Short Horror Story

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Okay so... I'm VERY ADHD and I couldn't focus on writing the next real halter and I somehow ended up writing this... Don't worry I'll post I sometime soon... Anyways... This story has NOTHING to do with Casting Shadows, so note that.


"A nice view for a nice hotel." My mother said as she looked around the room, I rolled my eyes.

"For one thing, it's a motel, and for another, the view is a forest. We're in the middle of nowhere." I said as I sighed, pearing out the window, something about the place scared me, maybe it was the half lit hallways or the fact that mom just randomly felt like she should come. We got one of the last rooms available, the old motel seemed to attract many people as they walked by and I couldn't help but feel and aerie darkness in the pit of my stomach when we drove up. I dropped my stuff into the old hotel room and flopped onto the bed.

"We just arrived, you're not going to just going to mope around, why don't you go downstairs, ask around about this place," she looked around the hotel room, "it seems... Interesting." I nodded and grabbed a light jacket, a cool breeze had been blowing through the place as the sky darkened. The hallway lights flickered slightly, they teetered from being on to of, I felt a light breeze rush past my cheek as I froze, a face peered at me through the darkness I froze in fear. The face looked at me, all I could make out was eyes with black stuff that looked like mascara running down her eyes. I gasped and took a step backwards. The lights flickered back on and all I could hear was the faint noise of chains being dragged across the floor. I ran downstairs quickly to seek out human life, something breathing and something that lets me know it wasn't a dream. The air began warming up, I slid my jacket off and tied it around my waist as I fast walked down the grey hallways of the motel, hoping that I wouldn't see the face again... Or what was attached to the face. I walked into the main lobby. The only people who were there were some employees all of them walking out the door.

"You should go back to your room." One of them said, I felt a suddenly compelled to go back, I nodded slowly, not sure what had come over me as I sprinted back and shut the door.

"Back so soon?" My mother asked as I entered the room I nodded.

"No one to talk to." I answered as I laid down on the bed, looking out the old window placed on the back wall of the room, the sun was slowly setting over the horizon, suddenly, the small lock on the window flipped closes. "Mom what was that?" I asked as I stood up and began tugging on it to unlock but it seemed to be jammed.

"I don't know, but the door is jammed too." She said, I turned around to see her struggling to open the door, that's when I heard it. Chains being pulled down the hallway, rusty, creaking chains. A message popped into my mind.

"Don't be afraid when you hear the shackles. Only when you see the knife." That's when the first scream could be heard. My mom grabbed onto my hand till the screams died down and it was silence except for the chains. I sucked in my breath as I heard it pass our door, knowing we'd be safe for another while. The screams kept getting closer and closer till the people screaming were in the room right next to us, at this point we were trying all we could to get out, tugging on the window lock, my mother stopped pulling after a moment and turned around slowly. I froze, not wanting to see the face. I heard screams behind me as I cringed and kept my back turned., the screams died down after hearing someone collapse on the floor. I turned around, a girl who looked like she was in her teens stood in front of me, shackles connect her wrists along with a ball on a chain connected to her leg, like earlier, she had what looked like mascara running down her cheeks, she had place lips and black hair that covered one eye, in her hand was a bloody knife as she stared at me with black eyes. I glanced behind her to see she had come in through the door, I saw the opportunity and took it. I sprinted out the door and down the hall, not bothering the look back. I didn't have a plan and I wasn't sure if everything was locked, I felt something clench around my ankle causing me to trip on my face. Around my ankle was a chain. It started dragging me down the hallway as I screamed, they bounced off the wall and echoed through the emote hallway. The last thing I remember is nails digging through my chest.

I gasped and sat up quickly. I was laying in our hotel room, my mother reading a book in a chair next to the desk. I looked around frantically, my eyes finely settling on the window lock. I waited for a second, it had just been a dream, that's what I thought. Until the lock closed and we were trapped in the room once again.

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