Falalalala falala Murders

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"ITS CHRISTMAS!" Kadence yelled, jumping on me and Slender's bed. They even invited all the others, I heard Dr Smiley would be there and Slender's brothers too, some new people are also coming. Everyone remembered Christmas in their past life but Slender and his brothers since they really had no past life. Kadence ran out of the room probably to wake the others. I sat up, Slender already out of the bed, I began stretching, hearing my elbows pop, I smiled as he walked over to me. He began to kiss me, I crawled up to him, him standing next to the bed and me standing on my knees. I put my hands around his neck and his hands gently placed on my hips. I felt his tendrils attempt to pick me up and I easily allowed it. He pushed me up against the wall, I ran my hand on his chest. I slipped the tie he was wearing over his bare chest onto my neck, he smiled into the kiss.

"Mommy! Santa came!" Kadence called form the hallway, I heard tiny footsteps indicating she was coming. Slender pulled back, I fell to the ground. He had been holding me up so I could be at his height. Slender had slipped on a shirt before she came in. "Mommy why are you wearing Slendy's tie?" She asked, entering the room. I blushed as my ears perked up.

"We were playing dress up." I lied, her confused face was replaced with a smile.

"Santa came!" She squealed.

"Wow he did?" I asked as I smiled looking at Slender, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah! Sally's waking up everyone else, there's presents and everything!" She exclaimed before running out.

"Hmm, I see Santa came to town, but who was that mysterious Santa?" I asked, walking up to Slender, positioning my tie. "Or was it Jack Skellington?"

"I read about the Santa Clause tradition mortals have and thought that's what Kadence was talking about for Christmas, while everyone was asleep I teleported to malls, took some items and teleported back placing them under the Christmas tree. Then I gave invitations to all my brothers and everyone else I could find who was a creepypasta. I do not know who this Jack Skellington is though, I don't have a book on him..." He looked at me as I placed a new tie on him, still wearing his red one.

"Hes from a movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' everyone's dead that's in it, the main character, Jack Skellington, lives in Halloween town he finds a portal to Christmas town and faces some consequences. You and him have a lot alike come to think of it. Tall, creepy, dead, wears a suite, the only thing is. He has a face." I removed the tie and gently put it back on his neck, he now wore two ties.

"Again with the face." He complained, taking my chin and pecking my lips lightly before I pulled away to go change.

::::::::::::(ONE HOUR LATER):::::::::::::

Laughing Jack arrived first, he placed a gift under the tree before going and talking to everyone. Dr. Smiley then came in with his girlfriend, The Bloody Queen, or Blood, she carried a chainsaw with her as her weapon, her outfit black and red, you could tell she had been royalty in her past life. Icy walked up to her smoothly.

"Hello, I am Icy, Icy Royalty." Icy sneered sassily, rubbing in the royalty part. I heard Blood snicker. Icy's nose that had been pointed up in superiority fell to look at her. Her crystal blue eyes erupted with anger.

"Blood." Blood answered back. I felt the air chill as Icy tried to hold back her ice powers.

"Whatever." Icy sneered, dropping Blood's hand and sashaying to the couch, grabbing Hoodies hand on he way.

"Nice to meet you." Everyone introduced themselves to Blood, Icy avoiding contact, she was mostly inthralled in messing with Hoodie and pecking his mask every so often. Midnight came in with a annoyed Jeff who was muttering stuff, his hair messy and his face tired.

"Did we have to get up that early Kadence?" He complained. Kadence just nodded, starring wholes in the presents. Blood introduced herself to me along with her friend Half-Mask, or Halfie, we all became friends quickly. Halfie wore half a purple mask, her whole outfit convicted of black and purple, she was Dr. Smiley's proxy. Next came Splenderman, or Splendor. His suit was aligned with colorful polka dots Kadence fell in love with and ran up to. He let her wear his pika doted fedora as she laughed in excitement as it fell over her perked up ears. Her ears perk up when she's exited. Next came in Offenderman, or Offender. He walked up to me, his Indiana Jones type outfit fit him well.

"Hello dear." He said, a rose appearing into his hand. "Care for a rose?" A leer crossed his face.

"My dear sir, I do respect your nice proposal but I must decline. Due to the fact that I am out of your league AND dating your brother." I answered, his leer disappeared quickly.

"Aha, but my dear, I always get what I want, for I'm the Offenderman." He answered, and started approaching Kadence who was now standing with Splender, her apparent new friend,

"Brother please do not get the child involved." Splender told Offender, stepping in front of a giggling Kadence.

"All I wish is to give her a rose," Offender answered back smoothly, a leer across his face again.

"I can grow roses with magic!" Kadence said, making a small rose bloom out of a occupied flower pot that sat in the corner.

"Well my dear-" Offender was cut off by a mad Slender.

"Come child, let's get some candy from Jack." Slender said, taking Kadence's hand and walking away, Splendor taking back his hat as she passed. Trendorman came up later, giving me some fashion tips and left. By lunch it was packed with creepypastas, Kadence was holding my hand as we walked around greeting everyone, finely I found Blood.

"Mind watching Kadence for a bit? I'm going to help cook since a bunch of murders can't cook
very well." She nodded and took Kadence's hand as I found my way back to the kitchen. I helped make the feast but first we had to open presents according to Kadence.

"Wow!" Kadence exclaimed, throwing the candy Laughing Jack had bought up in the air and dancing in it, Sally doing the same.

"How are you?" I felt warm breath as I spun around to be face to "face" with Offender, I was tired of his crap today.

"Go away." I commanded, turning back around. I felt a hand pet me as I melted. The hand soft as my wolf ears perked up from the nice touch. All of a sudden the petting stopped and I saw Slender yelling at Offender who had been apparently the one petting.

"Let's take this outside." Slender said, his voice showed annoyance.

"Of course brother." Offender answered. They both left outside, a couple of people went to watch as well. The remaining people passed out the rest of the presents, I got a few but not a lot, just as I expected. I looked down at the presents, a blue hoodie that matched my hair and black pants from Trenderman, a rose from Offenderman, a snow globe from Splenderman (snow globe?), a small bag of candy from Laughing Jack, a few cookies from Eyeless Jack. Note to self, cookies probably have kidneys in them, ask EJ. A dandelion from Kadence, a knife from Jeff, and a new video game from BEN. I looked at all my presents, I've always thought of Christmas time when it came around as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely. Some how a group of murders found how to do just that.

"My fake mommy and daddy used to hit me at Christmas for not saying thank you to gifts." Kadence said as she stood up and looked at everyone, "but I still got things like presents, a meal, everything, it just came with a price for me, but now," she held out her arms like she was festering to everyone, "I have all that. And no one tells at me or anything!" She smiled. And everyone nodded, also smiling, forget all the presents.

Kadence was my real gift.

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