Uncovered Possibilitys

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Everyone stared at me in disbelief, "h-how'd you do that?" Masky asked as I transformed back, staring at everyone awkwardly.
"I don't actually know," I admitted, "are you sure none of you did it without thinking?"
"Nope, none of us could,"
"I guess I did do it but I don't know how. I was just scared of Jeff and I need somewhere to escape and BOOM! A random tree appeared," everyone looked from the tree back at me multiple times. "Further research should be observed and tested," Jeff said, staring at the tree intently. Just then BEN broke out laughing, "you sound like a scientist!" He laughed,
"Yeah yeah whatever," Jeff grinned about as wide as his carved smile was cut.

"So... Now I just have to find out how to control my new powers, that is, I they are powers," I sat on the bed across from Midnight, she scratched the moon tattoo that was centered over her eye in frustration,
"I just, I don't know what you should do," she looked up at me, "maybe train more, see if you can unleash our tree growing power or whatever it's called?"
"Yeah maybe," I laughed a little. "Whatever, I'm going to bed," Midnight stood up, she watched as Jeff walked by and in one swift move Midnight was on Jeff's back, him giving her a piggy back ride, "Let's meet outside tomorrow and train together!" Midnight called over her shoulder,
"Sure!" I called back, resting my head on the table.
"SHAD SHAD!" I heard a voice call causing me to snap my head up, I looked around landing my eyes on the small little girl, her hair down as always and wearing the same old blood splattered dress, "will you play with me?" She asked, cocking her head sideways,
"Sure, what do you want to play,"
"Can we play shadow wolf rider?" She asked, sticking her lip out making a puppy dog face.
"Fine!" I gave up, I hopped from the bar stool and transformed on the floor, keeping myself as a wolf and not a shadow, "hop on!" I called. It made me smile as the cute little seven year old ran to me, a smile on her small face, she climbed onto my back and leaned forward, griping my currently brown fur, but I didn't mind. "Go!" She commanded and I took of running, I turned every corner, I even went up the stairs. That's when I heard a crash from upstairs, by instinct I turned to a shadow and hid, scared of whatever made the sound. "Sorry! It was an accident!" I heard BEN yell from upstairs. I emerged from the shadow, that's when I noticed something. Sally still sat on my back, she slid off smiling, "that was AWESOME!" She screamed, she was a giggly mess for a little. I transformed and waited a little to ask her the question I had been wondering, "Sally, were you on my back the WHOLE INTIRE time," I emphasized some of my words, "yep, why?"
"Sally, I went into shadow form for a bit during that time," I tried explaining,
"Then I guess I was a shadow too!" She giggled again and skipped off to her room.

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