Final Transformation- Spyro

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I ran over to him, "Calum! Are you okay?" I asked quickly, pulling the knife from him and flipping him over.

"L-Louisa?" He asked softly, I bit my lip not sure how to respond.

"Shadow." I corrected as I lifted him up, Midnight helping as Icy observed his wound.

"Don't leave me alone."

"Why would I leave you alone?"

"Don't leave me alone. I'll be alone in the darkness."

"No, you'll never be alone when darkness comes you won't be alone.
." I say quietly, he nodded softly and closed his eyes.

"I froze his wound, it'll keep blood from overflowing but I think it hit an artery." Icy pronounced as we walked outside carrying him, the clan members ran up.

"OUR LEADER! Will he be okay?" One of the we on asked, I handed him to a group of men watching, I shrugged.

"No way to be sure, it was James, there's also two girls at the mansion we found, Louisa and Kimmy were their names, me or one of us will bring them back, we should go, we need to check on my friend." I said, everyone nodded and went their separate ways. We arrived home quickly to see everyone in the living room but Slender.

"How's Mikaela?" I ask causing the room to perk up at the sound of my voice.

"She's going to be a creepypasta, or that's what Slender said, and Shadow," BEN said whist walking over to me holding something black and folded up in his hand, "here's your cloak." He handed me it, I immediately unfolded it and put it on, it was fresh from the drier and felt warm against my skin, I wrapped it around me protectively, the warmth was better than the cold chill that radiated from Calum's body, I pulled the sides against me snuggling in when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my too, doubling the warmth, I turned to see Slender, I leaned my head into his chest happily. Everyone stayed like that for awhile she footstep could be heard defending from the stairs.

"Hello nice to meet you, I am Spyro Eclipse." Spyro said as she stepped down the stairs, Spyro, where had I heard that name? Everyone turned and looked at her, her hair was now light purple ombre to dark purple. A purple top matched with purple jeans fit her perfectly. Black converse decorated her feet as she flipped her purple hair, her purple eyes chilling the seemed like a blossoming flower in her eyes, light purple near the iris as it expanded. The strange part was the orange wings, they sprouted from the back between the cross cross straps of her shirt and sagged down. The wings had a skeletal pattern and looked nothing like Midnights really, the wings looked more like a dragons.

"Spyro, like from the game?" BEN asked, Spyro nodded.

"Mikaela your a Creepypasta now!" Icy congratulated, she glanced at Spyros light blue ring that was sitting on her hand, Spyro nodded and pulled it off, Icy and Spyro traded rings.

"Your all together, now just to put the rings together." Slender said, I nodded, k held my hand out in a fist, the ring sticking out, Midnight did the same as I felt the magnetic force pull me in slightly, Icy did as we did and finely Spyro joined in. Pit started to glow slightly and suddenly I was blinded, I felt the wold tipping and heard people hit the ground, one, two, three thumps. I knew I was going to hit the ground as I braced myself for it, I felt soft arms on my back pushing me forward till I was on my feet again, my eyes adjusted to the light I saw tendrils leaving my side, Slender had caught me, I turned to see Icy, Midnight and Spyro sitting up, each looking a little different in their own ways.

"What happened?" Icy asked leaning back against the wall, I looked down at myself, I looked about the same, I put my hand on top of my head and made sure I still had my wolf ears, sure enough they were there. "WHAT IS ON MY HEAD!?" I heard Icy tell in a high pitched voice causing everyone to jump out of their seat, I turned to see a confused Icy her hand on her head where two white cat ears sat.

"It seems the rings made you all stronger, it seems all of you have hit your final transformation." Slender announced as he walked up to us.

"But I already hit my final transformation." I confusingly replied.

"Yes Shadow you have, but no one else did, I told you yours took longer than anyone else's would, you just have more power." He said putting his hand on my shoulder, I nodded, a smile across my face. I have power. I looked back around, Icy had cat ears and a thin tail she was frantically trying to look at but continuously ended up turning, like a dog chasing his tail. Spyro looked about the same except for her wings stood out more and in her hand was a book she was staring at. Midnight's wings had changed slightly, they seemed to have a white glow or aura around them.

"What's this book?" Spyro asked still looking at it.

"I don't know, what's it say?" Midnight answered as she leaned over to get a better look at the purple book, Spyro shrugged as she handed me the new but old looking book.

"Black Dust." Spyro told us Slender took the book from me gently.

"It's a black magic book, seen one before, but why did you transform with it?" He asked himself whist looking down at the book, "do me a favor, focus on Jeff, the point at him." Slender commanded, she looked at his sorta confused.

"Why me?" Jeff asked.

"No reason, go Spyro." Spyro stared at Jeff who just gave a grin like, you can't scare me, she smiled two before pushing her hand out, a purple and black type of ball formed and hit Jeff, knocking him backwards onto the ground.

"That actually kinda hurt." He moaned, Midnight and Icy both laughed.

"So you do possess black magic." I said aloud, Slender nodded.

"She does." He answered.

"Dark, he co-leader of the clan, could probably teach you how to use it, she wasn't born with it but she knows it."

"Yes she was taught it, Shadow clan members don't usually possess any type of magic skills, so that's not unusual."

"Correct, Spyro, I need to take Louisa and Kimmy back to the clan, you can come and meet dark." She nodded, I went to go get Kimmy and Louisa.

"Can I come?" Kadence asked when I told her where we were going.

"Sure Kadence," I answered, "Sally want to come too?" I asked Sally who was playing with her dolls.

"No thanks I'm playing." Sally answered, everyone else got up and walked downstairs.

"Slender, want to join the party?" I asked as I passed him, he nodded and slipped his hand into mine, we began walking through the forest.

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