The Little Girl

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I started from far away, running in the shadows so I wouldn't make a sound. I transformed back, plastering on a sad face, my tears helping. In the distance I heard another loud sound, I recognized it as a slap. I ran through the woods to the camp were that sat, I pretend tripped curling up in a ball, I glanced at the kid, up lose she looked around 5. The mother ran up to me, "oh dear!" She leaned down, trying to comfort me, "are you okay?" I sat up and stared at her, I could tell my tears had a big impact on her. But it made kinda angry, with my tears, she softened, with her daughters tears she hit her.
"Hun, why don't you go lay in my daughters tent for a bit and we can talk," I nodded and stood up, I transformed in the tent and waited. The sun was setting over the horizon, I heard the zipper on the tent being messed with, I quickly hid in the shadows in the corner of the tent. The mother stuck her head in and looked around, "I guess she left," the mother called over her shoulder, she backed out and yelled at the younger girl, "get in bed now!" The little girl crawled into the tent, when she was in and the tent was zipped up the girl burst out crying. She wrapped herself up in the sleeping bag covers. Sadness welled inside of me, I came out of the shadows, forgetting I was a wolf, the little girl looked at me and screamed, I transformed and sat next to the crying five year old. I wiped a tear from her salty stained face,
"W-who are you?" The scared girl asked,
"I'm Shadow," I gently pet her hair hushing her, "what's yours?"
"Kaiden. Why are you crying?" She rolled over to look up at me,
"I'll tell you later, now, I must do something, to... Help you," I turned to a wolf again and left the tent. I went to the woman's and man's tent, I bit the mans neck first followed by doing the same to the girl, killing them both before they could scream. I transformed and returned to the little girls tent,
"Pack up your stuff," I started packing up her blankets,
"Where are we going?" She asked, rolling up her sleeping bag,
"I'm bringing you to some friends," she nodded and continued to pack. When we where done I to,d her what to do before transforming. She slung the bag over herself and hopped onto me, I began sprinting back to the mansion, slowing down every once in awhile to make sure she was okay and to reposition. I just hope everyone will accept her. When we arrived she slid off me, I then transformed and walked in, hiding Kaiden behind me.
"Hey Shadow, how was your first kill?" BEN asked smiling up to me, he straightened his Link hats that had became crooked. Kaiden stepped out from behind me,
"Hi!" She said smiling and waving, a look of astonishment crossed everyone's face. Slender stood up and walked to me.
"Please don't hurt me!" Kaiden jumped behind me, Sally skipped up to her,
"Will you play with me?" Kaiden smiled, walking out from behind,
"Sure!" They ran up the stairs together.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Jeff screamed, coming towards me, he sliced my cheek with the knife he was holding, I fell to the ground crying. Midnight stood in front of me,
"What is wrong with you!" She yelled, slapping him, Slender teleported to my aid, he crouched to the floor holding me as I cried,
"Jeff, we will talk later," Slender yelled, it seemed to snap Jeff out of it,
"Shadow, I'm sorry," he tried talking to me but I ignored him, leaning onto Slender, leaving tears staining his suit. He teleported me back to his room,
"Shadow calm down, I'll... I'll make it better," he put his tentacle on my cheek. A feeling of energy ran through my cheek, making it feel less like a deep cut until all pain was gone and so was the cut.
"I'm so sorry I brought her back here, it's just her parents reminded me of dad and-" I started crying harder.

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