Katrina Heart

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After Slender explained to Spyro it was just as training and that it wouldn't be anytime soon we stopped and went inside where Dark said he had a suprise. We all went in and waited till voices could be heard outside of the door, two to be exact, one sounded higher, but nice and smooth, calming, but immature, the other one was none other than Dark's, we waited, i could hear part of what they were saying with my wolf ears but didn't care enough to focus, I leaned back in the chair relaxing, waiting for whatever was going to happen go ahead in happen. The door creaked open and there walked in a girl. She looked about twelve or thirteen, she had on a white shirt, the sides longer than the middle that showed her stomach slightly, reveling the bottom of shot looked like a tree on her side. Along with the shirt she had matching black ripped jeans and converse on, her black hair was in beautiful wavy curls I couldn't help but admire. Peering in her eyes you felt like you could be hypnotized by the dark greatness of them as he looked around smiling a perfect smile, her lips looked like they had tinted pink lip gloss on them that made them shine as they framed her smile, around her neck was a silver key. Looking at her you could tell she had many more tattoos, there was the tree on her side, a heart on the top of her arm, a arrow on the top of the other arm. the word "love" was printed on her wrist, and a red heart placed right under her eye. I glanced at her hand to see a familiar tattoo on her finger, it was a crown ring, but as a tattoo, i glanced at Icy's face who had tears running down it, on her hand was the same ring tattoo.

"Nice to meat you everyone, I am Katrina Heart. Call me Kat." The girl announced, her voice could be heard better than it was from outside, now it was a prettier voice, more girly voice, but Amit didn't sound to young.

"Kat" Icy repeated, Kat looked at her.


"It's Icy now." Icy corrected.

"No one told me you died." Kat said as she peered at Icy shot a glare back.

"No one told me you lived. Dark, where did you find her?"

"Under a tree, dead." Dark said, half paying attention, everyone else in the room just watched, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Katrina, what do your tattoos represent?" I spoke up, she turned to me and smiled.

"My tattoos tell a story. My story." She looked down and grabbed the edge of her shirt reveling more of the tree, I could tell the tree went up farther but no one was going to ask to see it all, "I was killed under a tree by a arrow, it hit me," she pointed to her heart, "there. I died crying and woke up to the sun, and a man standing over me, Dark." She answered shrugging.

"Interesting." I responded.

"Have you killed anyone yet?" Jeff asked, Katrina nodded.

"I don't know how many but I have." She said, "My kiss is poisonous." She smiled.

"Poison? So is that what you use as a weapon?" She nodded.

"I guess, one kiss and they'll wither away dead."

"You've grown taller sister." Icy said changing the subject.

"As if you too sister." I looked at them both, Icy was beautiful just as Katrina was pretty, well, at least as pretty as it gets for her age.

"You weren't on the family chart." I added confused on how they could be sisters.

"Must've skipped her, died years before I did, five I believe."

"Yes I remember I was sitting under our apple tree reading, Em, father killed me." She said looking around, I bit the inside of my lip.

"Yes, and there's a big problem with him but you mustn't worry about it today." I wasn't ready to explain it to her what was going on, I turned to Slender who was looking at Katrina thoughtfully.

"Can you turn into an ice cat?" Icy asked her, she shook her head.

"No, I met Dr. Smiley, I have the genes but they were over powered by fathers Creepypasta genes." She answered, I wonder if she's met Blood, Halfie or Black Dream, Blood's brother, he's around the age as her.

"Have you met anyone who lives with Dr. Smiley?" I asked her, she shook her head.

"Only the doctor."

"Blood and them are coming over later this week, you can meet them then, will you be staying?" I asked her, Icy stood up.

"She's staying, I'm not loosing her again." Slender nodded and went to go find her a room, returning a few seconds later, he told me what room it is and I led her up. When we arrived in the big room she began looking around.

"This is perfect, thank you so much." She thanked me.

"Would you like me to take you to the store?" I asked her, she nodded and stood up, I decided to leave my cloak in the mansion and change into some normal clothes. I walked back out picking up Katrina on the way who was already prepared, we started our journey through the woods. As we neared the outside of the town she placed her hand on her heart under her eye and it disappeared.

"That's cool." I said looking over at her.

"Thank you, it's just I think it's illegal for someone under aged to have a tattoo." I nodded in agreement. Katrina grabbed some stuff and gave it to me, I lurked through the shadows till I was upside the store with the unpaid for items as Katrina walked out like nothing had happened. She ended up decorating her room a white color with the white carpet, painted black hearts were printed on the walls, some of the few red. Her bed sheets were white with a black zigzag pattern on it. I looked around her room smiling.

"It looks nice." She said peering at it.

"I agree." A small journal sat in the corner of the room, I looked at it before looking back at her as she set up her stereo as it played, singing along with the lyrics to 'Jar of Hearts' I'm guessing she likes, her voice hit every note and in all was beautiful to listen to, I wished I could sing like that, she synchronized with Christina Perry, her back turned to me, I finely left, the song now playing in my head.

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