Black Dream

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I finished drawing a crescent moon on the wall before I stepped back and admired my work, the blood ran down, as I smiled, licking my finger clean of the Crimson substance. I flipped up the hood of my cloak before leaving the house. I looked out onto the hill that I stood on one day to see Katrina holding hands with a guy next to him, I stopped for a second and turned around, the boy was facing her, she was shorting then him, she stood up on her toes and kissed him she then lowered herself as he fell onto her. She side stepped and caught him, lowering him onto the ground gently, I saw her whisper something to him before leaving. I ran back to the mansion before she did, she must've walked here.

"Dr. Smiley, Halfie, Blood and her brother is coming over later." Slender said as I took a seat, yawning, it was getting late, they'd probably come in the morning, I leaned against Slender closing my eyes, my tail was on my side so not to bother me. I opened my eyes laying in bed, the light shinning into the bedroom. I forced myself to crawl out of bed and get dressed, I walked down the hallway, everyone seemed asleep except for the soft singing coming from Katrina's room. I entered the living room to see Blood and everyone sitting down, I smiled and walked over.

"Hey Shadow." Black Dream said as I walked up.

"Hey." I said back, I saw him glance at the stairs as if he was waiting for someone to emerge.

"I believe Icy is asleep." I told him, catching his stare.

"Oh." He answered, Katrina walked down the stairs, she wasn't paying attention as she passed, humming a beautiful tune of a song I haven't heard of before.

"Katrina." I said as she passed, she turned around quickly.

"Hmm?" She asked, she glanced at Dream and smiled, he stared at her for a second.

"Hi." Dreams said.

"Hello." Katrina said back, she continued on her pathway to the kitchen, returning to singing her song, when she smiled Dream blushed and I laughed.

"Lissy said we were going to fight." Dream said.

"Oh no, it's not your fight." I said looking around, "it's me and my sisters, no one else's." I slumped back in my seat. Slender laced his long hand in mine but kept it hidden.

"Shadow, I meant to tell you something." He said before teleporting to his study.

Katrina's P.O.V.

I came back to the living room where Spyro was now talking to blood and Halfie as BEN talked to Dr. smiley, I looked at the boy who was sitting down near everyone but was flipping through a book in his hands, not congregating, I heard him be called Joey earlier.

"Hello, I'm Katrina Heart, you must be... Joey?" He shook his head.

"Now it's Black Dream." I smiled.

"I like Joey better. What are you reading?" I asked, not looking over because I wasn't sure if it was personal or not.

"My spell book, want to see?" I nodded and sat next to him, looking over his shoulder, the letters in the book had a different writing, much like how Spyro's is. I looked up from the book to see him looking at me intently, I smiled, looking back into his back and rainbow eye and black eye before looking back down at the book.

"So Joey, brother of Blood."

"Whose your sister again?"

"Icy." I replied, I saw him freeze, "is there something wrong?" I asked him, he shook her head, I pulled out my iPod I brought everywhere and got out head phones.

"Want to listen?" I asked him, he nodded and put up his book before taking the other earbud and listening, Centuries started playing and I couldn't help but sing along in some parts. I sang quietly till I heard Joey's voice starting to sing along. I started laughing causing him to stop.

"Sorry." He apologized, I stopped laughing and shook my head.

"It was kinda cute." I told him, I saw him blush as he tried hiding it. I smiled before hearing Shadow's voice calling me, I pulled my earbud out and stood up, Joey glanced over at the iPod and I laughed, "feel free to choose a song if you'd like." I told him, I saw him pick it up.

I began walking upstairs to Slender's study as I reapplied my lipgloss. I entered seeing a Shadow and Slender both looking at a book. "Katrina, we found this. Icy said it was yours." She was holding a crown in her hands, "she found it and wasn't sure if you wanted it or not." I looked at it, remembering, flash backs started spinning through my head if being small, receiving the crown, playing with Emily, I stared at the tiara thinking. "Katrina, are you okay?" I snapped my head up nodding.

"Fine fine, sure I'll take it." I picked up the tiara but didn't put it on. As I held it the jewel on top of it began turning red instead of blue. I set it on the top of my dresser before walking back down, my iPod had the earbuds wrapped around it and it was turned off. I looked back up and walked into the kitchen where all the food was set out, I sat down in a chair across from Joey since it was the only one open. I immediately reached for the cinnamon roles, my favorite food ever. I rolled out the sides and ate it piece by piece, the way I always did. When I finished I licked the icing from my fingers before going and washing them. I sat back at the table because that was the proper thing to do as I waited. When everyone finished I stood up and started walking.

"Where are you going?" Icy asked, I rolled my eyes.

"Going to kill people." I replied as I continued walking, "I'll be back soon." I walked out the door of the mansion.

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"It's not you, it's me." I said before I kissed him lightly as he collapsed into me, sometimes it's hard to kill people, becoming emotionally attached to them, especially the way I do it. I held him there for a moment, letting him lean on me as his warmth slowly depleted. I finely turned sideways and laid him on the ground gently. I stared at the boy for a second before turning around and leaving back home, it was getting late, it was fun spending time with random people sometimes. I entered to find that our guests had left, I continued up the stairs and into my room. Opening my diary I turned to the back pages and wrote down his name with the others.


I drew a heart next to his name in red before going back to the beginning and wrote some personal notes, my diary has began to wear out but I'll never give it up. I curled up in bed and went to sleep.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I walked down the hallway slowly, seeing who was asleep, I almost stopped by Sally and Kadence's room before I remembered they were with Trender. I walked passed Katrina's room, peaking in slightly to see she was asleep in her bed, soft music was being played in her room, I decided not to turn it off, it made the room more serene. I closed her door and continued down the hallway seeing most people were still awake. Not tired yet I decided to go to the living room and watch something, most likely doctor who. BEN was playing on his DS as Spyro's head laid in his lap. Everyone had gone on a killing spree earlier but Spyro, who seemed not ready yet, I went upstairs to Slender's study instead of watching tv.

"Slender, why doesn't Spyro want to kill? Will we have to send her to the Happypastas?" He shook his head.

"She's part Spirit Dragon, and she hit her final transformation right after first transforming, she's might not want to till something happens and she has to, then bloodlust will click." He said, I nodded and continued on my quest to watch Doctor Who.

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