Icy Royalty

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I know Icy Royalty sounds bad now but she gets better.


I returned back to the mansion, everything explained. I walked in to see Slender talking to a girl, her hair was a blue color, he lips were a blue purple and a her eyes were purple. She got off the stool and walked over to me, more like sashayed, she acted prissy and icy, I didn't like her.

"Hello," her voice was cold and it seemed to stab the air sending chills down my back, "I'm Icy, Icy Royalty," I nodded, of course she's royalty.

"She will be helping train you," Slender seemed to admire her hair sending jealousy through me,

"Awesome," I said sarcastically, she turned on her heal back to face Slender, her black dress twirled around with her, she raised one eyebrow at him.

"Anyway, let see want you can do," she said prissily,

"Ditto," I then walked out side her following me, her black heels clicking as she walked.

"Show me what you can do," she gestured towards herself,

"To you?"

"Of course, now go," I ran towards her, jumping side ways before colliding with her. I wrapped my arm around her throat to feel an icy feeling over my arm as she slipped out, ice spikes rose from the ground surrounding me. My feet became frozen to the ground as she began walking towards me with a broken piece of ice sickle positioned in her hand like a knife, she started laughing.

"Wow, you must have know skills what so ever, to easy," she held the ice knife up to me,

"Uh, uh, uh, the battle isn't done," and with that I disintegrated into a shadow leaving her confused,

"W-w-what! That's not possible," she startled searching around frantically, she pm she turned her back I made a vine shoot up and push her.

"Hi, it seems the tables have turned," I said, transforming before walking out of the shadows, she couldn't know I'm a wolf too, not yet anyway.

"H-how'd you do that?" I put my foot on top of her as she laid on the ground,

"That's not all," suddenly the ground became slick and I he no grip stay up, I looked around to see the whole ground ice, Icy was standing up, a smile lined her face, I needed paws to be able to walk on ice like she does, maybe a snow wolf. I trans formed me ran towards the startled Icy.

"That's not possible!" She screamed after I tackled her.

"It is now. I need a favor,"


-------time skip!---------

"I win!" BEN yelled as he beat me in Mario Kart, Slender had left on a killing spree and Icy had gone out to train, Masky and Hoodie were upstairs and Sally and Kadence were playing upstairs, Toby had gone to kill this girl he's been stalking for awhile and so had Jeff ad Midnight.

"Wanna go on a walk?" BEN asked, setting down the controller.

"Wow the king of all video games wants to go on a walk OUTSIDE in NATURE with me?" He nodded, "sure,"

"Let's go to the lake!" I said excitedly, I looked to see his reaction, hatred covers it, "oh yeah... Sorry,"

We kept walking talking about little things when I felt a cool breeze hit, my dress had lace sleeves and it was short, not made for the cold. Even BEN looked cold.

"W-why is it suddenly cold," BEN shivered,

"I don't know," I answered also shivering.

"I hate nature," BEN muddered, "I'll go look you stay here, I'll look around," I nodded and BEN left the area. I peeked through some trees to see Slender and Icy talking, I watched them it looked like a normal conversation till they started kissing. I started crying, I heard BEN come back, followed by arms around me and caring me home.

I grabbed my things out of the drawers and moved them to BEN's room, I made a place on the ground and laid down, no one had returned and it was getting dark. I laid down, I felt my joints scrape the floor as I laid down uncomfortably.

"You can have the bed Shadow, I'll sleep in he floor," BEN volunteered,

"Can I sleep on the end of your bed?" I asked, he nodded and I transformed laying on the foot of his bed in wolf form. I heard the door open and close, a Icy feeling went through the house, I shivered laying on top of the covers. I stayed like that, revising Slender wasn't gonna come look for me that night. I transformed back and rolled up into a ball crying, I tried calming down so ip it to wake up BEN but I soon heard him.

"Shh, come here," I crawled next to him as he let me cry into his shoulder.

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