Royalty ALWAYS Wins

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This is more of a filler so, enjoy!


"Ready or not!" I called throughout the house, Kadence and Sally wanted everyone to play hide and seek with them so, here we are. "Here I come!" I laid on the ground, looking under all the chairs to see if I could see feet, immediately I spotted tiny feet and legs behind the chair in the living room. I recognized the tiny pair of black shoes as Kadence, I'll find her later, let her feel like a good hider. I snuck through the hallways so they wouldn't hear me coming, I snuck up to the closet and pulled it open, I was met with a knife to my neck. I froze immediately, then the knife was removed,

"Sorry, force of habit," Jeff backed up, "I'll help find the others," we head off, easily finding Slender, who hid behind the couch laying down, Hoodie and Masky, behind bathroom curtain, Laughing Jack was in a pillow fort, BEN didn't even try to hide, he was playing video games, Sally was hidden in her stuffed animals and last was Kadence, a giggly mess behind the chair where I fist saw her.

"LETS PLAY ANOTHER GAME!" Sally and Kadence screamed in unison,

"HOW ABOUT NOT!" Jeff yelled back, they made puppy dog faces while he shook his head still answering no.

"Fine! Come one Kade, let's play dollies!" Sally ran up to her room, Kadence hobbling after her.

"Wanna train Shadow?" Midnight walked up to me, I nodded as we left outside into the cool breezy autumn night. Midnight struck her hand out before I could react, the red and black orb came hurling towards me, I put out my hands helplessly hoping to block it when suddenly it froze, dropping to the ground and cracking it. Me and Midnight looked to the trees to see if we could find the imposter, what emerged was not what we were expecting, a white cat with blue eyes emerged she had here nose in the air and her walk said prissy all over it, but the cats attitude wasn't the only surprise. What looked like a snow tornado swirled around the cat and when the snow fell completely, a beautiful girl stood there, her eyes had turned purple.

"Icy, how'd you..." I started

"I'm an ice cat," she smirked, "you think your the only one who can transform?"

"Why can't I transform, we're all sisters! Why couldn't my mom have been shadow wolf or and ice cat or whatever!" Midnight complained,

"Shut up, you have wings," Icy laughed, Midnight spread her wings and flew up,

"oh yeah, I guess your right, haha I can fly!" She shouted from above.

"Anyway, why didn't you tell me?" I asked,

"I thought I'd surprise you,"

"Now I know why I didn't like you the first time I saw you, I mean, your a cat, I'm a wolf, close to a dog," I smiled,

"Same," she answered, she then looked up at Midnight who was gliding through the sky, "Are we gonna train or not!" She screamed. Midnight answered with the same type of black and red orb to Icy. She countered by freezing again then making a ice dome around herself smirking. I also made a tree dome around me leaving Midnight out.

"Ughh! Why can't I make a dome out of wind?" She flew over to the thick ice dome and leaned in, "Little pig, little pig, may I come in?" You could practically here Icy roll her eyes.

"No," she answered.

"Fine then," Midnight pulled out her knife she kept in her hoodie pocket and started licking at the ice but Icy kept making another layer finely Midnight came to me. Tired of sitting there I retracted my dome and attacked, Icy doing the same. Midnight made a force field type thing by flapping her wings so that Icy couldn't get near her with her ice knife. I came up surprising her but I felt ice cover my back legs and I was unable to move, transforming wasn't allowed in our combat training so I was stuck. Twisting around I tried blocking the attacks but soon I was on the ground and out, leaving Midnight and Icy to fight. Icy tried using a blizzard to blind her but Midnight made it blows away with her wings, Icy covered Midnights wings with ice making them unable to move till it melts. Midnight dodged repeatedly, her knife held out protectively till Icy made a swift move knocking out the knife from her hand sending a confused Midnight to the ground.

"Ha, Royalty always wins, weather it's a small argument or war," she stuck her nose in the air prissily.

"Sureeee Icy, royalty ALWAYS wins," I said sarcastically earning me a sharp glare from her.

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