A Meal

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     This Chapter is dedicated to Asuna6x. Thanks for being the first to read my update 😘

  Damian casually walked into the kitchen.  Two eyes trailed him as he got in and put on an apron.

    Without saying anything he took the frying pan from Kori and dumped it in the trash. Then he did something no one would expect .  Damian Wayne got some ingredients from the fridge, turned on the gas and began to cook.

    The great Damian Wayne, son to Bruce Wayne the richest man in Gotham. Heir to the Al ghouls and all their wealth, a guy who has probably been spoon fed things his whole life, was  standing in front of them in the kitchen, wearing a pink apron cooking?.  They just couldn't believe it.

     Kori stared agape, Raven cleared her eyes and Garfield who had gone unnoticed till now turned into a squirrel and ran into the kitchen. He was starving, and what Damian was preparing had a scent of gold, just what his nose needed to get back up again.

    Turning back into a human Gar sat down on the table, fork and knife in hand.

     Kori left her shock first " friend Gar and friend Damian, your finally awake, it's good to see that you're in good health"

     Garfield smiled showing off canine teeth "thanks star, it's good to be back, I know I was missed dearly, I won't disappear for so long next time, infact I'm going to stay awake and around twenty four hours a day so you'll never have to miss me again"

    "Please don't", Damian placed a plate of pancakes and vegan eggs in front of Gar, he looked at Kori while Gar stared at his plate with stars in his eyes and water dripping from his mouth.

    "Do you want one", Kori nodded and sat down as well. Damian dished her a plate with regular eggs.

     Dick stormed him "what smells good in here, did Kori finally learn how to cook"

      She shook her head, smiling despite herself "it was friend Damian who prepared this meal, isn't he wonderful"

    "Which Damian", Dick looked around the room and sited Damian in the kitchen with a pink apron on dishing pancakes.

      I can't believe it, he's really cooking.  That hit  must have infected him pretty badly. I have to take a picture and send it to Alfred. I should send one to Bruce too, I'm sure he'll have a heart attack

       Bringing out his phone Dick took a picture of Damian in his uniform and was just about to send it to Alfred. But before he could a bread knife came out of nowhere and pierced through his phone. Dick looked up and saw a not to happy Damian glaring at him.

   He felt bad for his phone, it was new and a good model at that.

      "You broke my phone"

"You took my picture without my permission, that's a punishable offence Grayson"

    "You could have just told me to delete it"

    Damian raised an eyebrow "would you have?"

      Dick couldn't refute his words, he probably wouldn't have deleted but hid it instead.

    "Look if it makes you feel better you can bill me I'll get you a new one"

     "Why are you being so nice about this". When dealing with Damian with this attitude Dick couldn't help but feel he was about to get scammed.

     "I just offered to pay for it, however if you don't want me to get you a new one I will spend no expense"

   Dick calmed himself. It was a good deal plus if he wanted to he could get something much better. He would be more than happy to let Mr Moneybags pay for his loss.

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