Icy Royalty

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BEN's P.O.V.

Slender had crossed the line, he should be comforting Shadow, not me. She cried into my chooser till I felt her soft calm breathes, I layer her down on the pillow and went to Slender's room, he was sitting up in bed reading.

"Ah BEN, have you seen Shadow?" Anger filled me, he didn't even act like he knew what could be wrong.

"Yeah, I had to carry her home while she cried," I almost growled at him,

"Why was she crying?"

"She saw you freaking kiss Icy!" I yelled at him.

"Why is she in your room?" Sometimes he just doesn't have emotions.

"Ughhhh!" I face palmed.

"I'm going to bring her back," he stood up and started walking towards the door, I blocked him,

"She's asleep, she's staying my room tonight, talk to her in the morning," he just nodded and went to lay back down. I returned back to my room to see Shadow sitting up, her tears were dried on her skin. (She learned how to control them)

"B-BEN?" She asked as I slid into bed,

"Yeah," I put my arm around her, noticing she was shivering. I then remembered that Icy was next door, I pulled her closer to keep her warm. She cuddled into my side and drifted off again, soon I found myself falling asleep too.

------------a long long night later------------

"Ben?" Someone whispered, her voice shaky. I looked down to see Shadow looking back waiting,

"Yeah Shad?" I sat up more and she leaned off me.

"Can I eat up here?"

"Wh-, oh yeah. Sure I'll be right back," she got up collecting some new clothes to go change in the bathroom as I started downstairs.

"Hey where's Shadow?" Masky asked me.

"How about you ask Slender," I mutter, picking up some food.

"There's been to much drama with all these girls around," Jeff laughed,

"Says the," Toby cracked his neck, "one with a girlfriend,"

"HEY!" Midnight said, pointing out she was still in the room.

"May I talk to her?" Slender asked nervously, maybe now he realized what he's done.

"If she's mad you might not want to," Midnight said, stabbing at her food with a fork.

Just then a chill went through the house.

"NOT MY FAULT HE LOVES ME MORE!" Someone yelled upstairs, probably Icy.

Everyone turned to Slender.

"What'd you do?" Masky asked, Slender looked down. He explained everything, also saying the parts that Shadow hadn't told me.

"We better go split them up," Jeff said standing up. We made our way upstairs, leaving Slender sitting downstairs.

We stood outside the door trying to open it it seemed to be frozen shut,

"Open up Elsa!" Toby said, earning a laugh from Sally and Kadence who were walking over to the door we were standing at.

"What's going on?" Sally asked, leaning her head up to the door, "oooh it's cold,"

"Icy is over,"

"Who that?" Kadence asked,

"We'll tell you later" Kadence nodded.

We could here fighting through the door when it fell silent. Everyone helped brake down the floor and there laying in the floor was Icy and Shadow crying and hugging.

Shadow's P.O.V.

Icy and I were fighting till we both stopped. She was wearing a, ring, it was purple but it was identical to mine except the color,

"D-did you have a father?"

"He left us when I was younger," she started crying,

"Crap," she looked up,


"I think..."

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