And The Dragon

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Gold, white, and black glinted in the glowing light that was casted by the cracklings flames.

Spyro's dragon form was beautiful, purple scales made the yellow thing that ran down her back pop. Her black eyes could send fear trembling down any mortals back in a moment. I had to stop to catch my breath as she swooped by, black dust seemed to push out instead of fire, making all who inhaled it, fall to the ground instantly. I've read about it, the black magic in her body is released instead of fire, it's so powerful it can kill demons and make a Dark Angel pass out for about a week if used at full force. It was amazing she had just now unlocked her full potential.

Katrina leaned in to stiff the black magic and immediately passed out, falling back on Stormy.

"So, I'm guessing we shouldn't breathe that in." Icy announced just as Kat's cat began to rub up against her owners temporarily limp body.

"You are correct."

"I'd be nice if we knew who's side the dragon was on." Midnight murmured.

"I know how to find out!" Icy stepped up and pushed Midnight right in front of Spyro just as she passed. Spyro rammed, at full force, her whole head to send Midnight flying across the room and disappearing into kicked up normal dust. "Okay... so she's definitely not..."

"Ya think?" Stormy shot back. I couldn't help but snicker.

"So, we need to find out how to stop this and get out of this place." Slender chimed.

"But we still don't have Kadence." I replied wearily. Everyone just kinda looked at me cautiously.

"We don't even know where she is." Icy made a annoyed face, "how are we going to find her?"

"Mommy!" A soft pitched voice squealed as a group of boys emerged from the kicked up dust, a dark angel being held up by Jeff.

"Oh my dark God!" I smiled and took Kadence from BEN, who looked slightly uncomfortable, probably from having to hold the child.

"You could just stand here without her bothering you? Masky asked, I shrugged.

"Spyro is only attacking if you attack or get in her way." I threw a glance at Midnight.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault." Icy smirked.

Just run Hoodie leaned into Masky and whispered something. "Hoodie says that he has been studying Spyro." He whispered again. "It seems like the place between her neck and shoulder is a weak spot."

"If we can hit her with something right there we might be able to make her transform back."

"Where's all the other clans?"

"The spirit dragons opened a portal and everyone left."

"Can we just get Spyro and go?" Icy interrupted.

"How are we going to hit her?" Icy stepped forward and smiled.

"Like this." She shot her hand out in a wicked motion, immediately a long I've spear shot out quickly. It traveled and hit Spyro right in her soft spot causing her to scream out in pain.

"How are we going to catch her?" BEN froze as Spyro fell from the air. Her wings open, helping her catch the air and fall slower but her body was still falling quickly. I could hardly make out her face but it seemed she had her eyes closed. All of a sudden BEN started running.

"Where's the portal?" He asked as a crowd of demons followed him out of the crowd with him carrying Spyro.

"This way." I answered and everyone runs after me, Kadence kept her thin arms around my neck to keep herself up as I held onto the sword with my other hand.

"WAIT!" I could hear Stormy tell as he dragged Katrina. Masky ran back and scooped up Katrina before running with everyone to catch back up.

Just then, the clicking of heals echoed through the hallway. "Leaving so soon?" BC's sweet voice cooed.

"Yes." Icy responded. Their eyes having a mini duel.

"Oh what a shame. I wanted to have more fun." BC's eyes swam with different colors, changing every second and sometimes staying in an infinite rainbow state. BC eyed Hoodie for a second and jealousy shot through Icy immediately.

She had broken up with him, what was the problem? I studied them two before interrupting the dramatic moment.

"We should get going..." I stepped forward.

"Take me with you."


"Take. Me. With. You."

"What about Zalgo being your love?"

"He cheated on me with some Dark Uni chic. I need out."

"Should we trust her?" BEN asked everyone.

"No." Icy protested out.

"Whatever, we need some information. Someone secure her." BEN answered. BC held her hands out as Icy strut forward and froze them together. BC slouched having to hold up all the new weight.

Icy then pushed her forward and everyone was walking again.


"NO!" Zalgo screamed as they pushed BC away.

"Calm down my love
It's you who is above
All those wretched crimes
Will pay off in the good time." Uni caught his arm to stop him from throwing anything else.

"I can't believe I picked you over BC." He uttered under his breath, Uni didn't seem to hear him. Zalgo slumped down.

"Why do you need the rings again?" I asked him. He turned to me.

"The rings are the only thing that can kill all of them and I can't just have anyone running around here who could possibly take my throne. We can't just have your offspring running around here."

"Is that it?" I let out a deep laugh.

"They have your blood in their body, so, there's a chance the whole army will began taking orders from them. I NEED THE POWER!" He slammed his hand down on the small red stained spruce wood table, braking it upon impact and moved his black hair from his eyes.

Zalgo, ever since I raised him, has been power thirsty. That's why I chose him for the throne, but now, even when he's sitting on it, he still see everything as a threat. Including his mom, the evil goddess I actually loved, but that's also why she spent her last moments at his feet and blood pooled around her.

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