Hard Conversations

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Slenderman was reading a book in his study as I sat next to him, I have figured out my ears come up when I'm embarrassed, and right now they were up, "what should I say to her?" I asked as I leaned on him, "I mean, I barely know her," I looked up at his faceless face, he looked back at him we did this for awhile. The next thing I knew I was kissing Slenderman, my eyes widened a little but soon I melted into the kiss, I felt tentacles wrap around me, lifting me into his lap. When we pulled apart for breathe my ears were pointed straight up, I felt my face heat up, "I-I-I s-s-should t-talk t-to h-her," I stuttered, but Slenderman held me close, I gave in and leaned my back against him. He lifted his book up again, reading in front of me, my wolf ears finely relaxing.
I looked at the door that held my sister behind it, I put my hand up to the door, hesitating to knock. SuddenLy the door opened, my ears perked up immediately, Jeff just looked at me, then my ears, followed by him smirking, "Shadow!" I heard a voice say, it sounded similar to mine but more confident. I came in, she was sitting on the bed in Jeff's room I could tell because the blankets had some blood on them, I walked and stood there in the center of the room, "s-s-so h-how a-are y-y-you?" I asked stuttering,
"Calm down, I'm just as nervous as you are. You and Lost Silver would go great together," she said smirking. I felt my wolf ears relaxed, she was very calm.
"So, we had a very messed up dad, that must be why he was gone every once in a while, he said it was for 'work'," I remembered, dad would leave sometimes and not come home till the next day, "Hey! That was the same for us!" Midnight exclaimed. We talked for a while about our dad, both our mothers, and Jeff and Slender. "Shadow and Midnight!" Jeff came and sat down next to Midnight, he messed with her, my ears were standing up, I had the feeling of being a third wheel, then Jeff turned to me, "how was your killing really?" He asked suddenly,
"W-what do you mean?"
"I mean, when BEN mentioned it you looked sad for a moment," I felt one of my tears drip from where they usually stayed, I stood up abruptly, "y-yeah I-I'll t-t-tell you l-later," I ran out of the room and into someone in the hallway. I looked up to see Slenderman, I collapsed into his arms crying,
"Shadow, what is wrong?" He asked worriedly,
"It's stupid," I answered still crying as he held me,
"Hey Sha-" I saw BEN walking into the hall, Slender used his tentacle to hit him away, telling him to come back later.
I explained to Slender what had happened when I went to kill y father, he just held me close, whispering soothing words into my ear.
Just then Sally ran through the halls,
"Shad! Shad! Will you play with me?" She asked, jumping up in down in the door way.
"Oh, sure Sally," I answered attempting to wipe away my tears, I giggled at the name she had come up for me.

"Go Shad!" Sally screamed as I raced Smiley dog down and back from one tree back to Sally, I tried to stay out of the shadows, keeping it fair. I stopped suddenly, something wasn't right. Then I heard it. A scream rang out threw the forrest.

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