The Start Of Somthing New

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"Go!" Midnight yelled as she flew to the sky, she threw a ball of nightmares at me, I transformed and hid under the shadows of the tree watching the dark ball hit the ground and disappear in a black fog. Midnight landed and started looking around, when her back was turned towards me I jumped landing on her back, she had retracted her wings earlier, I pinned her to the ground, "fine! Fine! You win!" She gave in laughing a little, "NOT!" she rolled over, pinning me to the ground, I transformed again, "okay, can we talk, I want you to do something for me," Midnight rolled off me and stood up,
"Yeah sure, what is it?"
"Okay I'm going to transform, then grab onto my fur and I'm going to do something," Midnight nodded.
I transformed into brown wolf, my eyes staying crystal blue. Midnight took a handful of my hair and looked at me, I lead her to a giant tree, the branches were tangled and messed up looking but it just made it have a bigger shadow, I took a breath of the piney sent and focused on being a shadow, I focused on Midnight hiding with me. Before I knew it I could feel the darkness seeping throughout me, becoming a shadow but I still felt a firm grasp on my chocolate brown fur. I finely transformed back, going into shadow form was tiring, I looked at Midnights face, "what just happened?" She asked, she looked more energized than me,
"I think you became a shadow with me but, are you not tired?" She looked at me,
"You are?"
"Yeah, I'm always tired after it, but I'll be fine,"
"What do we do now?"
"I'm going back to Slenderman, he knows all that type of stuff," I walked with Midnight back to the Slender Mansion, I was to tired to transform, and currently I felt like falling over. I stumbled in, tripping on the thresh hold. I fell onto Jeff, followed by me backing up awkwardly, he just smirked, I turned and ran to Slender's and mines room, he wasn't there, "Slenderman!" I called, listening to my voice echoing in the blank hallway. I then checked his study. Slender was sitting in an old dark black leather chair, he had a book in front of him. I couldn't help but notice all of the books, after all, the whole wall was aligned with so many of them I could barely see the wall paper printed beneath where the bookcases leaned against the wall.
"Slendy?" He looked up from his book, gently setting it on the table, he gestured to his lap and I came and sat myself in it.
"Yes child?"
"Whenever I turn into a shadow, people with me, as long as their holding onto me," a look astonishment crossed his face,
"Yes Shadow, that is very interesting," he scratched his chin, "I must go on a killing, I sense people in my forrest," Slender stood up prepared to leave,
"Slender wait!" He turned towards me, "c-can I go?" He looked uneasy about the idea but he took my hand,
"bien sûr, mon loup d'ombre," confusion crossed my face,
"You gotta stop with the French," I teased.
"I said, of course my shadow wolf," I nodded and smiled, leaning my head on his chest, I closed my eyes for a little. I was still tired from my shadow hiding, and soon I found myself drifting off.

I woke up to soft lips being planted on my cheek, I looked up at a white face, a smile spread across mine. "Ready to go hunting," Slender whispered in my ear sending chills down my back,
"Yes," I whispered back, meeting his lips with mine, I heard someone clear their throat in the hallway, my ears perked up, I pulled apart to see Jeff staring, a smirk plastered on his thin lips,
"ready to go hunting?"
"Yes Jeff, just hold on we'll be right down," Slender gave me another long lingering kiss, when he pulled away I felt a loss, wishing it could last forever. Slender grabbed my hand, teleporting us down with everyone, Slender looked at me, cupping my cheek with his giant hand,
"quand sera notre rendez-être?" I had studied a little French with one of the many books in the bookcases.
"Selndy," I joked with him, "all I understood was 'when' and 'date'" I laughed slightly,
"When will our date be?"
"I don't know, your the guy in the relationship,"
"Then, my dear Shadow, we will discus it later," Everyone went their separate ways into the forrest. Slenderman teleported with me into the woods, were a nice looking family was camping. I watched as the little girl reached for a marshmallow to roast over the fire, her mother slapped the girl across the face, tears welled in her eyes. "Can I take this family? Wait, am I allowed to keep the little girl alive?" Slender nodded,
"Kill who you want, I just want them out of the forrest. The little girl will warn others of the forrest so it all works out, I'm going to do my killings away from here, I sense another family," and with that Slender disappeared. I stared at the crying little girl, planning out what I'd do.

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