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I looked at the door motionless, not sure how to respond, "Slender what do you mean?" Spyro asked, looking over at him, he seemed just as motionless as me. He must've read about something about it. I felt like something was pulling me down to the ground as my legs tried to withstand the weight I had somehow randomly gained. I put my hand on the table next to me, using it to support myself, I felt hands around my waist as I gave out, I glanced sideways, Midnight was on the ground, Spyro was in BEN's arms as Icy I was laying in Hoodie's lap, legs crossed as her head was leaning on his shoulder he looks confused just as all the others, my eyes were heavy as I fought it, the only thing that was holding me up was Slender's hands that were gently placed holding me up, my hand had slipped of the table, I was the only sister awake as I fell backwards into him.

"Shadow." Slender said, I looked up as he slowly laid on the couch, "close your eyes." I did as told and slowly closed my eyes as I felt my bangs we moved out of the way of my eyes.

I watched James walked out of a familiar room with Nathan, I watched already knowing what was happening next, James pulled out a pure black knife, I gasped and tried to run between them screaming, I tried putting my hands on Nathan's shoulder to pull it back but found I couldn't move, I yelled at him but it was like they couldn't hear me. He stabbed Nathan before Nathan could scream before toughing him in a closet under the stairs and fought back in a room where I could see my old self sitting. The hold room began spinning and I ended up in the living room, beer bottles of the floor as my sister and mom slowly emerged from the bathroom, James shot up from the couch, terror on their face, I didn't cry though, I could hear the faint the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom as I cringed while my sister screamed,the knife going through her heart as mom grabbed at his arms trying to make him stop. He shifted quickly making mom fall on the ground next to Alyssa who was already dead, I took uneasy breathes as he killed mom, ready to wake up from the nightmare. I opened them slowly, I was standing in front of a tree, a small girl was laying there, tears on her face as a a man stood over her, he stunned her quickly and stood back before walking away happily. Kadence laid under the tree. I reached out to her but remembered I couldn't, I could feel a hand on my shoulder, the touch cold, not as cold as Icy's but close.

"Miss me Dearie?" I shook my head, but didn't turn around, the scenery began changing. Flipping through numerous images, each of James killing people, I didn't recognize anyone of them as they went by, I began feeling different, each clip just showing the stabbing part I felt  short of breath as it happened but the images themselves didn't bother me all that much. I finely felt my legs collapse under me, the dark face of James standing over ,e laughing as my eyes closed.

I shot up and looked around, seeing I was in the living room I calmed down, Slender was reading next to me, I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before turning towards him. "What happened?" I asked him, he looked at me.

"You tell me." I stared at him, not really wanting to talk about it, he nodded understandingly, he put his fingers on my temples gently, I knew it required less energy this way. He finely removed his hands and stared at me, soft cries were heard in the corner as I turned away from him.

Spyro's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked at BEN, pain in my eyes, he immediately put his arms around me and gently pulled me into the corner away from everyone as I began sobbing into his shoulder, he wasn't usually this patient or sympathetic. I would like to say that all the killing didn't bother me but I knew that would be a lie.

"Spyro what did you see?" BEN asked me softly, I looked up from him, black marks on his shoulder that my mascara had marked. I looked at him, wiping under my eyes in an attempt to wipe away my mascara that I was sure had run down my face.

"he killed all of them... And more." I looked into his eyes, "why would he do that?" I immediately felt guilty when I saw hurt in his eyes, I put my arms around his neck and leaned my head on him, "you didn't kill my mother." I stated as I felt a hand on my back softly.

"You know I can't help but kill people." BEN said softly, I nodded still not looking at people.

"I'm not asking for you to change." I told him, though I wouldn't mind if he would stop.

"Sorry Spyro, sorry you had to see what you did." I nodded, burying my face in his shoulder again.

Icy's P.O.V.

When I get the chance I'm going to slap James. Was not allowing me to move around or be heard in his little "dream world" his way of telling me I was a small low life nothing!? I paced the room, I was feeling uneasy.

"Icy what are you doing?" Jeff asked me, I turned around wickedly, he had stood up and was right behind me. I slapped him as hard as I could, leaving a red mark on his face, he groaned as he put his hand over his cheek. "What was that for?" He asked as I laughed.

"I feel better now." Is all I said before turning to hoodie.

"W-Why'd y-y-you see Icy-y?" Hoodie asked me, I turned around.

"I watched James kill my mother." I said before walking upstairs silent, "and slowly kill Gavin." I added under my breath were no one else could here.

Midnight's P.O.V.

James didn't scare me. Mothers alive. Innocent people dying. Nothing much. It only bothered me when he killed Hunter, my previous boyfriend. I played with Jeff's knife as I told him everything that had happened, he nodded, I glanced sideways to everyone, Hoodie had walked after Icy as Spyro was cradled by BEN. I looked back at Jeff who was nodding understandingly. What happens next, I'm not sure even Slender could guess using his vast knowledge of space and time.

Shadows P.O.V.

I ran a hand through my hair, pushing my bangs to the side, "he killed Katrina. Was it a warning?" Slender looked at me, focused intently.

"It could be." I rolled my eyes.

"That didn't help much." I said stubbornly, wrapping my cloak around me tighter I looked down at my lap, the whole situation made my stomach wrench.

"How about you just lay low, stop challenging him." Slender offered, I shot my head up, I knew my eyes had became I brighter blue, I could feel them and I knew what they did in this type of situation.

"Lay low?" I hissed, I'm still not sure when I randomly became irritated, "we can't lay low. He is challenging us. I'm not just going to lay low. If he wants a fight. I will give him a frawking fight!" My random act out seemed to confuse Slender as I took a deeply breath.

"Mummy." Kadence said pulling my tail gently, I turned around quickly, my faze fading away when I saw her face, "Whys everyone so mad and confused?"

"Just a minor thing happened, don't worry everything's fine." I turned around to see the whole room had froze and was looking at me and Kadence. Kadence nodded happily and skipped upstairs.

"Shadow what is JAMES trying to do?" I looked around. Why do they think I know?

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