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Walking through the woods I breathed in the scent of pine, the woods were very dark and foggy in the Slender forest but I didn't mind, I like the setting. We started coming up onto the now invisible clan, Slender released my hand and turned around.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"No but I think I'll come back when your finished." I nodded.
"What if I need you?" I asked as he walked away to a different path.

"I'll check up with you by communicating in your head." He answered, I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see me with his back turned.
"I saw that." He called behind himself.

"What?" I said innocently.

"No eyes. Always watching." He said just loud enough for me to hear, I nodded. I had forgotten that. I turned back around to see Kadence, Louisa and Kimmy all playing together. I heard someone laughing next to me, Spyro, I had forgotten she was there.

"Okay girls," I said turning back to the village, "time for you to go home." Kadence took my empty hand as Louisa and Kimmy held hands I walked them into the village, taking Spyro to Dark who kept her there to learn. Kimmy ran to her house first as I walked with Louisa to her house. She showed us where it was and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of a very familiar house.

"Louisa what's your dads name?" I asked the little girl.

"Calum." She replied, I nodded just as a lady opened the door.

"Johanna?" The lady asked looking at me, I bit my lip, I've been told I looked like my mom when I was Ally, now I probably looked like some type of gothic her.

"Shadow, her daughter, nice to meet you." I said, I held my hand out as she gladly shook.

"You here to see Calum?" She asked me, I nodded my head, I saw concern in her eyes.

"Oh, is he asleep?" I asked, she glanced at her daughter before speaking.

"Louisa dear, why don't you go take Kadence to play?" Louisa nodded and ran away with Kadence, the lady looked at me, her smile fake.

"Not doing well but I'm sure he'd be happy to see you." She said, letting me in, she showed me to a room that held a sickly man. A book in his hand as he leaned against the brown walls of the room.

"Feeling better?" I asked him, knowing the answer already.

"Hardly." He said laughing, his voice was hurt and strained, I laughed slightly before taking a seat.

"I'm sorry." I said softly, he looked at me.

"I'm the leader, it is my job to sacrifice me life for my clan. It's not your fault." He said, I knew he was right but I shook my head anyway.

"I guess."

"You know Levi's not my real brother." I looked up at him confused, what does that have to do with anything? "I mentored him, he has no siblings so he looked up to me. Called me his older brother, that gives you permission to date him." I laughed. Me? Date Levi?

"Why would I date Levi?" I asked curiously, this time he laughed.

"No reason, just if you ever wanted to. I wouldn't mind." He yawned after his sentence.

"You need sleep, I should get going." I said standing up, he nodded as I left. Mikaela... I mean Spyro, was watching Kadence and Louisa as she practiced making some type of field around her but it kept blinking and fading out.

"Ready to go Spy?" I asked, she laughed.

"Don't call me that." She told me, I smirked.

"Fine." I turned back toward the field, "Kadence! Time to go!" I called, Kadence ran over.

"Not yet mommy." She whined.

"It's time to go." I told her softly.

"Fine mommy, can I wear your cloak?" I bit my lip, I loved my cloak, and I guess I'm a little over protective over it. I nodded and slipped it off, pulling my mask that was on the hidden inside pocket of the cloak, I bent down on one knee and swung it around the small girl, the bottom hitting the forest floor as it incased her like a large blanket. She seemed to fall I love with the softness just as I did, she used her small hands to pull the hood up, laughing when it fell over her whole face. I put on my mask, tired of holding it. We began walking, Kadence stumbling over the long cloak sometimes but never got hurt, instead just laughed. Spyro didn't say much, she held her hand out randomly, me and Kadence following her gesture, she stayed like this for a moment as we walked till a small box began forming in her hand, everyone stopped and looked at her hand. A box began shaping into a book, a purple book, it floated up and dropped into her hand.

"My magic book." She informed us both as we continued to walk down the rocky train, "Dark showed me how to summon it." I nodded, Kadence got tired of walking halfway through and I ended up carrying her.

"So how exactly are we going to defeat Zalgo?" Spyro asked, I shrugged.

"he must have some type of weakness, maybe we could defeat his troops, tell him to back off."

"Us and what army?"

"I don't know, but we can do it."

"Sure." Spyro said as we neared the mansion.

"Can you use your wings?" I asked glancing at them, she shrugged.

"Haven't tried, but I learned how to tuck them in, they won't disappear though." She said, glancing at her own back.

"Try flying to the mansion." She nodded and unfolded her wings, flapping them a way a dragon would, she was lifted from the ground, a smile across her face, she flew over to the mansion, disappearing inside. I set Kadence down so she could run over there too, this time she somehow managed not to trip over the cloak that instead dragged behind her. I trudged to the mansion, the wind whipped at my hair as I walked, dead leaves crunching under my shoes. I felt a hand on my shoulder I whipped around growling.

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