A special place

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  She felt her body hit the iced cold water in as flash goosebumps appeared in multiples on her skin. Her breath on still she slowly opened her eyes. Her purple orbs turned dark as the water filled her vision. She blinked twice then squinted turning her head around looking for her teammate, but it was to dark, panic weighed her down as she was beginning to sink in.  At the bridge of her struggle she felt a pair of warm hands wrap around her waist. She turned and then she saw him. His grip around her tightened and she immediately stopped struggling. A feeling of comfort and safety washed over her as she sunk  deeper into Damians hold, using their mind link as a way of communication between them. 'So what now '  she  asked. Damian pointed forward east but she couldn't make it what he was pointing at 'we swim' came his simple reply and slowly he let go of her,  giving her a little space,  he lunged forward and she followed.

  Back at the island
               Garfield was in the middle of a training session between him and Kori.  Everything was messed up and Kori was kicking his measly butt easily. He felt deflated. Losing again and again until he couldn't take it anymore. His head and heart was messed up with his thoughts about Raven and the totally obvious relationship she'd been developing with boy bat as he liked to secretly call him.  The training wasn't going very, he couldn't concentrate on fighting when his mind was somewhere else, on someone else.
            Kori being the emotional detector she was noticed immediately Gar's anxiousness, desperation and fear, after all it was all plastered on his face, when it came to emotional breakdown  Gar came first. Kori now realizing the cause of his current predicament decided not to pry.  Thus earning his solo training with her earlier than expected so he could have some time to himself to sort things put.  Garfield was more than happy and relieved when he was dismissed of training, at least now he could think properly without any interruptions. As soon as he just stepped outside of the training room he collided with someone in the next second. Gar and the person he had accidentally struck both fell to the ground. Garfield rubbed his head, it ached even more and he eternally groaned. He got up ready to leave "hey don't you know how to apologize", Garfield was shocked by the sudden outburst, he paused his footsteps and turned to meet the source of the voice. Finding Alice still sprawled on the floor, he rushed over and offered his hand. She relunctatly took it, her face full of disdain, she glared at him at him as he began to profusely apologize, saying it was all his fault, but Alice would never hear any of it,  instead of gratitude she felt disgusted by his presence and made no effort to hide it.  "what Is Wrong With You!" She yelled "you could have killed me"
           "I already said sorry"
"well sorry doesn't cut it!. Honestly can't you guys be more like Damian"
        Garfield was angry now "and what's so special about him "
        Alice looked up dreamily,  she looked cute like an actual giddy girl teen "everything"
       Garfield face turned red. First Raven now this one, he's had enough of it, it's like everywhere he went he was being compared to that rich scumbag,  but he was so much better right? And besides what did Damian have that he himself didn't.
          Without thinking Garfield looked at Alice who was to busy thinking of Damian to notice him,  a wicked smile was plastered on his face and his eyes glowed a dangerous green,  he stepped closer till she was trapped to the wall. Finally paying attention she asked "what are you doing, if this is a form of combat your going to loose terribly"
      He held her chin bringing it closer to his face"oh this is no combat move", before she could argue his lips met hers and her eyes opened up in shock.

        They swam towards a cave,  Damian leading. Entering the cave Raven was almost blinded by the light that greeted her,  but when she opened her eyes,  the shock and dumbness was Invitable.
   It was like she entered a whole new world of life,  the entire place was huge the walls coated with greens and fine flowers, beautiful exotic wild birds soared from above, other harmless creatures loomed below. On the middle of the whole scenery was  a beautifully made water fall,  filling the small pool underneath. It was extremely breathtaking. Feeling a sense of hot air on her ear, she left her reverie and came back. He whispered "do you like it? ", like it she loved it,  it's simply a wonderland, so quiet,  good for meditating,  pink would love to see this place the air was so refreshing,  she felt like melting to become one with the earth. Damian had to bring her back "Raven"
       "huh!", for a minute she was lost, Damian smiled at her cute expression, "I asked a question just now, did you not hear me? "
        "uh... mmmm no"
He rolled his eyes
          "well invade your wondering, I asked you if you like this place"
        Raven nodded her head profusely "yes very much "
         "good", "now", he offered her his hand "due you care to join me for a swim?", he raised an eyebrow awaiting her answer.
      Raven was flabbergasted, didn't they just come out of the water.  Damian didn't seem to think of this when he dragged her into the pool.

My apologies for how short this is I'll try to do better.  Part of my inspiration is being sucked out from all the school work


Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now