Night Killing

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I laid my new gifts in front of me, I had received a cloak I was in love with, it had black all on the outside but the inside material was a dark blue matching my hair, when I put it on it covered most of my face like the Assassins Creed hoods, the cloak reached all the way to the ground.

"Get it?" Midnight asked when I opened the box that held the cloak, "little red riding hood sorta thing is your first side and your other side is the big bad wolf." She said happily, "plus you can hide your wolf ears in public." I nodded, in the woods I'd be questioned a lot less than if people saw my ears. I also got a Mask from Masky and Hoodie, a new black dress from Icy and Midnight and Slender had gotten us all matching purses. In guessing he had sent Icy to get them because she seemed exited but not all that surprised.

Today I decided to go on another killing spree, I put on my new dress with my mask and cloak my face covered by it, I transformed into a wolf and ran out of the forest, I found a tall hill close to the town and sat down, watching the lights, I let out a loud howl at the acceding moon as the light above the town began to dim. The town seemed to fall hushed, I knew the power of my howl had been heard by WAC listening ear. I transformed and walked up to a house once it was completely dark and looked into the window, a couple laid in bed chatting and watching tv. I pulled up my hood and slipped on my mask, I tapped on the window slowly till they both turned their head, I smiled when I saw the fear in their eyes, slipping through a shadow I papered in their room.

"Who are you!" The woman yelled as the man reached for the phone probably to call the cops. Using a vine that forced it's way into the window cracking it on the way pulled away the phone and wrapped itself around them both, I used a special thorny vine to wrap around their mouth as a gag.

I pulled my hood off, and smiled behind my mask. "I lurk in the shadows, hide in your fears." I saw, while making the vines grip around them tightly. "You think you've seen the worst of me?" I asked, my voice surprising even me as it seemed to haunt the room and send chills even down my neck. I saw them staring a my ears as I smiled, also showing my teeth.

"This is the real me." I say using the same voice but even more chilling. I through my cloak off infront of me and as it fell I transformed. I killed them both swiftly, when I was done I transformed back, wagging my tail in satisfaction. I picked up the phone from the vines and dialed the police, they picked up quickly, I stood there for a second deciding what to do I se the phone down and transformed, letting out a loud howl when I did, I could hear the police freaking out, I allowed my vines to retreat as I transformed and grabbed my cloak, slipping it on and leaving. I decided to walk back through the woods to rid the blood from the souls of my shoes, halfway though I began feeling a nauseous feeling, trying to control it I clutched my stomach but felt sickness coming on. I fell to my knees and vomited, nausea still a problem, I crawled away and slipped off my cloak, laying it down on the forest ground, I laid myself on it lightly as I clutched my stomach.

"Slender..." I whined as I said it hoping he'd appear by magic, hoping anyone would appear magically, I wrapped the cape around me like a blanket and closed my eyes.

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