Killer Kiss

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I arrived home from visiting Kadence and Sally at the Trender mansion, I opned the door to see a woman standing in the center of the room, I immediately recognized her as a Shadow Wolf with her ears and tail just like mine.

"Shadow." The woman said, I looked around at everyone.

"What happened?"

"Calum died this morning." I nodded my head slowly. I couldn't picture a clan without Calum.

"Who will run the clan?"

"Lori was given the position by Calum, Dark Wolf has gone out to tell all our clans across the world to spread the news." I nodded again.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, I should be going now." She disappeared in the air before I turned to look at everyone who was insanely quiet. BEN played on his DS as SPYRO leaned her head on his shoulder watching, Slender must be up in his study and everyone else in they're rooms, I could hear Katrina's music as she sang along if I tried. I turned on the tv and sat down, thinking about what I wanted to do in life when the music I could faintly hear stopped, steps could be heard downstairs as Katrina emerged.

"Katrina, I have a question." I said as she passed me, she stopped and turned around to look at me.


"Was Dark really the only one who helped you?" She shook her head.

"No, he does take all the credit though doesn't he."

"Who else then?"

"Her name was Black Uni, she's very pretty, part unicorn you know. She has a horn, she likes riddle and paradoxes, used to tell me them all day."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know really, I think staying at Slender's for now, she tends to hop from place to place."

"Thanks, that's all I need to know." I told her, she nodded and turned around.

"I'll be back later." She said as she left.

Katrina's P.O.V.

I felt the wind whip at my hair as I walked, I cloud sprint but I didn't feel like it at the time. I began humming as I walked, the tune of Animals. I started to see the town in view, I kept the tattoo's on, I can just say it's temporary if anyone asks. I saw a group of boys waking, they looked about fourteen, I smiled and waved, catching one of the boys attention. He left the group and began walking over to me.

"Hi, want me to buy you a drink?" He asked, I shook nodded, excepting the large dr. Pepper, I looked around to see no one watching as I quickly kissed his cheek and disappeared into the crowd, I heard someone scream, probably when he hit the ground, I smiled to myself, sipping on the drink till I arrived. Throwing away my empty drink before going back upstairs. Boys are easy to get the attention of, I put my hand on my key around my neck, everyone thought it was for decoration, but it represented so much more. I fixed my hair in the mirror before opening my diary that could only be opened by my hands.

Shadow's P.O.V.

"Slender, do you know who Black Uni is?" I asked as I walked into his study, he looked up.

"Oh she's a old one, less famous though, she likes talking riddles." He answered still looking down at his book.

"Has she ever stayed her?" I asked him, he nodded and looked up.

"For a little but she left. She's staying with Splender but she'll probably be leaving soon, I can call her over." I shook my head.

"No need, I just wanted to know who she was, thank you Slender." I turned around and started my way out.

"Have you heard Katrina's voice?" Slender asked, I stopped and nodded.

"She loves to sing I've noticed, what about it?"

"I researched it, it contains the correct frequency to cause someone to fall in love with her." He said, looking back down at his book.

"And I'm over here and all I can do is turn into a wolf." I said before leaving.

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