Well That Backfired

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After fighting James for awhile he finely left, I did a face palm when he did. "I'm so stupid." I mumbled under my breath, "I could've pulled Mikaela back before James stabbed her, she's important if we want to defeat Zalgo!" I said a little louder.

"Anyone of us could've grabbed her." Midnight said looking around, "I was closest." She insisted.

"Sure. Let's go back to the clan." I said turning back and walking, this time we watched more carefully, Midnight and Icy walked beside me as I led the way, we got there and just as before the shield was down, I ran down the hill, and into the village Midnight and Icy ran down with me.

"Anyone here?!" Icy yelled, I shook my head after knocking on numerous doors.

"Could James appearance in the woods have anything to do with this?" Midnight asked, sudden realization hit me,

"Is this some type of threat, to take all my loved ones?" I asked throwing my hands up and looking at the sky.

"If your yelling at Zalgo you might want to look down." Icy suggested, I turned at her and started growling, Icy took a step back, giggling.

"Sorry sorry, it was a joke." She said shrugging, "anyways, doesn't James leave notes or something?" I stopped growling.

"Search." I commanded, everyone started going into houses, I walked down to the storage house. Everything in the village looked peaceful, it was like being thrown back into times when everyone lived in a village, finding berries to eat and hunting animals, this was basically their way of life here to. I passed one of the buildings when I heard a small voice.

"Are they gone?" It asked, I stopped and turned towards the house.

"They're gone." I confirm, I opened the door and looked down at the floor boards to see one lifted slightly, I walked over and pulled it up, reveling a small little girl, "you can come out." I said, offering my hand to her. She gently took it and I helped her out, I looked at her brown hair and brown ears.

"My name in Kimmy, a man came with an army of something, I don't remember it all but mommy put me under here and told me she'd be back." She said looking at me curiously.

"Listen Kimmy, there's people who want me, they're doing this to get to me." I said to her calmly but inside I felt terrible for her, she reminded me of Kadence, "I think your mom is alive okay, do you know if any of your other friend might have been saved?" I asked, she nodded.

"My best friend Louisa has the same type of escape, she might be there, I'll go get her." She said before running off. I walked over to Icy who was holding a piece of paper.

"By the lake."

Is all it read, we talked a bit about it, we decided to look by the lake, as we talked Kimmy ran up with a girl I can guess as Louisa.

"Hello!" Louisa said, messing with her light brown hair, I smiled at her.

"What do we do with them?" Midnight asked me, I shrugged.

"Take them to the Slender mansion?" I suggest, they all shrugged.

"Sure, I'll take them." She took both the little girls hands and walked away back through the woods, they'll be safe.

"Let's go, I have to go shopping at three." Icy said turning around, I smirked as she walked in the wrong direction, she turned around again, "where's the lake?" She asked, I laughed.

"Come on I'll show you." I say as I lead the way, as we neared the forrest began growing thinker, stronger even, Icy seemed frightened but I reassured her, reminding her I could control nature.

"There's nothing here." She said looking around, I nodded, I didn't see anything either.

"Look around, maybe we'll find something." I say as I started searching through everything, Icy did the same but chose the dried places and not near the mud by the lake, I looked around and found no signs of life but the plants I turned around to talk to Icy but she was staring at the bottom of the lake.

"Icy..." I said whilst walking towards her she held her hand out signaling for me to stop, I did as told and watched as she slowly pointed to the center of the lake.

"A portal." She said, I looked where she was and saw the water waving at the bottom, I nodded my head.

"It must have some cloaking spell." I said still looking at it.

"Mmhmm." She nodded, I racked my brain trying to remember if I read something about it in a book, Slender would know, I heard loud noises behind me and I turned around ready to fight. Midnight stood there with her hands up.

"Calm down it's only me!" She said quickly, "Slender said there is a portal at the bottom of the lake."

"We've found it." Icy saids, still looking at the lake, "what should we do, we haven't even reached our final forms yet."

"You haven't even found your clans yet." I added.

"Do you think they took the whole clan down there?" Midnight asked randomly, we both looked at her and shrugged.

"I actually doubt it, there's to many shadows they could escape in and problems that would cause." I respond.

"So let's keep looking." I nodded.

"Fine." I began walking in a different direction, heading into the center of the woods when I saw a place in the grass that was just dirt. "I think I found something!" I called as I transformed and began digging into it, Icy and Midnight watched until my paw hit something wooden and hard, I transformed back and stood up straight, an old trapped door was buried under the door, I reached down to pull it up but felt it locked on the inside.

"I got it." I said rolling her eyes a little, she froze it, then using the heel of her heels she broke it off and lifted it up, "there." I thanked her and went in first, I heard whispering go through the dungeon I had stepped into, and for a dungeon it was bright, no shadows where creeping anywhere to be seen, by the looks of wolf ears and tails coming from the people in the dungeon I recognized them as my clan.

"Shadow, you must leave, James will come back any minute!" I loud whisper said next to me, I turned to see Calum, shackles on his wrist.

"Shh," Icy whispered as she put her hand up to a lock, ice filled the locks molding making a key just the right size, she easily turned it and released the first group of people, each cell had the same lock so Icy made two more keys for me and Midnight, we used it quickly for ours were melting as we did it, after releasing Calum he started helping too. Soon everyone was released and running home, when we were through me and my sisters began leaving, Calum trailing behind us, everything was peaceful when I felt a whimper and something hit the ground, I turned quickly to see Calum laying on the ground face down, a knife in his back, a note on the ground.

Do what you want but there's always a price.

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