Saviors and New Looks

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I was pushed in front of Zalgo, a wide smile was pasted on his face, hello, Shadow," he said chuckling,
"What do you want from me?" I asked, knowing it would give me another beating.
"You have it," he spat out at me, his smile changing into a awful face,
"Have what?" I asked again hoping I could give it up and be free,
"My jewel!" He screamed, doing a face palm, I would laugh if I was not in so much pain,
"I have no jewel. Please!" I started crying, "let me go!" Then I noticed something, a shadow in he corner. "You won't go till I get it!" He boomed again. Cutting me with a knife, a thin line of blood oozed from the cut as I whimpered my wolf like sound. I gathered all my energy, took a deep breathe and transformed, I changed from a wolf form into a shadow and disappeared to the corner. Zalgo must not have known I could transform because he looked very confused, "close down everything in this room, she mustn't escape!" He yelled at a guard, but he didn't have to worry about me, I was to weak to walk, let alone escape.

I woke up to a banging on the door, I stood up, thinking I was in Slender's room and someone was knocking at the door, this thought changed when I fell back down, I was still a shadow wolf, but still my ankles as a wolf were rubbed raw and now bleeding a little. I closed my eyes again feeling a little tired.

"SHADOW!" I heard someone calling my name, I looked up by instinct and saw Slenderman and everyone looking for me. I transform back to normal, "Slenderman!" I called, before hitting the ground.

I woke up in the same room I was in when I first arrived to the Slender Mansion, but instead this time Slenderman was sitting next to me. He looked up, "oh, Shadow! Your awake! Finely," I looked at him confused,
"finely?" I asked, tilting my head like a puppy,
"Yes, you've been asleep for a week now,"
"Have you been here the whole time?"
"Yes, I've sat here everyday now waiting for you to wake up, but it's okay, you needed to rest," I felt my ears perk up, my face flushed red,
"O-oh," I sat up, Slender's tentacles helping me get comfortable,
"Slenderman, what was that Jewel that Zalgo said I took?" I asked timidly,
"I'm guessing it was that ring your wearing," he said,
"Why ri-" my confusion stopped when I looked at my finger, a black ring with a red diamond on top of it was displayed on my hand. Then I remembered, my father had given it to me, "okay, let's give him my ring,"
"We can't,"
"The ring holds a power in it no one can explain, he's the only one who can use the power, but with it he can turn all things bad,"
"Oh, if I keep it will Zalgo come back?"
"I don't know child,"
"Slendy," I stopped to hear him chuckle a bit, "why do I feel weird,"
"Listen, when you see yourself you might look a little different,"
"Why is that?"
"Whatever they did to torture you, it was to strong, so to heal, your creepypasta body changed itself to cope with it," I nodded, ready to see what I looked like, Slenderman got up and left I stood up and walked to the spot the mirror sat in. I studied myself, I was now wearing a black lace dress, my ears were still perked up,I had a dark blue sparkly nail polish on, along with my ring, I was wearing a necklace with a wolf on it, on my wrist was a tattoo depicting another wolf howling but different from the necklace, I lifted my dress a little to see another tattoo, this one was of weird black stuff, my hair was the thing changed the most, now it was blue and purple along with some black. What will the others think of my new look, even thinking about it made my ears stand up taller.

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