spell book, she once again turned to leave.

     Damian stood at the door, looking at nothing in particular. Raven braced herself and moved forward. She held the nob, Damian made no signs of moving

     She twisted the nob but he still stayed firmly in place. Raven made a mental note to replace the doors that had nobs with electrical one's that could self open.

Damian looked at her, eyebrows raised


"Why?, Why?, What do you mean why. Why don't I shove this book down your throat!"

       "Because you're blocking my way"

"Oh really, I didn't notice", he sounded clueless as if standing right in front of a door she needed to leave with wasn't wrong at all

        Now she really wanted to shove her book down her throat, her eyes turned red. Damian grabbed her hand spinning her so they swished places.

     The sudden motion surprised her and left her hair a mess. Her eye's were back to normal, Damian's green eyes glowed a light red for a second in response, till they went back to normal.

      Raven saw none of it.

Damian still held her hand firmly. She wasn't pleased but she wasn't angry either. Still the desire to kill him was still there, which she expressed by glaring.

     Paying no attention to the killing intent emitting from her, he still held her hand in place.

   "We need to talk", he said

"That's not for you to decide", she said bitterly

      "You're right, that's why I'm not asking", he smirked

    Raven rolled her eyes ," No surprise there, but seeing as you've held me in death lock and have constantly tried to block my departure,  I will hear what you have to say"

     "Good", His eyes turned serious "I have no intention of fighting with you, so let's patch up"

     Raven broke out in a sarcastic laugh "that's ridiculous", she looked at him eyes piercing"why should we"

   "Because we have something more important to put our energy's on instead of this pointless argument"

     "Is that all", she inquired wanting to hear more

   "If you're waiting for an apology, you're not getting one, because last time I checked we were both at fault", she scoffed at that.

    He continued"if I were to give an apology, it would hold no weight, would you prefer things go that way", Raven shook her head.

     "Look, I'm a highly intelligent being and so are you, and as a bonus we're good looking people, so why can't we get along", Raven couldn't argue about that, she was indeed intelligent, and gorgeous in human terms, Damian wasn't bad either, he was a heartthrob in a quiet bad boy way. She had nothing to refute.

        "You're starting to make sense", she conceded "do continue"

      "In order to stop these cultist from getting to you to release your father and killing innocent lives in the process we need to work together", he explained

      " You're right"

"So can we call a truce", he stepped away from her and stretch out his arm. Raven looked at him then his hand and finally shook it.

        "Truce", she said, proving her agreement on the matter" but on one condition"

     Damian raised his brow "what is it"

"You have to cook for me regularly",

         Damian took a good look at her "seriously"

     "Yes", she said "I hate to admit it but you make a mean meal and I'll like to have more of it"

      Damian moved close to her till they were a few centimeters apart.  "are you making me your personal butler" he said playfully

     She returned his question with the same playfulness "I am, do you agree"


"Good now can you please let me leave", she said

      Damian whispered in her ear " I never held you in the first place, you could have always just opened a portal and left"

      Just before Raven could refute, Damian had pushed her and left the room. Raven was left dazed.

      .......... Damian walked the hallway calmly, he bore no expression on his face. His reconciliation with Raven was just the first step to reach his goal. He had to move forward and get the results he planned for, at all costs.




Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now